Pairing: Byakko x Tsuzuki, Tsuzuki x Hisoka, and surprise!

Warning: Shounen-ai/yaoi.

Disclaimer: I don't own any of it.




He had not taken more than three steps in the imaginary world before he was flat on his face upon the ground with an over-excited shiki on his back.

"It's good to see you to... Byakko," the added weight of the white tiger crushing his ribs was making it rather difficult to breathe. "Oooh, I've missed you Tsuzuki! You never come to visit very often. I've been sooooo lonely," Byakko, in further greeting, snaked his arms around his master, bringing his lips dangerously close to Tsuzuki's ear; positioned perfectly for the Shiki's next breathy whisper, "especially at night. It's unbearable; being by myself in my cold bed; without you..."

Tsuzuki gulped, afraid of the direction his Shiki was heading. When he suddenly found himself lying on his back, rather than his stomach, with a needy white tiger stalking across his body, the Shinigami could do nothing; his mind was working its hardest to comprehend his body's sudden change in position.

Byakko's moist lips hovered mere millimeters away from Tsuzuki's own, moments apart from a long awaited kiss, at least on the Shiki's part.

"Ahem," someone coughed; not only in an attempt to clear his throat, but a blatant and mandating demand for the attention of the two men on the ground.

Byakko, incredibly disappointed, tore himself away from his prey, turning to send his undivided hatred to the disturbance.

Hisoka had stood, forgotten and silent, through as much of the exchange on the ground as he could handle; then his temper gave him a sharp kick in the rear.

"Tsuzuki, what is this?"

"Ah!... Hisoka, honestly I... it's not... we... umm..."

He turned with a 'hmph'; pouting, "Idiot."

Byakko grinned like the feline he was, "Is Hisoka a little jeeeaaaloooouuuss?"


"I think you are. Well, don't worry, I have a veeeery big bed, I'm sure we can all fit."