Thank you all SO much for the reviews! A special thanks to SaphireGoddess57, who gave me a whole bunch of ideas, and enough inspiration to last a long time! Thank you to everyone, though - I got some other great ideas, too.

But, to be perfectly honest with you all, I didn't (and I'm not sure if I do now) expect to finish this fic, or even get this far, really. It was just my play thing with this pairing...I was actually just doing this as a little tester - I was going to have a bigger, better fic, in which I actually tried hard to make good. There was going to be plot - REAL plot - and I wasn't going to just shove Riddle out of the picture (I'm sure this bothered some of you)...Please tell me - should I begin the other story, or continue with this one? I can't do both - it just won't work. Or should I cut this one off with a quick ending (but I don't want to waste your great ideas - I'll use them in the other story!)? This may be the last chapter (though it won't be finished, then)...please enjoy.


There was a twinkle in his eyes, every time he looked at Harry Potter. He saw him try to hide it, but it was no use - even in his old age, there were certain things people just couldn't hide from him - one of them, just happened to be love.

Draco Malfoy was formerly known as the ice prince - he was sure the boy had heard the rumours, though they didn't seem to bother him in the least. However, the latest rumours hadn't seemed to reach his ears, and he was sure thathe wouldn't be able to ignore them should someone speak the news straight to his face, without hesitation. The problem was, though, that few even heard the latest gossip, for there seemed to be several people who had been trading ideas in the dead of the night, when everyone else was thought to be asleep. It seemed they had some sort of obssession - not unlike the one Draco and Harry had been sporting towards each other for most of the season.

But the idea of this little group disturbed him, slightly. It wasn't the idea that they had conjured up - no, he quite liked the thought of the two boys hooking up - it was who they were, that bothered him. He had never been unable to solve a puzzle, he had to say - but he couldn't for the life of him figure out why half of these people had joined in on this little conference. You see, it composed of (well he only knew of these names so far)- Hermione Granger, Blaise Zabini, Pansy Parkinson (these he was not surprised upon hearing them, but also), Sirius Black, Severus Snape, and a rather reluctant Remus Lupin (who had stayed as Defense teacher when the parents had insisted).

The last three occupants of this list bothered him slightly. Sirius and Remus, he supposed were slightly easy to figure out - though it still seemed strange for two full grown men to be playing around with something as dangerous as love...but, no matter how many times these questioning thoughts would return to his mind, wonderings about Severus were always more frequent. For what could have happened for him to have a sudden change of heart in Harry, to have figured him worthy of his godson?


"No, no, no! Gold, you idiot! The curtains just have to be gold!"

"Who are you, to call me an idiot? And they have to be silver! I told you, their own house colours will make them feel more comfortable - and put that mistletoe back in the box, Ron! They'll become suspicious - it's not Christmas, you know!"

Blaise tried to stop himself from laughing too hard as he watched Hermione and Pansy fighting about which colours to make the curtains for the party. He found it ironic that they were each battling for the colour of the other's House - they didn't seem very good at supporting their claims at having such great school spirit for Slytherin (Pansy) and Gryffindor (Hermione).

But that didn't matter much, he knew - he was supposed to be transfiguring the sofa into a...what was it again? Oh well...he's ask Hermione when she was done squabbling...they seemed to be getting rather worked up - though he supposed they did have a good reason for trying to make everything perfect...

You see, they were decorated the room for the annual party they always had. As cliche and completely girlish as this sounded - they always had a celebration, at least once a year, for the few of them in the close-knit group they had. It just seemed right, for them all to get together like that - they never really got a chance to all hang out. They weren't all in the same house, after all, and the teachers would just get too suspicious if they had a party once a week.

But that wasn't the only problem - there was that little point that seemed to have grown rather lately...Harry, and Draco (two main supporters of this little group of friends they had), were completely and stubbornly ignoring their obvious love for each other, were going around pretending to hate one another - and they actually believed it! They actually thought they hated each other! But, then again, six years of thinking it had to be convincing enough...he still couldn't believe it...

So, anyway, the group of them were going to take this chance to try and force them to see the error of their ways, and realize the love they had been ignoring for so long.

Well, that was how Pansy put it, but Blaise preferred to saythe group of themwere going to be, 'the cause of their soon to be constant shagging.'

So, so far everyone that was going to help (with the whole idea, not just the party) would be...himself, Hermione, Pansy, Neville, Dean, Seamus, Fred, George (the twins weren't at school, but were still helping), Sirius, Remus (he was a teacher, so he could help with the classes, and Sirius was his 'assistant', so...), Snape (yes, yes...rather odd, Blaise would agree; there was a long story behind that that he wasn't going to get into), Flitwick (they hadn't asked questions), and...a whole bunch of other peoplehecouldn't at that moment remember. They, of course, hadn't told Ron, for fear of him having a fit and dieing, or something, so...

Yeah. This was going to get interesting.


"Where is everybody?"

Draco scowled as he heard Harry's voice just behind him. His voice sounded rather muffled and, when he turned around, he saw that the golden boy was eating...MAPLE COOKIES?

Oh damn, oh damn, ohdamnohdamnohdamnohdamn. He prayed that he wouldn't offer him one.

"Idunno!" he said quickly, averting his eyes, so that he couldn't see the stack of cookies.

Harry sat down on the sofa opposite him, leaned forward and stared at him curiously as he munched on the sugary treats.

"What's wrong?" he asked innocently, but then, thinking he had caught on, he said, "Oh - you're not still all flustered from last night, are you? I thought you'd have been afraid of me, after our little talk - it doesn't seem to have worked, though..."

Little talk?

Draco had spent a half hour running around the room as Harry tried to pummel him. It had taken about ten minutes after he had formed some sort of a plan to actually go through with it, and he ended up locking himself in the bathroom. Just when he thought the brunet had given up, and he himself had settled down in the bathtub (-pool thing), Harry had remembered he was a wizard and blast the door open. Of course, he had been in such a hurry that he hadn't really been thinking properly, and had ended up tripping over the side of the tub and landing on Draco. After rolling around for ten minutes and throwing random kicks and punches (none of them were well aimed, either), Draco had realized that one of them must have knocked a tap or two on, for the tub was filling quickly with bubbles and foam...they had stopped fighting, and cleaned themselves up before going to bed...

That had not been a little talk, and he still had many of the threats scarred into the back of his mind, thank you very much.

He went to say these words aloud to the little bastard across from him (maybe throw in an insult or two), when he realized he was being offered something...a cookie...a FREAKIN' MAPLE COOKIE!

Don't do it, Draco, a little voice screamed in the back of his mind, Don't do it! NO! Your weakness - HE'LL KNOW YOUR WEAKNESS!

"I-is that maple?" he asked weakly.

Harry nodded happily, munching on his own cookie.

Draco stared at the offered sweet for a moment, before suddenly exclaiming (rather loudly, might I add), "OKAY!"

Harry sat dumbfounded as he snatched the cookie out of his hand, inhaling the outer shell part, and sucking on the inside in such a way that he was sure he would have gotten a hard on, had he been one of the blond's screaming fangirls.

...he discreetly tried to hide the bulge in his pants.

"So..." he said uncomfortably, "what do you have planned today?"

A sad attempt at conversation, he knew, but it couldn't be helped!

"Nnnn..." he wasn't sure if he was trying to say something, or had seen the effect his sucking had had on Harry, and purposefully let out a lustful moan.

Either way, Harry was having troubles concentrating now.

"I'm...gonna go have a shower..." he said, getting up slowly.

Draco suddenly shot up from his seat, eyes shining like a little kid's, and pulled the maple sugar out of his mouth, exclaiming brightly, "Good idea! I haven't had one, either! Let's go have one, and then look for the others!"

There were so many things wrong with what he had just said, that Harry was rather surprised to see the innocent expression on the blond's face when he looked over. Was it just him, or had that sounded like an invi-


Okay...shower, right...all he had to do was make sure they were on opposite sides, and he could silently take care of his little problem...

"K." Harry said tensly, leading the way to their trapdoor.

When they were both locked ready in the bathroom, with their teeth brushed and in nothing but their boxers, the twinkle in Draco's eyes ha gone down a little, and he had stopped spurting out uncharacteristically happy comments about the weather, life, and such. In fact, he had gone back to being his normal self so fast that Harry was silently wondering if he had just been imaging it all.

"Perhaps I should go first..."

Hell, no! There was no lock on the trapdoor, and Harry didn't much like the thought of some innocent girl walking in to see him wanking on the bed...was there a lock on the closet door?

"Perhaps you should go second." he offered bluntly.

Draco sneered, said, "Perhaps not." whipped off his boxers, and pranced over to one of the showers, turning the water on.

Harry gaped after him for a second, completely taken off guard by that little show of ass - er - boldness. He tried to form some coherent words, but decided that he should just make his way to one of the showers before anything was suspected.

Unfortunately, though, right after he had pulled his boxers off and stepped into the tub (-pool thing), he slipped and landed flat on his ass. He tried quickly to hide rather obvious erection, but...well, it wasn't exactly small.

"Potter, what are you-?" he could of sworn there was a tinge of pink on Draco's cheeks as he turned around, "Oh." he said, looking away quickly, "Erm, carry on."

Turning the water on full blast, he reached a hand downward and grasped himself firmly. He bit his lip as he stroked, searching every recess of his mind for someone - anyone other than Draco that he could picture while his mind wandered. No one came to mind quick enough, though, and he soon found himself strokng rhythmically to a fantasy he was having where the blond was pounding into him relentlessly.

Harry tried as hard as he could not to think of him as he hit the brink.

"Nm - Drac-oo..."

No such luck.

Thank god for the loud sound water made when it hit tiles, he thought briefly when he heard nothing from the other side of the room. He didn't know what he would have done had the blond heard him.

He quickly washed up and changed, feeling much dirtier than when he had entered.


Aaaand...there you are! Done. Okay, now I'd really appreciate it if you all could answer my earlier question - though I'm starting to think that, with a little inspiration and a private grammar teacher, I might be able to do both...