DISCLAIMER: All the characters are not mine, etc...

WARNING: If you haven't seen Superman Returns, GO SEE IT! It was awesome and this has major spoilers.

NOTE: This is completely based on the movie and nothing more (I never read the comics)! This is kind of strange for me and out of my area but after I saw Superman Returns, I couldn't pass up on the possibilities of the love triangle-Superman's son stuff. It's great clay to mold, so here it goes. Sorry but there's a lot of movie scenes in this chap. and the next because it makes it smoother. But please read it all :). And REVIEW PLEASE! That would be kind of you too.

He crawled out of the craft and stumbled over the pile of dirt and rock it had made in the landing, nearly collapsing on the ground. He drew a deep breath of earth's air slowly tainted with the smoke of the burning fires also an effect of his crash. His hands clenched soft soil that bunched under his fingernails.

As he felt darkness begin to close around him, a familiar bent figure appeared among the debris. His earthly mother turned with a start when he laid a hand on her shoulder.

"Clark! Oh, Clark!" She lowered him to the ground and cradled his head in her arms.

From the vast reaches of space and the ruins of Krypton, Kal-El had returned.

Clark felt hundreds of memories flood his thoughts as he stepped into the Daily Planet. He was hardly noticed with the bustle and commotion of all the reporters and secretaries rushing to-and-fro, talking, and clicking on keyboards.

After an enthusiastic welcome from Jimmy Olsen—through which he had trouble concentrating as he subtly searched the room for someone in particular—he placed one of his suitcases in the closet and found his new desk. But there was something else on his mind. He finally found the desk of Lois Lane and let his eyes run over its contents. A faint smile creased his lips when he saw a certificate for a Pulitzer Prize…until he saw for what article.

A jolt of surprise and hurt woke him from his pleasant reverie. "Why the World Doesn't Need Superman?" No, it could not be true. But the article was there too. Another shock waited for him behind a few file folders.

Clark reached out for the picture frame and gazed on it painfully. Lois as beautiful as ever in his eyes…and another man…and a small boy between them.

Jimmy startled him from behind and his words broke something inside Clark.

"Yeah, who'd a thought? Fearless reporter Lois Lane is a mommy."

Clark wondered about the man in the photo. "So…she's married?"

"Yes….No. It's more a prolonged engagement."

His heart felt torn from his chest and his mouth was suddenly dry. Five years. Five years and Lois had moved on in a big way. Did his love seem so trivial to her?

But he still forced an upbeat attitude so not to disappoint his friend Jimmy.

Lois Lane, the intrepid reporter, always seemed to get into some sort of trouble and today was no exception. She was on a 777 covering the launch of a shuttle from the plane when everything went wrong. First a power outage, then problems with the launch, and now the shuttle and plane were stuck together with boosters going at full throttle. She had been in fear for her life before, but this was different. An unnamed individual had always been there to save her; but he had left without another word years ago. He would not be there this time.

The plane suddenly jerked forward, throwing her to the back with a thud. They began plummeting back to the earth.

She was beginning to give up hope. How could she survive this crash? Images of her son Jason flashed through her mind. I hope he knows how much I love him, she thought.

Then she turned her head to look out the window. Her thoughts all tumbled together, and her eyes widened as a blur of blue and red dashed across the sky. I must be hallucinating.

Heavy footsteps thudded on the roof of the plane.

No, it's real. It's really him.

After a few more bumps and bruises and being tossed through the air, Lois finally was buckled in a seat again. And a few minutes later, they were set on a baseball field with a loud crunch.

Her heart thundered in her chest as the door of the plane was torn from its hinges, and she caught sight of the man who had been gone five years gently glide inside. He was none changed still with those blazing blue eyes.

Those eyes scanned the passengers briefly to make sure everyone was okay.

"Is everyone all right?" he asked. His voice was rich and clear.

There were a few nods and murmurs but mostly gaping faces.

That piercing, azure gaze rested on Lois when she slowly stood. Superman focused wholly on her. "Are you okay?"

She couldn't even respond but gawked openly, not realizing people had turned to look at her.

A long moment of silence passed between them. A smile tugged at the corner of his mouth, and he made his way to the door again.

Lois had so many questions she wanted to blurt out in front of everyone. How could you leave without saying goodbye? Why did you leave in the first place? Do you realize how long it's been? And so many more. She did not know whether she was excited, angry, or simply astonished, but he was gone as quickly as he had come.

Clark tried not to smile too much when he watched Lois walk into the Daily Planet; however, it was not hard at all when he saw Richard White join her in Perry's office: the man who had replaced him. He was a nice-looking young guy with a great job and a true devotion for Lois.

Richard embraced her and kissed her cheek. It stung. Superman may have been invulnerable to physical pain, though not so emotionally. His super hearing allowed him to listen in on Lois and Richard.

"Where's Jason?" asked Lois.

Clark was suddenly looking down at the boy from the picture. His large blue eyes stared with curiosity. "Hello." Clark pushed his glasses up his nose.

"Hi. Who are you?"

"I'm Clark Kent, an old friend of your mom's before you were born."

Jason really did look like his mother except for something about his eyes and the expression of his mouth.

Lois, why did you do this? Was it really so long?

They exchanged a few more words till Lois herself joined them. Clark drew a sharp breath having her so near again. Her hair flowed in dark waves to her shoulders, framing a delicate but clear face and eyes as blue as an afternoon sky. She was so beautiful, yet he had to act as the geeky friend she did not love.

"Hey Clark, welcome back! I see you've met the munchkin."


She gently reprimanded her son and ruffled his dark hair. "Wow, how was your trip?"


"You'll have to tell me all about it."

She brightened when Richard sidled up beside her to talk to her about work. Clark felt another blow soon after while Lois and Richard discussed Lois's assignment. Her voice was tainted with disgust and disappointment as she complained about his uncle, Perry the chief editor, putting her on Superman not the mysterious blackout.

What was wrong with that? It looked to be more difficult than he thought to win her heart again for she was set on putting Superman straight out of her life.

His red cape billowed around his blue suit in rippling waves as he quietly descended behind Lois's home.

Great. I've become Superman the Stalker.

But he had to see.

It was an elegant and simple home with Richard's seaplane floating on the river. Superman used his vision to look inside and hearing to listen. Jason was in the living room practicing the piano. He still wasn't sure how he felt about the boy. Richard and Lois were in the dining room with Chinese takeout. He paid more attention when Richard brought up is name asking about the article "I Spent the Night with Superman."

He left as soon as he heard Lois's answer to Richard's last question.

"Were you in love with him?"

"He was Superman; everyone was in love with him."

"But were you?"

A long, tense moment passed. Superman waited in suspended hope.


He flew up away from the riverfront house.

There is such great pain and sorrow finding the one you love with someone else. To return with the same fervent love when they have gone into another's arms. It brought such heaviness and overwhelming sadness to his heart that he had to occupy himself to keep from falling into a dark depression. Lois was his life, the most important thing to him; although, doing good for the people and saving lives was high in his heart as well. And that is what he decided to do with or without Lois's love.

NOTE: I'll be gone a few days so hopefully next chap. will be up Saturday or Sunday. Enjoy!