14. Lexaeus – Nightmare






"Lexaeus mad! Lexaeus smash!"

Lexaeus subconsciously heard the words repeating themselves. He tossed and turned, trying to fight them. He knew they weren't true. He was a perfectly healthy mix between brawn and brains. He was smarter than his offenders. Stronger than them, too. He knew they were just stupid little twelve-year-old girls who spent their free time fantasizing about doing Axel or Demyx (and making fun of the rest of the Organization) and couldn't write on their lives.

Still something about them couldn't help but make the mighty Lexaeus self-conscious. He shot up out of bed, panting.

There was no way in hell he was ever going on fanfiction dot net ever again.

15. Luxord – Zealous

"Don't you do anything except play cards?" Xemnas asked with zero interest. "Got any fours?"

"Well, why are you such an enthusiast for Kingdom Hearts? Go fish. Got any Queens?"

"At least I have an ambition!" Xemnas snapped. "Here, take your stupid card. Why am I playing 'Go Fish' with you anyway?"

"I'm a gentleman. I invited you, remember? And besides, Saïx is punishing most of the Organization."

"Gentleman, huh? Then why aren't you loyal to us? You don't even care about getting your heart back anymore, do you?"

"Well, I might not be loyal, but I'm no traitor either."

16. Lexaeus – Brownies

Lexaeus had a passion.

A passion no one knew about until the author decided to make it up for this fan fiction's sake. Even Vexen and Zexion, his bestest friends in the entire universe, did not know about it.

Zexion however, had noticed that Lexaeus was spending an unhealthy amount of time in the kitchen versus with himself and Vexen or in the gym (that Never Was). Not only was he spending less time working out, but he hadn't shown any signs of gaining weight, either. Zexion decided to one day observe Lexaeus and his newfound love for the kitchen.

VI instantly picked up a rich scent of warm fudge while nearing the kitchen. He ran into the kitchen, and he never ran, so he must've been pretty damn enthusiastic.

"Lex...aeus?" Zexion asked, blinking.

The older man looked down and beamed an almost blinding beam. His hands, still in oven mitts, held a tray in front of Zexion. "Would you like a brownie?"

17. Luxord – Miss



"I will not do this."

"You lost your own bet, Luxord."

Luxord shot the other man a glare through the crack in the doorway from his 'hiding place' in the closet.

"Come out now, Luxord."

"Not on your non-existent life," Luxord snapped.

"That was part of the deal though. And everyone wants to see, Luxord" Marluxia snickered to himself.

Luxord stepped out of the closet. His face was smothered in mascara, eyeliner, blush, and pretty much any other type of makeup Marluxia found in Larxene's bathroom for this special occasion. Luxord's hair was decorated in dainty pastel bows, and as for his attire... well, he did not want to know where Marluxia found a sparkly almost blinding rainbow skirt and neon yellow and black striped neon socks. Or where he found that tutu that the Graceful Assassin forced him to where over the skirt, or the purple tube top he was wearing either. Marluxia, the king (or Queen, whichever you prefer) of accessories, would not allow Luxord to leave the room before putting a very pretty crown on his head or a clip-on belly button ring on. Number XI was so close to getting number X to wear nail polish, but he wasn't as much of a sadist as Larxene.

"Now, go out, and make sure every Organization member sees you at least once."

Luxord left, flipping Marluxia off in the process.

18. Marluxia – Leak




A steady rhythm, down the faucet, into the sink. Down the faucet, into the sink. Aside from that, it was silent.

Marluxia hated this silence. Even more did he hate the constant dripping.



He wanted to scream. And to rip open the sink, throw it out the window, and tie the faucet into a knot.

And frankly, that's exactly what he did.

Xemnas later entered the kitchen, staring at the gaping hole with water spurting out that used to be known as the sink.

19. Zexion – Karma

"Hey, Zexy, could you help me with something?" Demyx asked.

"If it involves going near the kitchen with YOU, then no," Zexion rolled his eyes.

"You know this is going to come back to you. I mean, what goes around comes around, right? Karma, and all that stuff." Generally Demyx would pester the older Nobody further, but Zexion hurt his feelings though his allusion.

"Don't tell me you actually believe in that shit," number VI sighed.

With a grumpy Demyx behind him, Zexion continued his amble along the hallways in peace – until his foot met a banana peel and his face met the ground.

20. Xaldin – Imaginary

Another meeting, or rather, another chance for Xemnas to hear himself talk. Nothing else really went on, unless Vexen or Saïx asks a question or two. Xaldin kept to himself most of the time, but today was different.

How Xigbar got him drunk, he did not and does not know. Either way he stood up and drew attention to himself. "Attention everyone! I have an announcement to (hic) make!" Xemnas looked up at him and blinked, but did not interrupt. He knew better than to interrupt Xaldin when he was drunk. After all, number III did have several sharp, pointy spears that he could summon at any time.

"I would like you to know, that tomorrow, my lovely fiancé and myself are (hic) getting married! And you're (hic) ALL invited to the wedding!" He exclaimed, thrusting his hands into the air above his head.

"Fiancé...?" Lexaeus asked with confusion.

Axel snorted. "I can't wait to see all the little invisible children you'll have!"

"Fiancé! Wait, what!" Xigbar asked, flustered. He himself was drunk and did not realize that Xaldin had no idea what he was saying. Xigbar has been inebriated more times than enough to know how to conquer drunk-ness. "I thought we had some chemistry going on!"

The rest of the Organization resisted the urge to giggle, but remained silent as Xigbar and Xaldin had a furious catfight.

21. Vexen – Jolt

Vexen was walking up from the Castle basement, his makeshift lab, until Xemnas got off his lazy ass to build Vexen an appropriate one. The long walks between the basement and his room often exhausted Vexen quite exhausted. Why he didn't teleport? Simply, he thought it was in his best interest to lose a few pounds here and there.

These walks made Vexen both uptight and weak. The last thing he needed was a scare.

He could feel something on his shoulders.


Vexen jumped at least a foot into the air.

"Wh-what..! Demyx, you scared me!"

Demyx laughed. "Sorry Vexen! Just thought I'd say hi!"

Vexen never understood Demyx. He didn't think he ever would, either.

22. Demyx – Outsider

Demyx felt strange when he first joined the Organization. It was made up of men who dedicated their lives to work and spent no time having fun.

Demyx was all fun no work.

He didn't want to be there. He didn't like the uniform, too tacky and drab. He didn't like his allies. Too uptight.

He didn't think they'd ever heard music in their lives.

He played for them. He played with everything he had; he played with all his heart, all his might.

They only shunned him more.

23. Larxene – Gloomy

When Larxene was depressed, she was depressed. Not even seeing someone being lit on fire by Axel could cheer her up. Not even Xigbar and Demyx doing their "drunk dance" could lift this mood.

Xaldin struggled to comfort his comrade. "What's wrong, XII? Did Marluxia say something?"

"Stay out of it. Not in the mood to talk."

"If I treat Demyx as my canvas and a spear as a paintbrush, would that cheer you up?" Xaldin gulped; he regretted suggesting that. Really regretted that.

"Don't try to cheer her up, Xaldin. She deserves to feel this bad." Marluxia snapped as he walked into the room.

Hearing Marluxia say that made Larxene's imaginary heart break even more.

24. Saïx – Elfish

Saïx was a light sleeper. If Axel was making any funny noises in the room next door, he would lay wide awake in bed; same thing goes if Zexion started hissing at his puzzle book and throwing it against the wall.

Both going on at the same time was too much for Saïx to take. He stepped out of bed, containing his anger, and walked down the hallways.

Saïx knocked gently on the doors to Xemnas' room. When no answer came, he crept in.

Past the messy piles of papers, past the desk, past all the furniture, until he found Xemnas, sound asleep in his bed.

Saïx snuck in with Xemnas. If there were no signs of protest, certainly it was fine with Xemnas as well.

25. Zexion – Petition

Zexion stared carefully into the mirror, studying the strange break-out on his face. Could Nobodies have allergies? He thought. And if so, could the result be this unappealing? Zexion resisted the urge to touch and poke at the rash on his now swollen face.

He was never eating Demyx's cooking again. But he would be forced too, whenever it was Demyx's shift as the cook. He decided he had to persuade the other members into finding one permanent chef instead of taking turns. I mean, sure, he would miss a variety of cooking styles, from Vexen's vegetarian meals to Marluxia's Hawaiian delights. But he couldn't risk this happening to his face again.

And so, he scribbled away at a piece of paper.

"What's this?" Xaldin began reading Zexion's sheet as he handed it to him.

"A petition," Zexion replied, rubbing his cheek. "Evidently I have an allergic reaction to Demyx's cooking. So I proposed through this petition that he is not allowed anywhere near the kitchen alone and that we should have only one chef instead of taking turns. Now that I have enough signatures, you are our new chef."

"Why didn't I have any input on this, if I am to be the new chef?" Xaldin inquired.

"The Superior himself even signed it. I'm starting to get hungry. Can't wait to see what marvelous meal you'll cook tonight," Zexion left casually, with a triumphant smirk on his swollen face.

26. Demyx – Quiet

Demyx couldn't stand silence. He could feel tension rising with silence; he could almost see the ice crystals growing whenever members looked at each other. He wanted everyone to be at ease, he wanted the Organization to be like one big family.

To break the silence, he chose to bring out his sitar. He began to play. But the Organization members consisted mainly of party poopers who enjoyed silence, who used the silence as time to reflect and enter a Zen-like state.

He began playing, starting off quietly and slowly, the rhythm to soon speed up. Now, Demyx wasn't particularly arrogant about his talent, but he had to pat himself on the back this time. He was happy with the Organization's reactions to his playing, and he just loved the song he was playing.

But his dreams were crushed when a near-berserk state Saïx grabbed his sitar, bent it on his knee, and Demyx watched as his beloved sitar snapped in two.

Annnnnnnnnd that's all folks. Reviews, please! -gets on her knees and begs-