-1Disclaimer: I only own Noah, not the rest..cries

Truth Be Told


They were walking hand in hand on the beach. He was wearing a light blue shirt and tan shorts. She was wearing a periwinkle simmer dress that came just below her knees. They talked and laughed and occasionally sang. They finally settled down into the sand to watch the sun set. He turned on his side and wrapped his arms around her, holding her close to him. She closed her eyes and nuzzled closer to him, smelling his cologne. She liked the smell of it. 'This is perfect,' she though. On a beach, watching the sunset, in the arms of the man she loved more than anything in the world. All she could hear was the crash of the waves on the shore and the beating of his heart. He looked down at her and kissed her on the forehead, then looked into her eyes. 'I love you,' he said. 'I love you too,' she said.

Her dream was suddenly interrupted by the shrill ringing of the telephone. She looked around to see what was happening. She had fallen asleep on the couch and dreamed of the time she spent the evening on the beach watching the sunset with Ryan. It was so perfect, why did it have to end? The phone rang for the third time before she finally decided to pick it up. "Hello?" she asked. She walked into another room so she would not wake Noah up.

"Calleigh," the voice said. It was Horatio. "Are you..busy at the moment?"

"No, why?" Calleigh asked, confused.

"Could you come to the lab for a while, we found something you should know about."

What? How can he want me to go back there when Ryan is dead on a table in the morgue? I can't go. "Sure, I'll come," she bit her lip, it wasn't what she wanted to say.

"Good, get here as soon as possible," Horatio said. Calleigh wondered why he didn't seem upset. After that he hung up.

"What can this be about?" Calleigh asked aloud, realizing nobody would answer her. She put on her shoes and went to get Noah out of his crib. Surprisingly, the baby stayed asleep as Calleigh took him out of his crib and put him in his car seat in the car. Maybe they found the guy who killed Ryan. God, when I get my hands on him, he's gonna be sorry he was ever born.

Calleigh arrived at the lab shortly, and she walked in with Noah. A couple people stared, wondering what she was doing there with her baby so soon after Ryan's death. She walked to Horatio's office where she found everyone waiting for her. She walked in and was surprised by Horatio and Alexx's seemingly happy glances. Eric and Natalia looked slightly confused, and they weren't quite sure what to think when Calleigh came in.

"Calleigh, good, you're here now," Horatio said, motioning to a chair.

"Horatio, what is this about?" Calleigh asked as she sat down. Her expression matched the ones on Eric and Natalia's faces.

"Calleigh, Alexx and I have something to tell you," Horatio began.

"You found Ryan's killer?" Calleigh asked, a glimmer of hope appearing in her eyes.

"No," Horatio said. He watched as Calleigh became sad again. "You might want to brace yourself for this."

Ok, I like suspenseful stuff. Read on my friends, see if what is going on in your minds is true.