Hey all! I bring you a collection of 26 drabbles that I wrote under the style I'll call 'out of the hat.'

I put all of Orgy XIII's names into one hat and 26 randomly picked themes (one for each letter of the alphabet) into another hat. I drew two members and one theme until I ran out of themes, and this is the product!

Some of these drabbles are long and some are short. Some are meant to be funny and some are not. I hope you love reading them as much as I love writing them! Sorry about any weird spacing between drabbles.

Disclaimer: I own a copy of KH2, not the rights (unfortunately). I only own a brain fit to string words together. Here we go!

Out of the Hat: a 26 drabble collection

1. Larxene and Xigbar: "rumble"

The thunder woke him late at night. Low rumblings gently shook the bed. There were no windows; he could only assume it was raining outside.

Xigbar stumbled sleepily from his chambers and walked until the halls thinned and the smallest traces of rain could be heard, like desperate shafts of light in a cave. Soon a rectangle appeared—the door, giving him a glimpse to the truly violent storm outside.

He was instantly soaked as he walked outside, but it felt good.

Clouds surrounded the citadel-like area of the castle, thunder thrumming within them, joined by more than a little lightning.

Xigbar looked up and saw Demyx perched upon the tower's roof, eyes closed and a dreamy smile on his face. No surprise IX was out here.

It was a surprise, though, to find XII here as well. She stood far out on the sloping balcony, hips swung to the side. Her hair was dark and plastered to her head. When Xigbar approached he saw she was lazily shooting beams of lightning towards the sky. Her face was blank for but slightly narrowed eyes. Xigbar shielded his eye from the rain.

"Having fun?"

"I was before you got here," she replied without looking at him. It was only when he turned to look at the beautifully angry sky that she sneaked a glance. Her eyes zigzagged up his scar. She always loved its shape; like lightning.

Larxene laughed for it, sending more electricity skyward. When she sent another bolt out, Xigbar summoned his shooters and launched a single shot, its ringing noise drowned out when it connected with her bolt. There was a crackle, a bang, then an explosion of yellow and grey.

Both of them actually smiled.

Bonding was always a strange affair in the Organisation.

2. Saïx and Zexion: "barrette"

If this meeting did not end soon, all of the Organisation members, save Xemnas, would die of boredom. Luckily for them, it was about to get a bit more exciting.

Larxene suddenly cleared her throat. Xemnas blinked at her.

"Yes? Is there something you want, XII?"

"Yes," she replied venomously. She fished in her pocked and retrieved something small and pink. "I found this in the hallway and I'd like to know which one of you" –here she pointed at two members- "owns it."

"What is it?" Vexen asked.

"A barrette."

"Why did you pin us?" Zexion complained, as he and Saïx were the ones she pointed to.

"I found a blue hair—a blue hair!—on it. You two are the only ones here with blue hair."

Saïx's serious orange eyes narrowed and Zexion chewed his lip. Neither the resident emo kid or Xemnas's favourite little member would ever admit to owning such an atrocity.

Their eyes met.

It was on.

3. Larxene and Zexion: "quirk"

Larxene blinked up from the dreadfully boring volume. It wasn't as though she was going to learn anything in here; she avoided libraries like the plague.

Zexion continued reading, uninterested in what XII was doing. Larxene hated this particular quirk of his. If he was set on doing something, by the gods he would do it, and block out everything else.

He wasn't the only one with annoying habits. Marluxia never did things the easy way, only the showy way. Axel rarely brushed his hair, and Vexen brushed his too much. And Lexaeus, well, he sent her here, and that was bad enough.

She fidgeted. She coughed. Zexion stared blankly at his book, idly flipping a page.

It was so aggravating!

In anger Larxene tore a page from her book, crumpled it, and threw it. The ball popped off Zexion's head.

Zexion had the grace to act like nothing had happened. Larxene stormed out, and he smiled faintly.

4. Xaldin and Axel: "complain"

"Can you believe they sent me out there? I mean, I know I'm not really in favour anymore but I don't even get a medal for comin' out alive. I even trashed Vexen all for the Superior's good and what did I get? He dun care about me at all."

If it wasn't that, it was, "Roxas is so cold. What a jerk! I try to be nice and doting but he hates people in his space so, y'know, he just glares and stalks off."

Or, "Xigbar stole another pair of my boxers."

Or even, "Why the crap are we out of ice cream?"

Xaldin, for one, decided one day he'd had enough.

Axel just began a rant about Demyx pawing all over Roxas when Xaldin grabbed his robes and slammed him to the wall.

"Do you do anything but complain!" he spat.

"Of course," Axel answered seductively, running a hand up Xaldin's chest and winking. "I can do lots of other things."

Xaldin threw the skinny redhead as far away as possible, a look of disgust on his face.

Axel snickered to himself. "Works every time."

5. Lexaeus and Vexen: "Xerox"

Lexaeus, being the scholarly type, enjoyed fishing through Vexen's lab occasionally.

On this particular visit, he noticed a rather bulky machine.

"What is this?"

"Ah," Vexen began. "That's a Xerox copier."


"Yes. You press the item here, push the button, and it makes copies," the scientist explained before returning to his work.

Lexaeus looked back at the machine. What was that, lying on the Xerox's tray? He picked it up, looking at it curiously. "Uh, what is this a copy of?" On the paper were two large, peachy circle.

"Oh, those are my buns."


Vexen suddenly held up two huge honey buns. "Want one? I left them atop the copier on accident…"

XDDDD Forgive me!

6. Marluxia and Axel: "noncommittal"

"I'm not impressed."

"Oh? I am." Axel's confident voice caused Marluxia's fingers to curl into fists.

"You should have kept this from happening. If that boy keeps rampaging through here…"

"I know, I know. Death and destruction. Gotcha." A grin sweeter than cake followed—sweet enough to give Marluxia diabetes. Could one die of diabetes? Axel sure hoped so.

"Know your place!" XI spat. Axel thought he was oh-so-funny.

"Ah, that's weird," the target of Marluxia's anger replied, putting a finger to his head. "Cuz I thought eight comes before eleven." There was a deadly, underlying snarl in his voice, barely gracing it.

"Xemnas will hear about this. He's unhappy enough about you as it is," Marluxia answered coolly. "Whether or not I'm your superior, Xemnas obviously thought I was good enough to be in charge of you. And not just you, but even three of the Organisation's six founders. In brains, I will always be your better."

Small flames licked at Axel's fingers, signaling his anger. He wanted to eat the sneer right off Marluxia's gay-posterboy face.

There was a reason to be nervous when Axel closed in, aqua eyes on fire. XI did his very best to appear unruffled.

"Look, you prissy little girl, you may not want me here, but I definitely don't want to be here. I'm not committed to this dumb Oblivion scandal or your little coup. I don't like anyone in this building. So do whatever you want, but I'm not gonna participate in any of your shit. Commit this to memory." He turned to leave.

Marluxia murmured quietly, "The only one you like is Roxas, right?"

"That's exactly right," the redhead retorted, exiting the room for good.

7. Xaldin and Luxord: "fair play"

"Guess which cup the cherry is under."

Xaldin sighed. They were cooking, for the gods' sakes; this was no time for games. But the lancer humoured him.

"The one in the middle." Three cups were facedown on the counter. Luxord lifted the centre one.

"Nope." Curses.

"The left one?"

"Nope." Luxord grinned.

"The right one."

"Nope." Whaa…?

"You didn't put a cherry under any of them!"

"Nope." The satisfaction on X's face was evident.

Xaldin looked around, searching for an end to his confusion. Then he saw it—a cup facedown on the counter to Luxord's right. Luxord followed his glance, lifted the cup, and popped the cherry into his mouth.

"I never said it was in one of these." Hardly fair play.

For the first time since his arrival, Luxord heard Xaldin whine.

8. Vexen and Demyx: "Jell-o"

"I wouldn't go in there if I were you." Vexen looked warily at Lexaeus, who had just warned him.

"Why not?"

"Demyx is cooking." For the members that hung around the kitchen more, this explanation would have been enough.

Vexen obviously spent too much time in his lab, because he said, "So?" and strode in without a second glance. Lexaeus shook his head.

There wasn't anything particularly scary in the Kitchen that Never Was. Just a lot of bowls and boxes and…Demyx, who was humming.

"Everybody's working for the weekend…" IX's eyes were a bit worried, though. Vexen realised he was probably singing to keep himself from breaking down.

"What's going on here, IX?" Suddenly those sullen eyes lit up.

"Vexen! I'm so glad you're here!"

Vexen suddenly wished Lexaeus had been more forceful. Maybe tied him down or something. I am doomed.

"W-why's that?" A box was thrust beneath his nose.

"Can you help me make this? I thought I could, but, uh, I can't figure out how to get it right…" He pointed to a rubbish bin of culinary failures. "You're all sciency—you can help, right?"

Vexen read the box. "Raspberry Jell-o?" Demyx nodded.

"I wanna make enough for everyone. Please help?"

For some reason, water melted ice, and Vexen smiled faintly. "Sure."

Anything was worth seeing Demyx that happy.

9. Marluxia and Lexaeus: "oddity"

When Marluxia was in a bad mood, he got critical. The worst part was that he was always right; he nailed people's sensitive spots dead-on. He happened to be in such a mood, and Lexaeus stepping on his foot didn't heal the wounds.

"Watch it, you big oaf." Lexaeus's eyes darkened.

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me, dolt."

"I'm not going to take this from you," the large man replied.

"Oh? This from a guy who's got the looks of a caveman with the smarts of a genius, but no one will ever know because he looks like the world's largest concentration of muscle and idiocy."

This speech was quite enough for Lexaeus. Marluxia had no right to smash on every oddity he could find. His brows furrowed.

He hoped Marluxia learned his lesson when XI doubled over in pain, clutching his crotch.

10. Saïx and Luxord: "ghastly"

Saïx had been having a bad day. It got worse when he was asked to retrieve a member of XIII for the Superior. Luckily for him, Luxord was very easy to talk to (and totally sane). It could have been worse.

This is why, when Saïx opened the door, shock nailed him in the gut.

Luxord looked up from the card game. He was nearly naked but for a pair of boxers with dice on them.

"That is absolutely ghastly," Saïx gasped. Luxord clicked his tongue.

"It's just strip poker." He grinned. "And I'm sure you've seen a man's physique before."

Saïx shook his head.

"No," he corrected. "It's absolutely ghastly that you're playing strip poker by yourself."

11. Axel and Xemnas: "pacify"

Axel thought Xemnas needed to take a chill pill. The Superior took the term 'friends close; enemies closer' far too seriously. It seemed he couldn't take two steps without the menacing tan man behind him.

The truth was, Axel's presence pacified Xemnas. Not because he liked Axel, but because Axel was the only real troublemaker in his Organisation. If Axel was in sight, that meant he wasn't off plotting or wrecking things.

In turn, Axel found Xemnas's presence equally soothing. If the Superior was this paranoid about him, it meant everything was going according to plan.

12. Xigbar and Zexion: "ultimatum"

It wasn't only that Zexion scared him, but VI caught II doing the latter's favourite activity—spying on Demyx. Er, no, he was actually just walking by Demyx's door and…

It wasn't fooling Zexion either.

"Why were you watching him?" The Cloaked Schemer was truly interested.

"I just, uh. None a' yer business!" Xigbar snapped.

"Well, I'd say it's because you like him, but you go ahead and believe whatever you invent." With the way Xigbar's shooter went straight to Zexion's throat, you'd think Zexion just accused him of a heinous crime. To Xigbar, it was a heinous crime. Pretending not to have feelings worked wonders for numbing pain.

Demyx suddenly appeared at his doorway. Xigbar cursed. "What's going on out here?"

Xigbar gave Zexion a look so deadly that kittens were dying by the thousands somewhere. His eyes said very clearly, "Shut up or I spill your blood all over his doorway", which was a harsh ultimatum, considering Demyx would find out about Xigbar's affection one way or another, and if he was slaughtered on the doorway, no doubt Xigbar would be cleaning it up. This would impress Demyx. This would delight Xigbar. Then they'd make out. Either way would end in the same thing. The only deciding factor was a nasty thing called 'brutal murder'.

Zexion's eyes flitted to the Melodious Nocturne.

"Xigbar needs anger management." With that, he left. Xigbar shrugged apologetically. Demyx grinned.

13. Xemnas and Lexaeus: "knot"

"—why I believe protocol should dictate that all members not kill first and ask questions later."

Xemnas perked up when the talking finally stopped. Lexaeus had been going on and on for nearly an hour. The Superior was rather tired of heating it. Smart ideas were great—in small doses.

When V began to talk again, Xemnas quickly thought of an escape. He fished through his desk's drawer until he came upon a very tangled fishing line, which he promptly threw at Lexaeus. So what, he was a packrat. Better men have succumbed to worse.

"I, uh, I need this knot untied. Can you do it?"

"Of course, Superior." Lexaeus tried to carry on the conversation, but the knot was just so difficult that, after a while, he lapsed into concentrating silence.

Xemnas smiled. Ah, peace at last.

No! NOT peace at last! MWUAHAHAHAHA!

XD Actually, I split this up into two chapters of thirteen to make it easier to read. For the next thirteen drabbles, just clicka the button at the bottom! (Or better yet, clicka the OTHER button and leave me a review!)

Comments? Concerns? Corrections? Let me know!