Author's Note: Cole has finally finished this! My apologies to all readers. This wasn't how I was going to end it, but this is it- the final end of Jack and Carmen's story. I hope you enjoy it. Please review!

Chapter Twenty Five: Epilogue

"I'm so glad you made the right decision, Carmen," Aunt Josephine purred, standing behind the chair in which Carmen was sat before her mirror.

Carmen looked at her reflection. The wedding dress was truly stunning, heavy and a beautiful ivory colour. Her hair had been put into ringlets and Aunt Josephine was currently pinning them up onto her head. Carmen sighed and wondered if her eyes would always look as lifeless as they did now. "As am I, Aunt."

"Your parents will be arriving soon," Aunt Josephine continued. "Isn't that exciting?"

"Terribly so," Carmen said quietly.

At that moment, her eyes widened and she gasped, for in the mirror she had seen the man enter the french doors.

"Jack," she breathed. His eyes met her own in the mirror.

"What on earth?" Aunt Josephine exclaimed, turning to stare at the pirate. Jack looked back at her, lowering his head. He was wearing a half-smile. "You're Jack Sparrow, aren't you?"

"Captain Jack Sparrow, yes. My dear lady, would it be possible for you to leave us a moment?" Jack asked in formal, honeyed tones. But Carmen knew it was the pistol at his waist that made up her aunt's mind.

"Yes, yes- not too long, now," she said quickly, turning and leaving. The door closed behind her, leaving Carmen with her pirate.

Carmen sat staring at Jack in the mirror, quite unable to move. He licked his lips, shifted his weight then sighed. The smile was gone. He lifted his hat from his head and held it.

"Carmen," he said finally, "you look lovely."

She rolled her eyes, longing for him to say something more. "This is my wedding day, Jack."

She started as his hand was suddenly on her shoulder; he moved more quickly than she remembered. "I know it is, luv. I'm sorry I came today- that is, I'm sorry I left it so late."

She looked up at him, hope rising in her soul. "Left what so late?"

He lifted a ringlet of her hair between his thumb and forefinger. "I can' let you go through with this wedding, luv."

She wanted to melt; God, she wanted to throw herself into his arms and never look back. But she was on her guard- there were words she needed to hear. "Why not?"

He swallowed. "Norrington- he's a good man, luv, but just not right fer..." He shook his head. "Damn it, Carmen, I lied! I do love you- I love you more than anything."

Carmen's breath caught in her throat. Finally. "Jack," she began, but he had captured her lips, kissing her gently, his hand beneath her chin. She kissed him back, eyes closed, peace setting in over her soul. He moved back, and she saw his eyes were nervous. "I love you," she whispered.

"You'll come with me?" he asked, his rough hand closing around her smaller one.

"Yes," she replied instantly. There was no need to think about it.

He was grinning, golden teeth flashing. "Excellent. Now, luv, gettin' back ter the Pearl's goin' ter be interesting. Difficult enough to get up here in the middle of a wedding, let alone sneakin' back down with the beautiful bride."

Carmen smiled back at him. "What are we waiting for?"

"Nothing, luv," Jack replied, leading her to the french doors. The sea twinkled at them. "Nothing at all."

The End.