A/N: Hey, Thanks SOOO Much to all those of you who reviewed, it helped me so much in deciding where to go with this and even whether to continue. One even changed a crutial moment (cheers to Dantanashipper, you get a brownie point!) Well, on with the show...

Family History

Chapter 3

He'd looked long and hard, and finally Clark had found a two bedroom apartment within his price range. And because of his special gifts, it was neat by 5pm on Friday night when Lois was to drop off his son for the first time. He looked at the bedroom that he had set up for his son. He had gotten a twin bed, a borough, and a toy chest. The sheets were dark with stars, and the ceiling had glow in the dark stars in the shape of constilations. He and his son were of the stars, he wouldn't deny his son his heritage.

Just then the doorbell rang, and Clark answered to find the two people that he cared about more than anything else in this whole world. "Hi Lois," and crouching down to his son's level, "Hi Jason, you looking forward to this weekend, Grandma is very excited to see you."


"Let me give you the ten cents tour. This is the living room, that's the kitchen, over there is my bedroom, and in here," he said opening the door, "Is your room."


"I hoped you'd like it." Clark smiled as his son ran into the room, "There's a toy chest and a borough, so you can leave some stuff here if you want."

Lois smiled, "It looks wonderful. Clark, can I talk to you outside, Jason you explore your new room." Lois and Clark went outside the room when she looked at Clark, "We shouldn't tell him."

Clark nodded, "I understand, he wouldn't be able to understand. That's why I just purchased three tickets to Kansas for a weekend during the Harvest. I'll have a lot of explaining to do, I promised my mother that I'd bring him over this weekend, but how do you explain to a four year old that your dad is Superman, and Clark Kent."

"We will tell him, we'll just have to lookout for any of your gifts to show up. We'll deal with it. The only time I ever saw anything was the piano incident."

"I talked to my mom, she said when I first appeared I didn't have any of my powers, I could bleed, I wasn't that strong, but they came with age."

"That makes me feel better, I was worried that he'd because he's only half Kryptonian, he'd not have all of your strengths to protect himself."

"We can protect out son. All you have to do is call out to me, I'll be there in seconds."

"Thanks, okay." She said, handing him the small suitcase, "Here's his clothing and medicines. He gets eye drops in he morning and before he goes to bed, I already game him his shots before we came over. Make sure that he has his inhaler on him, and keep one in your pocket just in case he..."

Clark stopped her mid-thrall, grabbing her shoulders, "Don't worry. He's a great kid, we'll have a ton of fun."

"If you have to, you know..." Lois motioned him becoming Superman, "I'll be at the office."

"On a Saturday?"

"Richard and I had a fight, and I don't want to go home. Okay, I have my cell, you have the number, call me if you have any questions."

Lois went into the bedroom, where Jason had a airplane he was flying about and creating the noise of the engine, "Jason, sweetie, I'm going now, but if you get homesick, just have your Dad, Clark, have him call me, and I'll come get you okay?"

"Okay." Jason said, putting his arms around his mom's neck, "I love you Mommy."

"I love you too." Lois stood up, headed for the door, then turned, "Remember, unless you want him zooming around the apartment to all hours, no sugar, no sweets, nothing to drink, and he should probably be in bed by 8 pm, otherwise he'll get up early tomorrow and be very cranky."

"I got it Lois." Clark smiled, he loved how great a mother Lois was. It was good to know that even though he wasn't around all the time, Jason was in good hands. He watched as Lois blew Jason a kiss, and left.

Clark crouched down to his son's level, "Okay Jason, what do you wanna do. I have some boardgames that used to be mine, let's see, Candyland, Shoots and Ladders, or we can watch a movie. I have Aladdin, Rescue Rangers, oh, have you ever seen Chitty, Chitty, Bang, Bang? "

"No." Jason said, obviously intreeged with a title as goofy as Chitty Chitty, Bang, Band.

"All right," Clark said, he put in the movie and they started watching the movie. But it was obvious that Jason had had a long day, halfway through the movie, right when the kids were hiding in the basement of the toymaker, Clark noticed that Jason was sound asleep in his lap. He looked so peaceful. Clark quietly turned off the TV, and carrying his son to bed, sat next to him for it must have been a half an hour, just watching his son sleep. His son. Clark thought. Was it just a few weeks ago he had just returned from Krypton feeling alone. This child, his child, was a gift from heaven. No matter how many people he rescued, it didn't fill the void of feeling all alone, but watching his child sleep, it was as if the gods had blessed him, realizing his need. The only thing left was to win back Lois. He had to be patient, he knew. But they had time...


A/N: So, what'd you think? I know a little blubbery and short, but next the real excitement begins. Tempust arrives while Clark and Jason are at the Zoo, and threatens to destroy everything he holds dear...