Ok, as usual with disclaimers I own nothing of Zelda or Nintendo so all you lawyers can back off! I have no money to give to the already billionaires of Japan and Nintendo! Ok, in the world I'm using, basically ours) a few people can see into other worlds (such as Hyrule) and in turn create stories and games from them. Only a few people of the world have this gift and can see the other worlds and people and these people make the films, books and games we all love. The character I'm using is roughly based on me and later on Lucy is based on my friend. Ok? Happy reading all will be explained later on!

I looked behind me, someone was following me, I was sure of it. I could feel all the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. I hated walking home from school sometimes. It was freaky when I knew something was up.

"Quit following me!" I called behind me, no answer.

I sped up a bit. The feeling got more intense. I felt like saying "My spider sense is tingling, anyone call for a web slicker?" but that would have been too corny.

Great, only a little way to my house.

I began to run. Was someone running behind me? I could hear other footsteps. I slowed down to let them get closer. They weren't heavy footsteps, so at least they weren't too big. Maybe I could get to my house in time, maybe not. The footsteps grew louder. Silently I urged myself on.

"Oh no" I fell hard on the ground "Typical" I muttered.

I had slit my knee and grazed my hands. The footsteps slowed down and stopped behind me "Go away" I called firmly, nothing, "Did you hear me? I told you to go away, now leave me alone" I decided to take a peek behind me. Clenching my fists I counted to three and spun around "What the?"

There was the street, but no one was there. This was weird now, like some old horror film. I got up. No way was I going to deal with this; I'd rather do homework than this. I sprinted, limping slightly because of my knee, but sprinting anyway. Luckily there was no one at home at that time. I sighed with relief as I shut my door.

I think it's time I told you something. I used to see people everywhere I went, not ordinary people...the people you think aren't real.

When I was younger I used to talk to them, everyone thought I had imaginary friends, as most children do. But some of my close friends could sense them too, but only when they were around me, how could they be imaginary if they could feel them?

But then I grew up and people told me off for talking to nothing, so I stopped it, so my friends stopped sensing them too.

When I was six, I followed a fairy off a cliff at the coast.

That did it, I was pushed into therapy. I never saw any of the people again. Until now I had forgotten about them. Forgotten how detailed I could see their faces, how I knew each fold of their clothing, and how I could tell anyone each memory of their life.

I dropped my stuff in the hall and sat down. Great, I was starting to see things again. But were the people returning to me? Oh yeah, Just what I needed. I put the telly on. I watched it for about half an hour, and then went upstairs to do my homework. Math was hard but I got past it ok.

My parents came home, so did my sister. All the usual things that we go through in life went through again. We talked over dinner, watched the evening news, all that stuff. Everything a family usually does. Soon I had to go to bed. Even that was normal. Or so I thought.

I stood there, cleaning my teeth, I leant down to spit out the froth and something caught my eye. I froze, what was that? Slowly, I drew my eyes up to the mirror I was facing. A familiar face was looking at me.

"Hi" a green clothed teen said grinning

"Link?" I started to spat and spun round, I caught myself then stopped. No, I wasn't going to see these guys again. I was hallucinating, just a dream from long ago.

I carried on doing my teeth; ignoring the fact someone was standing right behind me. It wasn't a dream I told myself, but I forced the feeling away.

"I know you can hear me," Link said folding his arms.

I did nothing.

"Come on, do you know how much it took to open up the lock you put on your mind, I have been pounding it for five years, can you at least acknowledge that?"

I didn't answer

"Obviously not. I see you've grown, definitely better looking than the last time I saw you" he chuckled "Not chubby around the waist. Anyway, aren't you glad to see me? I mean it's been five years...fine...anyway; I came to see you, as I said it took a lot of work, but I managed it. Navi sends her regards. All of them back there do. Come on, I deserve to be acknowledged I know you can hear me"

I opened the bathroom door and went out.

He caught my wrist.

"Get off" I hissed

"I knew you could hear me," he said triumphantly

"Yeah, yeah, now leave"

"But I came all this way to see you"

"But they think I'm crazy anyway, if I talk to you, it'll give me away as mad. AGAIN"

"You're not mad"

"How do you know?" I pulled his hand off me "I could be dreaming"

"You're not, believe me"

"Why come back now, huh? I was doing just fine"

"You used to enjoy seeing us"
"Until I nearly died following a fairy off a cliff!" I shuddered at the memory

"It was the great fairy of power, not any old fairy" he corrected, "Anyway that was an accident"

"I don't want to be like this"

"Hey, no creator ever wanted to be how they are, it happens" he hugged me fiercely "I haven't seen you in five years, at least give me a 'thank you for coming I missed you', can't you even give me that?"

"Thank you for coming I missed you" I mimicked "You make me sound ten again"

"You were last time"

"You really need to go," I told him "My sisters in the next room, she'll tell my mum I'm talking to myself again"

"I don't think so" he grinned "This time we, as in the people of the other worlds, are the ones who choose who sees us"

"What!" I shouted at him "That's unfair, you'll make her see you and ruin my life!"

"No" he said, "This way people know you're not mad"

"I have to go to bed," I said and walked out

"Can I camp in your room?"

"UNDER the bed, on the floor, if you insist, don't want people tripping over you, namely me"

"Hope you got a new bed" he commented as I pushed him in front of me.

My old bed had had a cupboard underneath it where we kept towels. I gave him a blanket and pillow and crawled into bed.

What do you think? This is the rewritten version, I tried to make it easier to understand or was it more confusing...ah well. A good try.