The bell echoed the hallways and insides of classrooms as several late students stumbled into class, and everyone who wasn't seated shuffled towards their chairs with minimal enthusiasm…the problem kids. The kids the teachers tended to glare at, even when they weren't doing anything particularly wrong.

In this case, it was a third hour English class, in which the late students were two tall lanking figures. The first, A blonde mohawked boy that was wearing black pants slightly too tight, followed by a slightly shorter boy wearing a zip-up 'As I lay Dying' hoodie with the so named hood covering his head.

The teacher eyed them suspiciously like they'd killed her puppy during those two minutes they were late to class, but said nothing as she marked them late on the attendance sheet. She wasn't paid enough to put up with these idiots…at least; that's what her psychiatrist told her.

"Everyone take out their copies of Romeo and Juliette, we're getting right into it today." The old woman cawed, taking short strides up to the front podium, eyeing everyone from over her cat eye glasses. The sound of zippers unzipping and papers being ruffled about followed, quiet conversations being started as books were drawn from various compartments.

Her eyes however, settled on the pair in the back.

"You two!" she snapped, her attention quickly adjusting to them, noticing neither of them had shifted at all. The one with the hood had his head down and had seemingly fell into a light slumber, judging by the noises he was making, and the blonde was unenthusiastically propping his head up with his palm.

"Get your books out NOW!" she snapped, glaring at them furiously before turning away.

The blonde grunted and began digging through is bag without much effort for a book…what book; he wasn't entirely sure.

Across the room, another pair were watching the two in the back off handedly as a bad source of entertainment waiting for class to start.

"What's their problem?" The one on the left said, not doing anything besides voicing his thoughts.

On his right was Roxas; who glanced back, not expecting to see anything interesting. He knew the boy with the Mohawk – Demyx. The only reason he really knew him was due to the fact he'd shoved him in the hallway and called him a preppy piece of shit, but hey. He still knew him.

"I hate punk kids." His friend Hayner muttered, opening the tattered red book he pulled out of his bag, fingering the edges of the old book. "Those idiots shouldn't even be in this class, they just failed it last semester because they skipped all the time."

"We skip a lot too, Hayner." Roxas said, the comment not registering much of a point besides the fact it was true.

"You trying to defend them or something?" Hayner said, shooting him a suspicious glance in between page flicks.

"Course not." Roxas said, almost sarcastically. Because fuck trying to get along, we're going to stereotype them and LIVE by that, damnit.

The teacher began talking about how the human psyche worked, and once you fall in love with someone, it turns into infatuation, and the majority of your thought process is devoted to the person, causing you to do idiotic things…yadda yadda, idiotic spur of the moment decisions, yadda yadda, people die, yadda yadda.

Yadda fuckin' yadda yadda. The word didn't even make sense anymore.

Though, his intelligent thought process was broken by a loud thud and a short bit of laughter. The majority of the class turned around in time to see Axel fall out of his chair with the English book over his head, Demyx still firmly planted in his chair giggling.


Axel rose from the ground, a thin layer of black eyeliner visible under his green eyes, blood red locks falling over his face dramatically as his raised his head to take the hood off and plop back down in his chair.

"Apologies, Miss." He said, very quietly. "Fell over trying to get into my bag, no need to yell." Axel said, the slightest of smiles on his face. The teacher narrowed her drawn on eyebrows; considering scolding him for sleeping and being a moron, but changed her mind when the fat kid in row three raises his hand to ask to read the Romeo monologue on page thirteen.

Thank you, fat kid. Your spoils have not gone unnoticed.

Demyx glared at his friend once the teacher took her attention away. "You're a bitch, you know that?" He snapped. "You just have to smile at someone and you get away with everything."

Axel grinned him. "What can I say? I'm beautiful." He pulled the hood back up over his head, and thumbed through the pages of the book in front of him until he reached a relatively familiar page and prepared to lean over again when Demyx nudged him in the arm.

"Dude." He murmured, glancing across the room. "One of those preppy fucks." He added with a hint of extra disgust. Axel looked in the general direction Demyx had motioned in, and sure enough, after a moment, the scrawny blonde 'preppy fuck' boy had glanced at him briefly, but apparently upon noticing he was looking back, turned away rather quickly.

Axel shifted back in his seat to find Demyx grinning at him. "He likes you." Demyx said, in a low singsong voice, trying to avoid getting caught, as the teacher drilled on about how Romeo probably had ADD. Axel grunted at the comment, rolling his eyes.

"He's probably looking at you." He said, unenthusiastically. "Those preppy kids have a thing for Mohawks."

"Oh, but he's so cute." Demyx said sarcastically, twining his hands together and pressing them against his face. Axel laughed, at a lack of anything else to do or any insult to come up with, thus laying his face in his arms again, preparing to doze off.

The next half hour went like any other class hour—Axel slept and narrowly avoided getting in trouble where as his counterpart was acutely paying attention ("I'm failing this class you douche bag, don't make fun of me for reading the stupid play.") up until the last five minutes.

"What're you doing tonight?" Demyx muttered, nudging

"Not having sex with you?" Axel said drowsily, half lifting his head to cock his eyebrow at Demyx, who rolled his eyes in return.

"I get drunk and kiss Marluxia once and I don't live it down." Demyx snarled. "I'm not gay."

"You were making out with him." Axel said, deadpan. It was true. Saix took pictures.

"In my defense? It's Marluxia. Everyone's made out with him. Probably even your Mom."

"You leave my Mom out of this."

"Anyway." Demyx said, before Axel could say anything else, mostly anything sarcastic and witty. "We're crashing a party tonight."


"Mooching booze until they notice we're there." Demyx admitted half shrugging, noticing the time and began to pick up his things. "And then we wreak some fucking havoc."

Axel cocked his eyebrow. "So I take it that it's the party at the football players' house if you intend on 'wreaking pure fucking havoc' once your noticed." Axel said, almost sarcastically. He really was getting sick of the little clique wars that had been going on since they were in middle school.

But hey, he got to punch that dick face Lacrosse player Riku in the face and get away with it. Everything worked out for the best.

"Come on, just think about it."

Axel seriously considered his options. What else would he be doing tonight? It was Friday, and Friday meant his little sister was going to be watching 'The OC County' or whatever with her other little friends, and...he was-

Wait. He didn't have a social life. Right.

"Who's we?" Axel asked, simply to be cautious. By now, the entire room had packed their bags and were standing up in expectation for the bell, which was going to ring in exactly two minutes, forty three, two, one, seconds.



"Marluxia." Deymx said, glaring at him. "And Xigbar. And Zexion, if we can convince him." He said, giving him a hopeful smile. Axel really didn't care much for Xigbar; who wore an eye-patch and had a giant scar over his left cheek thanks to a fight that he got into. But all the little punk girlies thought the eye-patch was pretty hardcore, so he didn't complain.

But, it wasn't 'disliking him' so much as hating him.

With a passion.

A fiery one at that.

"Fine, whatever." Axel muttered, just as the bell rang. He waved carelessly as he moved to leave the room, moving along with a wave of other kids. "See ya later fag."

Demyx grunted. He hated his friend sometimes. He began pacing out of the room, mixing in with the crowd and something small and blonde bumped into him.

"Watch out asshole." Demyx snarled.

"Er. Sorry?" Roxas replied, cocking an eyebrow at him before turning back around and continuing on his way.

But Demyx wasn't satisfied with that. "You sure have a mouth on you kid. Bet your boyfriend loves that." Roxas stared at him blankly.

'These punk kids use any given excuse to pick fights' Roxas thought, before settling on the classic—flipping him off – before shifting back into the crowd and walking off.

Demyx growled, he hated preppy kids.

"Was that the guy in our English class?" Hayner asked, once Roxas had caught back up with him through the swirling mass of students rushing to their lockers, next class or to void their pathetic teenage bladders.

"Yes." Roxas said shortly. "Yes, it was. You goin' to the party tonight?"

"Of course." Hayner said, grinning and giving him a thumbs up. "See ya there?"

"of course." Roxas replied with a half smile before heading in the opposite direction.

Axel was grinning; and leaning against a nearby row of lockers. Tonight was going to be more interesting than he had thought.