perfect poison
. helium lost .

Author's Notes: Feitan x Phinx has always been my favorite pairing in Hunter x Hunter, and, seeing how I didn't finish the 30kisses LiveJournal challenge last time, I really want to finish it this time. :) And, you know, encouragement always helps ;D

Theme: #1: 1. look over here (こっち向いて)

Date: 8/10/2006

Smoke drifts up into the air in wispy tendrils as he taps the end of the cigarette, the silvery-gray dust floating down like feathers onto the concrete ground. He raises the cigarette to his lips again and takes in a deep drag, the end glowing a brilliant orange for a moment before he exhales the smoke through his nose, like the puffs of air from an angry bull's flaring nostrils.

He doesn't smoke very often: there isn't enough time. But now, he has nothing else to do, and he repeatedly brings the cigarette to his lips as he tips his head back, staring idly at the sky, pockmarked with stars.

All that lights the room is a set of candles, sitting and melting in little tin containers, casting flickering shadows onto the walls. It's almost too dark for him to read, but he does it anyway. Besides, the books he reads are mostly pictures.

He hears the footsteps as Phinx enters the room, smelling of cigarette smoke. Feitan wrinkles his nose: he doesn't like it when Phinx smokes. And ever since Feitan snatched the cigarette from his lips and branded him on the chest with it, Phinx has learned to go outside whenever the urge strikes him.

"Welcome back," Feitan murmurs, turning the page, his eyes never leaving its glossy surface. Phinx nods and collapses into the chair beside him.

"It's a nice day outside," Phinx says, looking at Feitan. He wants Feitan to look at him, too; he hates talking to people who don't look at you as you're speaking. But Feitan's gaze remains fixed on the page. His smooth skin almost seems to glow in the warm candlelight, his features softened more than they already are, the feminine curves accented by the deep shadows.

It's moments like these that make him forget that Feitan is an accomplished torturer and serial killer.

"Mmm," Feitan replies, turning the page again. "You smell like shit, though."


"It's disgusting."

Phinx has to laugh. "You've killed hundreds of people and tortured several hundred more without flinching, and here you are complaining about a little cigarette smoke."

Feitan's reply is to turn another page. Phinx smirks and leans in, swiftly pulling down Feitan's collar, lips coming closer to his, but Feitan turns his face so that Phinx's lips land on his cheek. Phinx draws away. Feitan looks at him, pulling his collar back up, his eyes cold and disdainful.

"...You smell like shit," he repeats, then lowers his eyes back to his book. Phinx sighs and casually leans back into the chair.

But his right hand, away from Feitan's view, squeezes tight around the carton of cigarettes, turning it into a pile of dust.

Author's Notes: Feed a starving author: give concrit and other feedback :D Thanks for reading!