
Chapter 1 Getting Home

synopsis: It has been 5 years since the Jenova incident. In that time Marlene has grown into a beautiful young women of fourteen. What will happen if someone she feared returned? Would she live long enough for someone to help her?

Marlene was walking down the street. She had gone grocery shopping for Cloud and Tifa. "Out of all the things to get I have to go alone?" she asked slightly pissed off. Marlene kept on walking down the streets headed for home.

She was watching all the people together doing their shopping. Some of the kids were running around playing, while others were running home. "Marlene," called someone from the shadows. Marlene looked around. No one was there. "Must have been the wind," she said ignoring it and continued to walk.

"Marlene," it went again."Yes, who's there?" she asked. The voice whispered once again "Come closer so I can tell you." Marlene placed the groceries down beside her. "Who is that?" Marlene walked cautiously into the alley. "I am here," whispered the voice. "Where?" asked Marlene spinning around in circles trying to figure out where the voice was coming from.

"Right……….HERE!" A man jumped out and grabbed Marlene. Marlene struggled to get out of his grip but it was too tight. "Let go!" screamed Marlene. "Jeez Marlene you sure are easy to fool." It was Denzel's voice.

"Denzel you idiot why'd you scare me like that?" asked Marlene."Sorry Marlene. I saw you coming and I had no choice. You looked like you could use a little scare." said Denzel. "Sorry Denzel I thought it was someone else. He still plagues my dreams you know," saidMarlene a littlescared.

"Oh you mean the guy who took us to the cure?"asked Denzel, now having an idea who Marlene wasafraid of."It was 5 years ago. He hasn't been around since," said Denzel."I know that Denzel…..but still I feel him," saidMarlene."Cloud told us he died I think he said he was a clone. Kadaj. I think hat was his name, I am sure of it," said Denzel.

"But those eyes…………..Denzel I got to get home. Are you coming?" asked Marlene. "Tifa said I could stay over a friends house. I'll see you tomorrow," said Denzel as he too k off down the street."Yeah see ya," sauid Marlene as she picked up her groceries and started home. "Get me home safe God," Marlene prayed.

Above the building where she had her little scare was a pair of green eyes watching her every move. "Its good to see you again my dear," said the voice. He then vanished from the roof top. Marlene thougt she sensed someone watching her from above. She looked up and saw nothing. She shrugged it off and walked a little bit faster. Iat was really getting dark. Marlene heard a boom in the distance. She looked up at the sky and saw black clouds forming. "Great another storm," she said in disgust.