Know Your Stars Hannah Montana Version

Jackson & Rico- Know your stars, know your stars, know your stars...-cd scratch- REMIX!!

Oliver- -screams like a girl- AHHH WHO SAID THAT!?

Jackson- we're here to tell you something

Rico- It'll sure to leave you sting

Jackson- and we're going to leave ya…


Jackson- Hey! You can't just interrupt our rap number, Oken

Oliver- Jackson? That you?

Jackson- you bet your trousers it is!

Oliver- Well what are you doing??

Jackson- What's it look like? I'm here to tell facts about you, with some help from Rico

Rico- Sup

Oliver- ughhh not again….look I already had to go through this one with that other dude and I'm really not in the mood for this again

Rico- Tough toenails! You will get harassed and you will hate it!! Do I make myself clear?

Oliver- but I…


Oliver- YES SIR…S

Rico- Great. Now…-cough- Oliver Obnoxious Oken…

Oliver- Um my middle name is Oscar actually

Rico- Oh, my bad. As I was saying. Oliver Obnoxious-Oscar Oken…he likes to smell raw fish

Oliver- Ok one, no I don't. and two its not "Obnoxious-Oscar". It's just "Oscar". Oliver Oscar Oken.

Jackson. Yeah ok whatever. MY TURN! Oliver Oken…he loves gum

Oliver- Ok, you know I have an issue with gum.

Rico- Oliver Oken…he's in love with a poodle named Joey

Oliver- What? I don't even know a poodle named joey! And who names their poodle joey?

Jackson- Oliver Oken…likes to stare at himself in the mirror while dancing to rap music in the middle of the desert with a video camera taping his every super funky fresh dance moves

Oliver- So many things wrong with that sentence…

Rico- Well, I guess you now know Oliver Obnoxious-Oscar Oken a little better. The dude who loves both poodles named joey and staring at himself in the mirror while dancing to rap music in deserts with video cameras while chewing gum

Oliver- NONE OF THAT IS TRUE PEOPLE! I don't love poodles!

Jackson- Oh, so you're a poodle hater? I see how it is

Oliver- …wait no, that's not true! I mean, I like poodles

Rico- oh so you actually do love poodles?

Oliver- why me…why….me…

Jackson- Oh you know you love the attention

Oliver- Well…

Jackson- yeah ok, till next time everybody! PEACE OUT!