Chapter Eleven


"Stop!" shouted a voice, following the clap of the door slamming against the wall as it was opened ratehr forefully. Danny's eyes snapped open and his head jerked towards the door, eyes wide. Maddie and Jack froze in place, turning towards the door as well.

"V-Valerie!" Dany exclaimed, surprised. She'd come to his recue? But why? She didn't like Phantom at all: and that was an understatement! So what could be the reason for her coming?

Valerie shot Danny a pointed look, her arm coming down from the door to dangle at her side. She frowned and narrowed her eyes. "Didn't come to help you, Phantom," she snapped, and stepped aside, crossing her arms in a fluid motion. "I came because a certain person wanted to speak to you."

Danny was about to ask who but his question was quickly answered when Valerie moved to reveal someone standing behind her. Sam, a sudden smile forming on her face, rushed towards the giant bubble and pressed her hands against the glass. "Danny!" she shouted.

"Sam!" he shouted in return.

"I-" Sam started to say, but then her glance fell on the Fentons, who looked fairly confused. She turned back to Danny, wordless, then at the Fentons. She gulepd. "Uh..."

"Mr. and Mrs. Fenton?" Valerie's voice asked, breaking the uncomfortable silence that had formed. Everyone looked at her. Valerie's face, however, was steel. Her eyes met no one's but Maddie's as she spoke. "I need to speak to you outside, please," she continued, and the Fentons nodded. They walked across the room with nothing but a glance to spare Sam and Danny. They knew a human had been with Phantom when he was captured, but had no idea the black-clad teen had been Sam, their son's best friend.

"Sam," Valerie said, glaring at the teenage girl once the Fentons were clear out of the way. Sam looked at her, sort of apprehensive. Valerie narrowed her eyes. "You got ten mintues. I'll be outside." Sam nodded and watched as Valerie close the door behind her before turning back to Danny.

"Are you okay?" they both asked at the same time. Sam smiled and nodded.

"You?" she asked softly, eyeing him. He seemed to be all in one piece. No wounds in sight. No bruises. His nod only confirmed his well-biend.

"You came just in time, actually," he remarked, smiling. But Sam didn't smile back. He pursed his lips and asked, "What'd you tell them?"

"That I was trying to help you clear your name. I was at the scene first, then you showed up and...well, we talked," Sam explained.

"That simple?" Danny asked incredulously. He sighed, slumped his shoulders and smiled softly. "Good. At least I know I can remember that pretty well."

Sam smiled thinly at that, then looked around. "I struck a deal with Valerie," she said. "Well, sort of. She said she'll keep you away form harm for a week. If I can figure out who the real killer is by then, then you're name is cleared."

Danny looked at her incredulously. "What?" he hissed, eyes wide as saucers. Sam turned to him again and smile.d

"Don't worry," she said. "I'l figure it out, I will. I will."

"And if you don't?" he asked, frightened now.

Sam frowned. "She said she hasn't decided yet. If I give her a real clue or can prove your innocence without even finding the real killer, she'll let you go."

"Sam, you're missing the point!" Danny said. "If you don't find anything, I'm dead meat!"

"No, you're not!" Sam yelled back. "I'm not going to let anything happen to you, got that? If I fail to get you out of here, then..." she stopped, looked around the room for any cameras. There didn't seem to be anything around, but still, she motioned for them to whisper instead of a full-out conversation. She knelt down to the ground and Danny followed suit inside the bubble, pressing a bit closer to the glass separating them. "I'll bust you out," she said. "On my way in here, I notice a lot of faults in the security. If I get the right connections with the right people, I can get you out of here."

"Sam..." Danny sighed.

"Don't "Sam" me," she spat. "I know what I'm doing, okay? I promise I'll get you out of here one way or the other. I promise."

"Maybe you shouldn't have taken such a big risk in the first place, huh?" Danny remarked.

"What?" Sam asked incredulously. "Don't you want to get out of here? Do you like being in here? Because I can just leave you you know!"

"That's not the point," Danny corrected, pointing at her like a father pointing at his stubborn daughter. "I don't want you to be involved in this whole thing. I don't want you in trouble. Especially not with the Guys in White. they hate Phantom - AKA me - and, well, remember what almost happened to Gregor?"

He'd almost gotten hurt ebcause the guys in white thought he was Phantom. For all they knew, they could make another wrong assumption on how Sam fit into all of this. Sam felt her story was totally convincing, but you never could know with these guys. Their faces were as stoic as a rock and that didn't very much reassure any of them.

Sam chewed her lower lip, staring at him with a veyr panicked look on her face. "Sam, please stay out of this," he whispered, pressing his hand against the glass where her on was placed. she sighed and looked at him, silently pleaing with him.

she shook her head.

"I can't sit down and watch, Danny," she said and stood. "I'll figure out who blamed this on you, I will." She turned away from him and started for the door.


She turned towards the ghost-child, waiting for what he had to say.

"Just be careful. I don't want the Guys in white taking any of the evidence we've acquired tonight so look in my utility belt over there. That knife we found is sitll in there." He pointed towards the chair and the utility belt slung over it.

Sam looked towards where Danny was pointing and walked over. She took it in her hands and searched through the largest pockets. she pulled out the black cloth-covered knife and looked at Danny before putting it away into her pocket. (It was a good thing her suit had pockets, else sneaking that thing out would have been pretty tough.) "I'll get you out soon, Tucker and I will," she said and ran to the door, opening it.

E/N: Told ya I'd have an up-date soon! Two weeks ain't bad XD