Title: Take Me Away
Author: DeityOfDeath
Archive: Yes please...
Pairings: Inu Yasha/Sesshomaru, mentions of Inu Yasha/Kagome and Inu Yasha/ Kikyo
Category: Drama, romance, slash, Mpreg,
rating: NC-17/R
Spoilers: Most likely.
Warnings: Yaoi, Lemon, Rape, Non-con, Mpreg, Incest, SPOILERS!
Disclaimers: I never have nor will I ever own Inu Yasha or its chars. They are property of Rumiko Takashi and major companies.

Note from Author: Thank You for reading and supporting fan fiction! Enjoy and please review!

The chapter titles are translated lyrics from the song "Take Me Away" by Avril Lavign

Chapter 1: I cannot find a way to describe it

Another passing of the moon, another night of feeling weak and another night without Kagome and with her our usual band of trouble making misfits. This of course included me. I would usually be with them on a night when I'm at my weakest but stupid pride had once again triumphed over common sense and intellect. Here I was, sitting on the floor of a cramped and dingy shack out in the middle of no where.

I had gotten into another dumb argument with Kagome and she had gotten angry and stormed off to the well and returned to her home, her time and left the rest of us stunned. Immediately after she had left I began to get the cold stares from everyone in Kaede-baba's hut, including Kaede. I tried to defend myself but I knew that I was wrong and being selfish.

I loved Kikyo and part of me still does and I love Kagome. I thought I could leave my love for Kikyo in the past but the moment I saw her I knew that I couldn't. She was dead, or so I thought. Some witch had revived her using Kikyo's ashes and Kagome and yet she hadn't really brought back my Kikyo. The Kikyo that now caused the chasm between Kagome and me was a person who had to consume the souls of others to survive and she did it willingly. The Kikyo I knew wouldn't have willingly sacrificed the souls of others to live the half life she was living now. She would have allowed herself to die.

To a certain extent Kaede-baba, Sango and Miroku understood but for one as young as Shippo, it seemed like a decision to make. I was supposed to leave Kikyo in the past and be with Kagome. I wanted to...but sometimes it's easier said than done. I was selfish because I wanted both. I didn't want to choose one over the other. I wanted everything to be simple and easy and to go my way. But it wasn't easy either way. Choose one and lose the other or risk losing both.

I sat on the damp earth of the shack and wallowed in my self pity and then I heard the familiar voice beyond the door.

"It seems I have founds the scent of some weak and wounded animal, or is it human?"


The door was kicked open and there he stood in all his pale arrogant beauty with the bright starry sky at his back like an accentuating backdrop. He had a cool and calculating gleam in his gold eyes and something else that looked very predatory and primitive. His long silvery white locks blew like spiders silk in the wind and his usually emotionless lips turned slightly upward in what resembled a smile or grin.

I stood and glared at him, backing up cautiously against the rotted wood panels of the back wall. My black bangs covered my violet eyes, obscuring my view and hiding the thoughts that ran rampant across my face and were expressed in my eyes. I felt the wind blow my hair out of the way when he entered the shack with demonic speed and stopped in front of me. He raised his hand and slashed it across my neck before I could react.

I felt throbbing pain sting and raised my left hand to my neck, pressing it against the burning area. I felt a warm liquid seep between my fingers and when I pulled my hand away and held it in front of my face I saw it covered in my cooling crimson blood. I stared at the red on my hands in disbelief and then I looked back up into my brother's calm eyes as he licked the blood from his elongated nails turned claws.

"You bastard!"

"And you are as well," he replied slightly amused.

I couldn't think and my mind and thoughts began to go fuzzy. My eyes started to blur and white blotchy dots danced in my vision. Then it occurred to me.


"You never were very bright. I hope it isn't hereditary."

I felt my legs give out and the floor suddenly seemed very close. I felt the cool damp ground against my cheek and then it all went dark.

To be continued!

My first Inu Yasha fic! YAY!