Disclaimer: This story is inspired by the Kingdom Hearts Series (mainly Kingdom Hearts II), which solely belongs to Walt Disney, Square-Enix, and Buena Vista Games.

The following original characters solely belong to the following readers of this story:

Kei belongs to Heart Keeper
Dirk Lionheart belongs to Mace the Manakete
Amy Whitedove
belongs to Tera Earth


—No Mazel Tov—

The Valentine's Day ballroom was getting filled up with people from all over at last. The princess sat at one table, while the swordsmen were at another table and the notable toons at another one, and many more.

One of Cinderella's stewards picked up a spoon and clinked on his cider-filled glass to catch attention, "Hello there, guests." He began, "Aren't we having such a beautiful romantic night tonight?"

There were murmurs of agreement. The steward continued, "As we all know, its Valentine's Day today and I believe that love's in the very air tonight."

The earth started to shake and scream were heard from a distant. Everyone struggled to stay on their feet. The small earthquake died out so does the screaming. The steward continued, "Anyway, as I was saying…"

"Sorry! I'm late!" Making an attractive entrance were Kei and Sora, returning from their alone trip. Kei wore a wedding dress with a veil over her stylized hair and was pulling Sora in a wheelbarrow. Sora wore a tux accented with a handkerchief at the pocket and a nice and perm tie. Sora was unconscious.

Kei and the wheelbarrow were making quite the noises in the room. Rataka-Rataka-Rataka.

"Sorry. I'm late for the wedding." Kei exclaimed.

"Can a steward make his speech?!" the steward left the room, ticked off.

Roxas stood from his seat, away from Naminé and ran up to Kei, looking suspicious, "Kei? What's this?"

He waved at her dress then at Sora, trying not to understand the truth he could face.

"Hey Roxas!" Kei exclaimed, "Guess what? We're getting married." Kei smiled.

Roxas immediately went all red, "WHAT?!" he screamed, "you marrying this guy?!"

Roxas reached to Sora's unconscious body and was right about to throw a punch but Kei stopped him, "Don't even think about it!" Kei hissed at Roxas.

"But you can't go with him! I—" Roxas paused. He then pulled off a small card and a pen, scribbled on the card and showed Kei. Kei cooed, "Aww…I love you too Roxas."

Roxas smiled.

"Just not the way I love Sora." Kei finished.

Roxas frowned.

"Roxas!" Naminé jumped from her seat and approached Roxas, "What on earth are you doing?"

"That's not important, Naminé." Roxas told her.

"I think your girlfriend is asking for you, Roxas." Kei told him.

"SHE'S NOT MY –!" Roxas stopped to look at Naminé before changing his phrase, "I mean, she's kinda like my…err…"

"Now, if you'll excuse me. Sora and I have some wedding to attend." Kei took off with the unconscious Sora. Naminé turned to face Roxas, "You hear that?" she said, "They got a wedding to attend."

"Yo, Naminé." Came the voice of Dirk behind the blond girl. She turned around to stare at his angry eyes.

"Hey…Dirk?" Naminé sounded nervous.

"What's the deal?" Dirk asked.

"Oh, you know Roxas. Always hanging on two people who are trying to move on, it's so sick it's like watching a soap opera." Naminé said.

Dirk shook his head, "No, I mean what's the deal with you and Roxas?" he sounded angry.

"What do you mean?"

"WITCH!" Kairi screamed the top of her lungs. She pulled Naminé away from Dirk to face her and landed on mighty slap on her cheek, literally propelling her to the ground. Everyone gasped.

"Ow! Why did you do that for?" Naminé complained.

Kairi approached her, "You think you can push up with my man and get away with this? Why I oughta show you—"

Kairi pulled Naminé to her feet and was about to pull off another blow. Naminé blocked her attack with her arm and headbutt Kairi. "OW!" Kairi screamed.

Naminé threw her arm at Kairi for a slap but Kairi blocked and twisted her arm. Naminé chanced it to pull her hair.

"Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!" the girls were screaming and clawing each other's hairs, and everyone watched the fight like they were watching a movie.

"Oh dear." Cinderella looked horrified, but the steward brought a big smile on his face, "Is anyone filming this?"

"Got it!" a cameraman gave the steward a thumb up. The minister's smile grew bigger, until Cinderella stared at him. The minister stopped smiling, faced the cameraman and gave him a saddened look. The cameraman reluctantly turned off his camera.

Kairi pounced on Naminé, pinned her to the ground, and continued to claw her. Naminé grabbed Kairi, threw her back-first to the ground and delivered a body slam.

"This is better than wrestling!" Dirk drooled.

"You think?" Roxas asked.

The crowd was so busy watching Kairi and Naminé going at it, they didn't notice Luc entering the room. He carried a platter of the heart-shaped strawberry cream cakes over to Amy's table and offered one plate to Amy, "Would the lady like some desserts?" he asked.

"No thanks, I'm not really hun…" Amy looked up to Luc and went dead silence. Mm-Mm-Hm! Luc was hot! She was visualizing him, dressed-up, flashing a dashing smile and carrying a bouquet of flowers instead in a flourishing background with music playing.

"…gry!" she finished, her eyes looked hypnotized.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Luc asked. Amy stood up. Luc started backing away as Amy approached him, "Okay Lady. I'm going to have to ask you to sit back down!"

"Not after I saw you, I can't." Amy kept approaching Luc. Luc fled to the kitchen. Amy followed.

Kairi and Naminé were still clawing each other when Sora started waking up. He was in a very bad shape after being out cold for a while, "Where am I?"

"Hey, you're awake." Kei smiled.

Sora quickly noticed he was on a wheelbarrow, "What the…? Why am I in a wheelbarrow?" he faced Kei, "and why are you dressed like that?"

"You like it? It's my wedding dress."

Sora jumped out of the wheelbarrow, "Uh-Uh. No way you're going to force me into a loveless marriage!"

Donald and Goofy ran toward Sora at the podium, "Sora! We've been looking all over—"

Kei interrupted Donald, "A loveless marriage?! I spent thousand of munnies to rent this dress and you call this a loveless marriage?!"

"You guys aren't even married yet." Goofy reminded Kei.

Donald chortled, "Wait a minute. You spent thousand to rent this dress?!"

Sora looked over to see Naminé and Kairi still clawing each other. He looked around to see half of the people staring at Sora on the wheelbarrow and half still watching the girls fighting.

"So, is there going to be a wedding or not?" Kei demanded.

"Oh no there won't." Sora jumped off the wheelbarrow and ran down the stairs to Naminé and Kairi. The girls were holding each other's ears when they saw Sora approaching.

"Sora!" they exclaimed and they ran to him.

"Are you okay?" Naminé asked.

"He's talking to me, not you!" Kairi exclaimed.

"Was he talking to you?" Naminé hissed at Kairi.

"Why are you guys fighting?! You were practically clawing each other's throat…" Sora then turned on everyone else, "and everyone here didn't do a single thing about it!"

"We couldn't stop the fight." Dirk said.

"Yeah, it was like watching two untamed lions. What could we do?" Roxas said.

"What you could do is help me rip Naminé's hair out for stealing my Dirk!" Kairi screamed while staring down at Naminé.

"Your Dirk?" Naminé fired back, "I don't even care for Dirk. All I want is Roxas!"

Dirk's face looked in pain. These words felt like a stab on his heart, he couldn't speak. Roxas placed a hand on his shoulders for comfort, "sorry, man. I guess you were too late."

"See?" Naminé said.

Roxas then faced Naminé, "Actually, Naminé, I was talking to you."

Naminé's jaw dropped, "WHAT?"

"I've moved on. My girl is Kei."

Kei scoffed, "You? Your girl? I rather puke!"

Now Roxas looked hurt. Kei wasn't finished, "Didn't you heard me the first time? I'm getting married?"

"Not anymore!" Sora removed his tie and threw it on the ground. Kei looked horrified. Sora faced Kairi, "The only person I love in this room is Kairi." He smiled, "Would you like to spend Valentine's Day with your very own Prince Charming?"

Kairi's eyes stared magically at Sora's, "oh my…you were the one who wrote the letter?"

Sora nodded. Kairi stood speechless.

"Please, Kairi. Please, give me your answer." Sora begged.

Kairi remained blank.

Jiminy Cricket's POV: What will Kairi say? Will she accepts Sora's invitation to be his date? It's going to be a long wait...


Riku entered the catering's kitchen and closed the entry shut. She turned to find Luc hiding beneath a table, literally shaking.

"Oh, thank goodness! A man!" Riku ran to pull Luc out of hiding. Luc freaked out, "What are you doing?! She's going to find me!"

"It's best that they find you. Here." Riku pulled out of his pocket a latex mask and slapped it on Luc's face. The mask reveals to be Riku's face. "This should come in handy. Your woman may not find you. Or maybe she will."

Riku ran off to another direction.

The entry broke open and there stood the girls crowd. They eyeballed Luc in a hostile manner. Luc shook his head, "Oh no."

"Get him." One woman ordered and the girls stepped inside the kitchen.