

Tails happened to be sitting on top of the cliff of Mystic Ruins and apparently, he was bored. Suddenly he felt a hand clasp on to his left shoulder which startled him. He spun his head around only to lock eyes with his long time crush: Cosmo.

"Hello Tails!" she greeted in a happy tone. "I'm sorry if I startled you, I just wanted to see what you were up to."

He retunes the smile to her. "Not much, I'm just bored." Then a light bulb went on in his head. "Hey Cosmo, your Birthday is tomorrow, right."


"Why don't I take you to Twinkle Park tomorrow?"

She grins affectionately at him, the suns rays reflect off her fangs. "I'd love that." She gives him a quick kiss on the cheek and runs off. "See you tomorrow then!"

He stares dreamily at after her as she rum off… tomorrow… he could hardly wait.

Today was not a good day, he thought as he sat in the park area next to Cosmo who finishing the last bit of her ice cream cone. Tails however did not eating considering what happened…

3 hours earlier…

Mini golf course. Tails lines up his putt, and there's a steep hump ahead of him. He uses a little too much power and his ball goes airborne off the ramp, over the fence to the parking lot, and deposits itself with a crash of broken glass into someone's front seat. They both fled the scene.

Pleasure Castle Roller Coaster. The ride was going smoothly until the ride stop all of a sudden; power failure. The two waited an hour to be rescued.

Baseball Simulation. Cosmo was unfamiliar with baseball so Tails help her a little, but she swung the ball back into the nozzle (first try) causing the machine to short circuit.

End of flashback…

It didn't take long for Cosmo to see that Tails was crying, she hated to see him like this so she went over to wipe some tears from his eyes.

"Tails? What's the matter?"

"I'm sorry", he said in a soft tone. "Today really went bad…"

Cosmo then thought of a way to make him feel better…she was the flirtatious type after all.

She snuck behind Tails, pressed her chest against his back, slowly wrapped her arms around him and held him firmly. Tails took notice and began blushing.

"Cosmo…? What are you doing?"

"You're sad… and want to make you feel better", she cooed. She began brushing her lips on his cheek and then after she sled her lips down on his neck. As her fingers started play with the white patch on his tummy, Cosmo began a mixture of licks, kisses and small nibbles downward on Tails' neck. She let her fangs run gently along his skin, slightly titillating it. She then nibbled hard on one spot causing a small passion mark. Tails was enjoying it a little and was feel a little better. She then gently flipped him on his back and licked the remaining tears with the tip of her tongue.

"Feeling better now?" she asked softly as she stroked his throat with her index finger.

"Little… but today was-"

"No, I don't care about that. The only gift that I wanted for my birthday… was you."

And with that, she tilts her head down and soon there lips begin caressing each other. Cosmo wrapped her arms around Tails' neck as he held her by the waist. After five minutes, Cosmo started moaning and giggling as she deepens the kiss. Her tongue shot into his mouth and played with his tongue.

After ten minutes they slowly broke and gazed into each others eyes. Starring ever lovingly at each other.

"Tails… I love you so much." She whispered.

"I love you to Cosmo… always did and always will."

She smiles warmly at him started to nibble on his neck again as he soothingly caressed her back.

Today wasn't so bad after all.