A/N: Oh yes. Another 'Orgy XIII goes to so-and-sos-ville!' fic. But I just had to do this. Okay? Please don't shoot me... Oh, and here's that 'I don't own Kingdom Hearts' shit if you're looking for it.

UM. Please, don't kill me because Zexion made fun of the manatees. They really don't do anything, but they are really adorable. :3

Demyx was thoroughly, utterly bored. Axel was off somewhere running off with Roxas, most likely hiding from Saïx. So here he was stuck in another one of Xemnas' lectures without any of his friends there. Okay, so Zexion was there. But good ol' Zexy denied his relationship with Demyx in public. And that's another story.

So, Demyx was daydreaming. He was dreaming of a place with lots of junk food, lots of squishy huggable things, and lots and lots of water. Not to mention some Organization members with "just got laid" faces, even though they weren't just laid; they're just high. As always.

"Hey guys!" Demyx didn't care that he was interrupting Xemnas. Er... rather, he didn't notice that he was interrupting the Superior. "I have a great idea!" All heads turned to Demyx; anything was better than listening to Xemnas' obsession over pretty heart-shaped moons and eternal darkness.

"Let's go to Sea World!" Demyx let out a cheesy ear-wide grin. Disappointment filled him when an awkward silence conquered the room.

Xemnas' devious mind was already at work, and for once was thinking about something aside from oddly shaped moons and darkness. "Okay, let's go." He let out a smirk evil-er than usual. His logic told him that if they go to a place with lots of water... surely he'd get to see Saïx in a bathing suit (this proves he's never been to Sea World before).

"Are we there yet?"


"Are we there yet?"


"Are we there yet?"


"We're there!"

"Shut. The. Crap. UP," Vexen nearly slammed his head on the gummi ship controls. "And for the record, no, we're not there!"

"Not smart Vexen. You should've told him we're there; he'd stop asking then," Zexion suggested.

"One: it's too late. Two: I'm not about to risk having number nine over there climbing all over my head. Are you? And frankly, I think that's worse than his blabbering."

"Can I duct tape him? He'll shut up! Pleaaaaaaaaaase?" Larxene attempted the puppy dog face.

"Not on your life," Xaldin snapped.

"Damn," Larxene eyed her torture devices mournfully.

Vexen sighed, putting a helmet on. "Okay, we're there."


"...WOAH." Demyx inhaled deeply as his eyes explored the new area surrounding him.

The park was bigger than The Castle that Never Was. Well, maybe it looked bigger, because there was actual colour in the park.

"Slow down there!" Xigbar grabbed Demyx by the hood, slightly choking Demyx. "We've got to get the tickets first."

"What's with the wait thoughhhhh? I wanna see EVERYTHING in the park!"

Xigbar snorted. "We've got all day, squirt." His comment was returned with an infamous Demyx beam.

"Alright everyone," Xaldin said, tickets in hand. "We've got the tickets. HOWEVER. We are not traveling individually. We are staying in groups of two or more. This means keep an eye on your group mates."

"What is this, an elementary school field trip?" Zexion rolled his eyes.

"Truthfully, knowing you guys, more like preschool."


The author was then bricked, tomato'd, shoe'd, and then she decided she needed a shower and to continue the story before the readers found the eggs and fish. Or before they left. Whichever came first.

Axel immediately grabbed Roxas' hand. Demyx joined them with utter glee. Xigbar eyed Demyx, but Xaldin grabbed him by the ear and pulled him to his side. Demyx gave Zexion a sad look, but Zexion turned away (which is Zexion language for 'blushed') and attempted to start a conversation with Lexaeus and Vexen. Larxene attempted to sneak off, but Saïx dragged her by the hood to Marluxia's side. If she wasn't going to cooperate, she deserved to suffer.

"Everyone ready?" Xemnas asked. His questioned was answered with the Organization nodding in unison. "Get out of here. Now."

Good, the reader muttered at the monitor. The plot's finally moving along.

Lexaeus and Zexion were bored. Really bored. They watched Vexen and his growing enthusiasm searching around for something of amusement to him. Lucky for Vexen, Sea World wasn't well-known for its rides.

"So, Vexen. Where are you planning on going?"

"Hmmm, not quite sure. Want to go see the manatees?"

Zexion groaned. We might as well just stay here! Manatees don't do ANYTHING interesting! They sit around in their swampy water farting and eating half-dead plants.

Meanwhile, Xigbar was all over Sea World like Demyx was on a pack of skittles. Xaldin walked behind him, in a slow, calm manner, sighing every once and a while. "Dammit," Xigbar muttered. He then caught eye of an employee. "Oh! Hey, dude, you got any turtles around here?"

"...Turtles...? Yes, they're –"

Xaldin grabbed Xigbar by the abnormally pointy (but still very sexy) ear in the other direction. "Come on, let's go see the penguins."

"But I want to see the freakin' turtles!"

After a nice, long make-out session in some corner of the park, Xemnas and Saïx decided to head to the shops area. "Oh, would you look at this, Saïx. Would you like a picture of us a cartoon?" Saïx nodded and the two Nobodies headed to the local caricature booth.

"Um..." Xemnas started, looking at the young artist. "...Why are you here...?"

Wheeee, so that was chapter one. -begins working on chapter two- I know, crappy place to leave off. Next chapter: How does Xemnas know the mysterious artist dude? Why on EARTH did Xigbar want to see the turtles so badly? More importantly, WHY AM I DENYING YOU AXEL/ROXAS GOODNESS! :O (Well, if those aren't in the next chapter, they should come up eventually. SeaWorld only has so many 'attractions' you know.)

Reviews please! -shows smuggled cookies- >.>;;