Cream and Me


With life comes love and love can be found in all life. It can be in anyone or anywhere, not a thing is left to not feel it. So is true for a young fox by the name of Miles Prower, usually called Tails. Only eight years old, his heart hasn't found its match yet, but he hasn't seen the light of a little girl always next to him. This is his little tale of how it came to be…

It all started one morning when I woke up to find I had received a letter. Me? Of all people to get mail? I usually never got anything but publicity. My workshop, or home, was way out in the outskirts of Mystic Ruins, where little to no one but my friends could find me. The wonder that mail had come was not logical.

After eating a filling, though not nutritious, breakfast I opened the fancy envelope. It was sealed with a red sticker and had a return address from the White House, where the president lived. The president sent ME something? I was even more shocked. Sonic would be much more worthy of this letter, I only help him out with my technology. Having an IQ well over 200, I can build and control planes and robots alike as well as any technology I can find. I usually use this ability to help my best friend, Sonic the Hedgehog, get through his trouble with our worst enemy, Doctor Robotnik, or as we like to call him, Eggman.

I read the letter inside of the envelope. "An invitation?" I noticed as I finished reading it. I had been invited to a party at the White House for my deeds on ARK about only a week ago. I felt my two tails perk at the thought, making me kind of nervous. I had never been to a fancy party like this… I'd actually have to wear something nice. Am I the only one that got this letter? I wondered.

I decided to hold off on the party thoughts till later, as the party wasn't until tomorrow night. I went outside to the nice sunny day and began working on my plane, the Tornado 2, which I pulled out of the garage in the back. I wanted to boost its weaponry, so I got to work outside.

"Tails!" I jumped as someone called my name. I peeked around my house and caught Cream sneaking up on me. I came out to the front as she came up my stairs which came to my house on the hill. "Excuse me…" She blushed slightly, seeing she came in kind of sudden.

"Yes?" I asked nicely. She seemed as lively as ever, smiling and hardly able to keep herself still. She looked her usual as well with her small orange dress on her attire, always so prestige.

"Did you get this letter too?" Cream showed me a letter that was identical to mine, an invitation to a party at the White House.

I nodded. "Yep. Are you going?"

"Of course!" She replied, obviously not wanting to be rude. "But… if you're going to… I was wondering. Can you take me there?"

I blinked blankly.

"I don't know where this is or how to get there. Can you pick me up please?" She seemed in need of this help and I couldn't get myself to say anything but yes.

"Sure." I smiled. "I'll be at your house a little bit before it, okay?"

"Okay!" Cream grinned, a smile that stretched through her face perfectly. "Thank you!" She turned away and ran off again, her rabbit ears flapping behind her.

I shrugged, feeling a little bit good for helping her and seeing her come to me for help. I took the thoughts of the party out of me again and continued to work on my masterpiece plane. I paused; maybe I could spiff it up for the party. It was what I would be going there in with Cream, so maybe some shining would look nice. I nodded in agreement and went to work.

The rest of the day and the afternoon of the next were dull and ordinary. Sonic helped me get a tuxedo for the party, but it felt very uncomfortable. I knew I had to wear it though. On the night of the party, I put the tuxedo on and got in the newly painted Tornado 2 to pick up Cream. I actually didn't look bad in this suit when I saw myself in a plane mirror.

I landed my plane on the path outside of Cream's house. It was already dark out and Cream's small cabin home was lit from the inside. I approached the door and knocked on it, waiting for it to open.

"Good evening." Cream's mother, Vanilla, answered the door. Her tall figure was intimidating, yet calm.

"Um, good evening." I replied politely. "Um… is Cream ready?"

"Yes, one moment." Vanilla turned back to the house. "Cream, come on honey!"

"Coming!" I could hear her call from upstairs. Vanilla looked back at me as we waited. "You look nice Tails." She commented.

I blushed a little. "Um… thanks…"

It didn't take long for Cream to trot downstairs in higher shoes, which made her walking noticeable. When she reached the doorway, I blushed more and grew hot. She looked… amazing! Cream was wearing a very pretty dress that covered her legs in a purplish color. It had no sleeves and shined with its fabric. As well, she had a flower plucked near one of her ears.

"C-Cream…" I tried to talk, my words not ready. "You look… fantastic!"

Cream smiled at me. "Thank you." She walked next to me and put her arm around mine. "Are we going?"

"Um, yes!" I answered and lead her to the plane. We hopped in and got ready to take off. I tried not to look back at her in the back seat, for fear I may choke up. I wasn't sure what gotinto me, but she seemed very attractive that day.

"Have fun!" Vanilla called to us.

"Bye mother!" Cream called back and we were off to the party.

The party was very adult like. There wasn't much for me to do, nor any of my friends except Amy, who seemed to enjoy the crowds wanting to talk to her. She babbled on about how she helped Sonic and being his girlfriend even if Sonic never acknowledged it. I didn't get as much talk as I thought, maybe because I was young, but I didn't mind. The last thing I needed was to be interviewed or tried to be pet or something.

I spent time eating, since the food was good and I didn't have it at home, but as Amy's crowd died down she walked over to me to talk.

"Want to dance?" She asked me, grinning in her formal attire, much like Cream's. Her pink hair has been done very nicely. She must've overdone herself again.

"Dance?" I raised an eye. "With you?"

"Sure! I need someone to show off with. Maybe it'll get Sonic a little jealous too." She winked.

I shook my head. "Sorry, I can't dance…" I really had never tried it before and dancing with these older people seemed weird. Amy wanted to be one of them though.

"Hm…" Amy frowned at me. "You should learn! You're not going to get any girls without knowing!"

I blushed. "Maybe not… but… I don't mind…"

"What are you two doing?" I froze as Cream came to talk to us. In the lights of the mansion, she seemed to glow and I felt like I should've hid for fear of doing something embarrassing next to her.

I grew warm again. "Um… nothing…" I claimed.

"Cream, want to dance with Tails?" Amy suggested.

"No!" I almost yelled, surprising even myself.

Amy glared at me. "At least try it! Don't be rude!"

"Yeah, come on Tails!" Cream hooked my arm again. I didn't know what to do, as I was going to be forced to dance with Cream. For some reason, I felt like it was too much for me.

"Well…" I thought about getting out of it for a bit, but I couldn't get my legs to move, only be pulled by Cream. "I've… never… danced…"

"It'll be fun don't worry." She moved in front of me and I finally noticed the music, which was calm and relaxing. Others were dancing as well. Cream grabbed my hands and I grew redder, and then began to move with me with the music. She guided me through the steps, which were smooth and easy.

"Tails, why are you so red?" She asked while dancing. "Are you sick?"

That almost made my head explode. "Um… no…" I replied unsurely. Maybe I was sick, I really couldn't tell.

"Relax." She told me, seeming to be having fun.

But how could I relax? Cream was just too… mesmerizing. How could I relax while dancing with a girl like her? I was so not used to it.

Suddenly, Cream yawned in the dancing. I had no clue how long we had been doing it, it felt like forever, but she looked tired now. "Are you tired?" I asked.

"A little…" Cream didn't lie to me.

"I can take you home if you want." I offered freely.

"Will you?" She smiled, making me blush again.

"Um, sure."

"Thank you." She yawned again and let me lead her outside.

I sighed, happy the dance was over, though also wishing it would've last longer mysteriously. I took Cream to the plane and made sure it was okay for us to leave.

I flew Cream back to her house and we landed softly in front of it. Only one light was on at her house now, probably her mother. I looked back to her. "We're here." I frowned. Cream was fast asleep. I sighed happily. She looked so peaceful and calm, a life I wished I could have.

Deciding not to wake her, I got myself to pick her up and carry her to her house. I couldn't but feel how soft she was and delicate. I knocked on the door and Vanilla took Cream from me, not surprised she fell asleep so far after her bed time. I got back in my plane and noticed how late it was, almost midnight! I quickly flew back home, probably as tired as Cream was. What a party… I thought to myself when I arrived.

Unfortunately, I couldn't fall asleep too easily. My mind was muddled with the evening. I didn't feel sick like Cream thought… but I definitely felt different around her. It didn't happen to Amy… only Cream. I had a hard time talking to her in that outfit. It made her impossibly beautiful and I couldn't react to it. I couldn't believe I even thought she looked nice; it never came to me before.

I could not stop thinking about her all night. I caught some sleep, but not as much as usual. Cream definitely did something to me and I didn't understand what. She was very sweet and caring… a very nice girl, someone to like. Apparently she was physically attractive as well. Could I… have had a crush on her?

No! No way! I told myself. I didn't love her like that. I'd prove it to myself! Tomorrow I'd go to her house and take her out with me. I wouldn't be nervous; I'd show myself I'm not in love. Yes, that's what I would do…