Chapter 4

I slept well for once that night and woke up in glee. I wanted to spend another day with Cream. I had so much fun with her yesterday, despite what happened and just wanted more and more of her! I was sure she wouldn't mind going out again.

I raced through my morning routines, really anxious. It wasn't long before I had arrived at Cream's again. Today, I felt, would be even better than yesterday! Today we would do more and better things.

Oddly, Cream was already ready. When I knocked on the door, she was there in an instant. "Tails!" She exclaimed joyfully. "I knew you'd be here!"

"You did?" I blinked in surprise.

"Yeah, I knew you'd want to have more fun." She giggled and I smiled. "What did you have planned this time?"

"I thought maybe we could just go out to the park or something." I explained.

"Good idea!" Cream seemed very excited for some reason. She jumped outside and next to me, then grabbed my hand. "I'm ready!"

"Wait, please." Both Cream and I froze when Cream's mother, Vanilla, stopped us. "May I speak to Tails for a moment?" She asked politely.

Cream nodded. "Sure!"

I wondered what she wanted with me as I stepped into the house. Vanilla closed the door behind us, making me more worried if Cream couldn't hear. "Yes?" I asked her.

"Cream seems to have quite a liking for you." Vanilla said to me.

"She does?" I raised an eye.

"Yes, she told me about your adventures and fun that you've had so far. She says you were one of her best friends, if not the best."

I blushed by that comment. "R-Really? Wow…"

"I really appreciate you making her happy like this."

"It's my pleasure." I grinned, seeing I wasn't in trouble or anything.

"Thank you." Vanilla opened the door again. "Have fun!"

I nodded and waved as I went out with Cream again. "We will!"

Cream grabbed my hand again almost immediately. "What did mom say?" She asked curiously.

I frowned, not sure what to tell her. "Nothing important."

Cream accepted it and began to go on the move, pulling me with her to go into town.

"S-So…"" I tried to speak nervously to her, "you… like to have fun with me?"

"Yes, of course!" Cream grinned and made me blush. "I'm glad we started doing this. You're a very good friend to have. We have a lot in common."

I nodded. I wasn't really sure if we did, but I guessed she was right. "You're… really fun as well." I got out.

Cream giggled, which was so cute. "Thanks." She pulled herself a little bit closer to me as we walked. I wasn't sure why but she seemed to really like me. I felt proud of myself to earn her trust so quickly. Maybe soon she'd love me back, if I kept at this. I hoped more than life that she would.

Both of us remained quiet until we got to Station Square, our local, seaside city. Skyscrapers make the town modern and up to date. Cars zoom on the streets and people struggle to their destinations on the sidewalks. Cream and I kept to ourselves as we headed for the park.

"There it is!" Cream exclaimed, pointing at the park in the middle of the city. It was quite big, though surrounded by buildings. Not the most solitary place around, but fun for kids like Cream.

"Yep, let's go." I lead Cream across the street to the entrance. She didn't let go of my hand when we arrived though and pulled me into the park. She had been here many times before and knew it like the back of her hand. I felt kind of embarrassed to be pulled like this, especially with other parents and human children around. It felt weird being here at all, though Cream didn't seem to have a care in the world.

Cream took me to a play set, which was kind of childish. There were other kids as well that stared, some wanting to touch us, but their parents stopped them. Cream climbed into it. It was sturdy, mostly made of plastic and metal. I felt embarrassed when I climbed in it, since I didn't like feeling as if I was a little kid, even if I was.

"Look Tails!" Cream pointed at a slide.

I frowned. "Um… you go on…"

Cream blinked slightly, but apparently decided not to ask about it and went down it with joy. I met her at the bottom.

"Don't be shy Tails." Cream insisted, seeing my discomfort.

"Sorry… but this isn't my thing…" I answered, but feeling bad for ruining her fun.

Cream smiled anyway, to my surprise. "It's okay, we can do something else!" She pointed behind me at a swing set. "Is that good?"

I nodded, not seeing that as too childish. "Okay!" I grinned. "Race you there!" I announced and ran at it.

"Hey!" Cream exclaimed and then began to run after me.

I laughed as I got to the swings first.

"Not fair!" Cream complained.

"Sorry." I chuckled.

Cream giggled as well. "You trickster."

I sat on a swing, feeling great. This really was a lot of fun. Cream seemed to be an endless blast of joy and excitement. Man, I couldn't take my eyes of off her. She was a disease I was surprised my friends hadn't had caught. Cream began to swing on her own swing, trying to keep up with me. She seemed to be as enjoyed as I was; I wasn't sure what she really thought of me. She still didn't know how I felt and it was starting to bother me.

"Look Tails," Cream called and I watched her, "let's see how far I can jump!"

I frowned. "That might not be a good idea… what if you get hurt?"

"Don't worry," She assured, still swinging, "I've done it before."

I didn't like the sound of it, as anything could happen. "Just be careful." I warned.

I kept an eye on her as she swung faster and higher, then leaped from the swing. Luckily, she landed safely on her feet, but fell over backwards once she landed. I laughed at her and she blushed a little. I got off of my swing and met her where she landed.

"I slipped." She explained.

"You okay?" I asked, giving out a hand and helping her back to her feet.

Cream nodded. "Yes, of course." Cream stared at me for a second, still holding my hand. I grew warm again from it and it made me wonder what she was thinking. We both turned away from each other, blushing.

"Um… are you… hungry…?" I asked her shyly.

"Um, a little." She replied.

"Oh… I didn't bring any money…" I confessed, wishing I had.

"We… can go to my house. There's food there." Cream suggested.

I smiled slightly. "That sounds good."

"Okay, let's go back then!" Cream grew cheery again and lead the way. I followed her with a smile, feeling less nervous. Today was turning out great. After lunch, maybe I could take her some where better. Maybe I'd finally find a way to tell her I love her.

Cream's mother made sandwiches for us which were pretty good. Cream and I didn't talk much during lunch, but afterwards Cream was ready to go back outside and have fun. She didn't waste much time taking me back into the sunny day.

"Tails, can I see what your house is like?" Cream asked me as we got outside.

I thought for a moment, making sure it would be okay and then nodded. "Sure, but it's not very exciting."

"I'm still curious." She replied.

"Follow me then." I lead the way from her house towards my house.

Once again, we were quiet along the way. The silence made me uncomfortable. I wished we had something to talk about, anything, though anything might have been a little broad.

"Um… Tails…" Cream started to say.

"Yes?" I lent an ear.

"I'm… really happy that you've… started playing with me." She said.

"It's nothing." I assured, trying to be friendly.

"To me… it is." Cream looked straight at me as we walked. "I've really grown to like you Tails… this morning I couldn't wait for you to come over. Tails…" She paused. "I have to tell you something…"

I grew nervous, seeing where this might go. I couldn't let her tell me first! But what if this wasn't what she was talking about? I couldn't stop myself though. "No!" I exclaimed. She froze. "Cream… I'm the one that has something to say…"

Cream blinked at me. She was blushing a little, making her face brighter than usual. Trying to say this to her was so very difficult, I had never done anything like it, but I had to. She had to know why I was acting like this around her and now it even seemed like she may love me back.

I grabbed her hands and pulled her off the trail, next to a tree, feeling more comfortable there for some reason. I looked into her large, brown eyes, feeling relaxed in them, relaxed enough to tell her the truth. This time there would be no interruptions, no falling asleep, this time she would know.

"Cream…" I let my thoughts slip. It felt great, to finally get rid of the burden. It wasn't a sunset or anything really romantic, but I couldn't hold it back anymore. "I… all this time… I've really… been…" Cream stared at me, nervous to hear what I might say. I was nervous as well; no matter how I tried I couldn't help that, but I overcame it. "I've been… in love with you…" I sighed, finally out. Cream's eyes widened for a moment, but fell back after a moment. I wasn't sure if she understood, being so young. Does she know what love is? Do… I? "I love you Cream…" That was the last I could say before I had to rest my mind. I fell to my knees in the grass, almost in tears.

Cream sat next to me and put a hand on mine, smiling. "Tails… how long has it been like this?"

I frowned. "A few days…" I felt a tear fall down my face. This was too stressful for me.

"It's okay Tails…" Cream told me, seeing me starting to cry. "What's wrong with it?"

"Nothing, I guess…" I answered. "But… I've kept it a secret from you the past few days."

"It's fine, you weren't ready to tell me." Cream said, still smiling.

"But… I don't know what will happen. Having a crush on you isn't easy… "

"Don't expect the worst." Cream bent closer to me and hugged me. I nearly melted from it, feeling her warmth against me. I could feel this was more than a friendly hug like last time. "Because… I love you too…" She whispered her words, so I could just hear it.

I couldn't believe those words though. She really loved me back? Had I gotten to her yesterday? I didn't know what to say but my first thought. "You… do?"

Cream stopped the hug, but still had her hands on my shoulders, gazing at me. Her eyes looked different this time, not just clean with childhood and pureness, but engraved with love. "I do… yesterday you show me… today helped me decide. You were such a sweet friend, I had to think further. It's the first time I ever have…"

I was speechless. My heart and mind couldn't keep up with this and were a mess. It was so hard to believe that a girl actually liked me like that. After my entire sidekick acts with Sonic and never being as strong as him, I didn't think I'd get any true girlfriend. But Cream, I never saw it in her till now. She was by far the best girl I had known, the most like me and who I could connect to.

"Cream…" I put an arm around her. "I hope for now on… that we can be together more often."

"Yes, me too." Cream agreed. "You're more fun than any one else, almost more than Cheese."

I knew that was a true show of affection. My heart and mind finally came together and I felt my love for her skyrocket. She was beyond compare and now she loved me as well, things couldn't get any better.

I grabbed Cream's hand and helped her to her feet with me. "Now… let's get going." I grinned.

Cream smiled still. "Yes… let's." She didn't let go of my hand. I held it a little harder, seeing what she wanted. I let our hands be together as we headed for my home.

Cream got a grand tour of my house. She seemed to like it and I had to stop her a few times from touching some things. It was fun overall. It seemed as if the love scene earlier never happened and we were calm.

Afterwards, I showed Cream my plane, so she could see more of it. She enjoyed the time at my place, saying she wanted to come over and see what I make more often. I blushed at that, feeling flattered.

When we left my home, the sun was already setting. Had we really been here that long? I wondered.

"I guess you better head home." I told Cream. We were out near my runway for the plane that led to the ocean and sun.

Cream shook her head, making her ears flop. "No, I can stay. I wanted to watch the sunset with you."

I frowned. "Oh? But… what about your mother and dinner?"

"It'll be okay." She looked at me pleadingly. "Please?"

It was impossible to say no to that face. "Sure…" I smiled, seeing her lighten up,

"Yay! Come on!" She grabbed my arm and dragged me to the edge of the cliff. The sun was indeed beautiful today, with the mix of clouds making its colors a variety.

Cream sat down and I sat next to her. I guessed she was expecting a cute scene with this. I wasn't sure if she'd get it yet. Cream kept a hand on mine. "It's so pretty…" She said.

I nodded. "Very pretty."

Cream looked at me and back at the sunset, then back at me. I peered back at her. She moved herself closer to me, making me blush a little. "Tails…" She began to say. I grew warm and love yearning again. She was very intimidating and I couldn't stand it. "I love you…" She finished.

I blinked, confused. She already told me that earlier, what was this for? Cream seemed to be in want of more love as I was. It didn't understand what she might want specifically though.

"I… love you too…" I answered shyly. Cream giggled, in a much perkier mood than last time. I smiled at her and she smiled back.

Suddenly, surprising me, Cream bent closer to me and put her lips on my cheek, giving me a soft kiss. I nearly fell into pieces from it, feeling a huge heat wave throughout my body. "C-Cream…" I stammered. "W-What's that for?"

"For love." She answered plainly, still close to my face. I could feel her soft breaths on my fur. "Isn't it what you're supposed to do?"

I wasn't sure how to answer. "I think…" My nervousness was beginning to disappear and I began to want to join in. I sighed, trying to relax and pushed my face against Cream's, then kissed her cheek. It was so warm and made my mouth tingle like candy. Cream giggled after I did it, making me happier. It didn't seem like we were truly kissing for real love, but more like children's love, without any real goals.

Cream decided not to stop with that. She pulled herself straight in front of me and tried to move for my own lips. I leaned back, putting an arm around her without thought. I was moving without conscious; it was my will guiding me. Cream pushed her lips against mine and I let us join together. I pushed my lips against hers, equaling the kiss. I couldn't hold myself up, too caught in the kiss, and fell to the ground, but we didn't stop. My hand began to pet Cream's back and hold her on me. Cream put a hand on my forehead, feeling through my fur and bangs.

It was very weird. We were still kids and we were kissing like adults. I was surprised Cream wanted to do this at all, but I wasn't complaining. It felt amazing and I didn't want it to end. Neither did Cream, for she didn't stop kissing me for what felt like an hour. Finally, she pulled off of me, but we stared at each other for a while without sitting up. Cream was almost on top of me.

That kiss was a seal of our love. Never after that did I feel a kiss better than that from her. I still don't know what got into her that day, but I'm glad it happened. After a while of staring and trying to think of something to say, Cream decided it was time to go home. Her face was boiling red. I blushed too as she waved at me and left.

For the rest of the night, I had my mind on her. Cream was amazing to me; I didn't care how young we were. We were bonded now. Now, my wished to be with her were larger and I wanted to be with her forever. Our future looked wonderfully bright. Tomorrow, maybe I'd take her out again if she was willing. I wondered what Sonic would think if I told him… and Cream's mother…

I guessed I still had some obstacles to overcome, but anything was possible with Cream. One day, just maybe, I could be alone with her in the world, just me and her with no disturbances. Oh, that would be a dream come true, as it would just be Cream and me…

The End