The sun was setting softly on the ocean that Wednesday evening. Brilliant colors of purple orange swirled the sky making a beautiful picture. Skateboarding down to her house Lilly paused for a look. She had a few minutes to spare till her curfew and they would be spent standing on the sidewalk that connected the beach to her house. Sighing she checked her watch 8:30. Lilly kept moving swaying back and forth along the pavement making a clicking noise whenever she ran over a bump. Pulling up into the garage she found Oliver there sitting in one of the white plastic chairs.

Lilly smiled as she got closer. Good ol' Oliver she laughed as he sat looking off into space. He was deep in thought. "Well, well if it isn't Mr. Smokin' Oken" Lilly giggled walking up over to him plopping down in one of the chairs beside him. "Huh?" he asked looking up "Oh yea" he said turning to look at his feet. "Hey what's up" She asked concern breaking through her carefree voice. "N-Nothing" Oliver sighed leaning back into the chair and staring up at the ceiling. "Uh there must be something if you're at my house and looking very upset" Lilly said frowning. "She's out with him again" Oliver stated bitterly.

"Oh" Lilly said looking down. By 'him' Oliver meant David Clark Miley's current boyfriend. He's tall with sandy blonde hair and the most brilliant blue eyes someone could ever have. Not to mention as Miley puts it "He's a total hottie!" An uncomfortable silence settled over the two old friends. The sky was now a dark navy blue the sun long gone, off for a good night's sleep. "Listen Oliver I know you… well you uh dislike the guy but Miley's so happy with him!" It was a failed attempted to make him feel better but at lest she tried. "I know Lil but I just I really like her ya know" Oliver sighed running his hand through his hair. "I understand" Lilly said without a hint of emotion "I understand more then you'd think" she added quietly to herself. "What was that?" He asked looking back to her his dark chocolate eyes in wonder. "Oh nothing" She smiled weakly.

It was stupid really to be having these thoughts about Oliver. He was her best bud since first grade! When did the butterflies start happening? Or being so giggly whenever he touched her shoulder or gave her a hug, and why oh God why did she always have to blush! She was Lilly Truscott the strong, quirky, hyper blonde always there for her two friends. But now, she couldn't stop thinking about him. It's crazy! Its nuts! But it didn't matter he liked maybe loved Miley. She tried time and time again to pretend she didn't care or wasn't jealous but how could she not, Oliver was a great guy. And now it was their junior year in high school almost a senior! Almost time to graduate and get a life. Lilly needed to get over this little crush. Because that's all it was, a crush… right?

"Hey Lil?" Oliver asked softly breaking her thoughts. "Y-Yeah" She crocked out nervously. Feeling stupid again for thinking of him as more then a friend. "Do" he sighed scratching his neck, a nerves habit she discovered he did only when embarrassed. "Do you think I should tell her?" The question broke her in two. Of course Miley would be thrilled she'd probably through her arms around him and kiss him senseless. She always knew Miley had a thing for Oliver but once again tried to ignore their constant flirting. She was so happy when David came into the picture 'Maybe' she had thought 'maybe I'd get a chance' but along with the rest she'd been wrong. Oliver only thought of her as a friend she'd always just be Lilly to him. The crazed hyper girl who makes him laugh. At this thought she felt tears stink the edges of her eyes. 'Don't cry, don't cry, don't cry!' her mind screamed. "Lilly what's wrong?" Oliver questioned looking very much confused. "I-" her voice was so soft that it was barely above a whisper. "I think you should tell her" Smiling weakly Lilly took what was left of her dignity and walked in the house. Before she closed the door she had Oliver shout her name but dismissed it. Walking into the kitchen she felt the tears run down her cheeks.

There was a small note on the counter "Lilly: We went out to pick up groceries be back soon Love, Us" the note read. She let out a sigh glad her parents weren't home to see her cry. Suddenly the back door opened and there stood Oliver with a look of loss on his face. "Lilly I-I don't understand what's wrong did I do something?" He looked at her with sheer sympathy he'd never ever seen Lilly cried not in their eleven year friendship. "Oliver just- just go ok" She sighed walking into the living room. "No!" he shouted surprising himself and her at how loud it was. "Not until you tell me what's bothering you!" Silence once again rang over the two. "I really, really want to be alone right now Oliver so please" her voice stern and sore "please just go." But Oliver being the fool ran after her grabbing her arm and staring her down. "Lilly does this have anything to do with me and Miley?" 'Wow' she silently thought 'I should give the boy more credit he actually figured it out'." No" Lilly answered lamely. "It does, oh Lilly don't worry it won't affect our friendship I promise" He said. 'Then again' Lilly thought 'maybe he's not so bright.'

"Well then what is it?" He said softly still holding her tightly. It was a rush having him hold her so close. It was reality's sick way of laughing at her telling her that this was something she'd never have. "O-Oliver" She couldn't speak he was to close, to close for comfort. It was so tempting looking at his dry slightly pink lips. Her mind was a buzz with strange urges and wants. Suddenly nothing matter here she, Lilly Truscott, was standing right next to Oliver Oken. Leaning in she sighed pretending that it was something he wanted as much as her. She pressed her lips lightly against his. Kissing! She was kissing him and what made it hurt so much to the point of sanity was that he wasn't responding. It was like kissing your hand only your hand probably had more of a reaction of this.

It was strange for him to be honest. He never thought of Lilly like that but yet here she was kissing him. The boy was shocked none the less not knowing how to respond. Lilly pulled away feeling stupid, embarrassed, and humiliated. She turned away from him not wanting to see his disgusted face. It was then that she chocked back a sod holding her herself tightly placing a hand over her mouth. Letting her blonde curls fall in her face. Oliver stood just staring at her. Lilly was his best friend since first grade when did these mature feelings start happening? But then again how could he have missed it. He had noticed a change in their relationship a few years back. But had it been going on that long? All he knew was that there they were standing in her dark living room. She had turned from him and was now crying quietly to herself. What's a guy to do?

It was then that Oliver got a good look at her. Lilly's blonde hair running toward the middle of her back slightly curled. He remembered the one day she stopped straightening it he had told it looked better that way, and ever since that's what she did. Kept it natural. She had a very petite form and an hour glass curve to her body; it would make any guy drool. So why hadn't he paid any attention to the fact that she wasn't the same girl back in elementary school. She was beautiful that he'd always known but then why all of a sudden was he nervous. Feeling a warm sensation run through his body. The thought hit him abruptly. He, Oliver Oken, wanted to kiss her. He was in a daze feeling strange yet giddy. He wanted to grab her and show her what a real kiss was, but it was then, when he came out of his daydream, that he realized she was gone. "Lilly" His voice sounded foreign to him. "Lilly where are you?" Walking down the hall to her bedroom he found her.

She was sitting on the floor wiping away tears with her frail hand. "Lilly" He breathed she looked up only to cringe and look away. Oliver walked swiftly over to her and wrapped his arm around her. Leaning in hungrily for her lips. They crashed together melting into one another. Shocked at first Lilly hesitated but soon followed. Kissing was an interesting thing for the two very old friends, neither thought it could feel and taste this good. She had the familiar taste to strawberries and cream, sweet and fulfilling. While he on the other hand was like eating dark, dark chocolate, addictive and mouth watering. Pulling apart the two blushed profoundly Lilly scooted away from him only to have Oliver crawl closer. The two just sat staring at each other; a wave of realization hit them. What now? Was on both of their minds. What now?