A/N: Yay! Another One Piece Story by me! That's 4. 3 if you count Island 1 and 2 as 1! XD Anyways, I decided I'd do something completely original for this one. Like they actually live normal lives as the teens they are. I like the pirate thing, which is the show, but I thought doing something like this would be fun! Well, enjoy my fanfic! Oh, and I'm also supposed to update my other stories at the same time so don't mind if it takes a week or two for each chapter, but I'll try and make it worth it! Oh, and I kinda made them all a few years younger than they are.

That's my neighbor!

Here we go again…The orange haired 16 year-old girl thought as she gazed out the car window as they drove down the street.

She sat up right and sighed, as she looked up at the top of the car.

"Oh, Nami…" her mother said looking behind her seat at her, "It's not going to be that bad."

"Yes it is. For the thousandth time your ripping me apart from my friends just because you once again got a better job offer somewhere else." Nami crossed her arms and pouted.

"Just think of it as a new adventure!" Her dad said as he drove the car down another street.

"That's what you say every single time!" Nami complained.

"Just try to live through it one more time, please Nami! This time we might actually stay!" Nami's mother tried to calm Nami down.

"Whatever…" Nami rolled her eyes and continued to gaze out the window.

As the car entered Nami's new home town the car came to a red light and stopped. As the car stopped Nami was still looking out the window and got a chance to look into one of the near by coffee shops. In the coffee shop she saw a boy, about her age, sitting at one of the tables with his friends. She pocked her head out the window to get a closer look.

He had black hair, with the goofiest straw hat on. Nami had to laugh. I mean, who wears straw hats anymore? Then she saw his take off his hat and set it down next to him. Nami was amazed, without his straw hat on, well, what could she say? He was HOT!

Then, Nami shrieked as the light turned green and the car continued to drive off with Nami hanging out the window.

"For goodness sakes, Nami! Keep your body parts INSIDE the car!" Her mother screamed at her as Nami sat back down in her seat.

"Eh, heh heh. Sorry." Nami apologized.

"What where you looking at anyways?" Her father questioned.

"Nothing…" Nami sighed.

When they finally reached their new home the car stopped in the driveway and Nami lazily pulled herself out of the car and stretched her legs.

"Finally, after a boat ride through the ocean and a long car drive we're here!" Nami's mother exclaimed.

Nami sighed and started to help bring in all the luggage that was in the car as they waited for the storage car to arrive with all their furniture.

When everything was there and they had picked out rooms and put all the furniture wherever desired Nami unpacked all her luggage with her clothes and personal items and put them away in her room.

She collapsed on her bed in her new room and took a deep breath before sitting herself up to examine her room.

Her mom knocked on the door and Nami let her in.

"You've got one week of summer vacation left," Nami's mother told," I suggest you get out of the house for a while and explore your surroundings."

Nami shrugged, "Sure, whatever." Then Nami passed her mom on the way out of her room, walked down the stairs, and out of the house.

"That girl's got such an attitude!" Her mother huffed as she watched Nami leave the house.

As Nami stepped outside she looked around her and sighed again. She hated moving so much. It was a nightmare! The same thing would happen every time; she would get used to everything and make new friends, then at the absolute worst moment ever they'd move again!

She decided to take a walk down her street.

She examined her neighbors houses as she passed them. She looked into one window and saw a family playing a board game together, and then she looked into another and saw a group of teens listening to music.

She sighed at the thought of friends.

Just as Nami thought she was totally alone she felt somebody approaching her from behind.

She jumped in shock as she felt something tap her shoulder.

"Oh! I'm sorry for surprising you!" A girl said offering Nami a hand after she fell down from shock.

"N-No problem," Nami assured as she took the girls hand and got up to her feet," Who are you?" Nami asked.

"I'm Vivi!" The girl said. Nami examined her, she looked about her age.

"I'm Nami." Nami greeted smiling.

"Did you just move in at that house?" Vivi asked pointing behind her at Nami's new 'home'.

Nami nodded, "Yeah."

Vivi got exited and smiled wide, "You're my new neighbor!"

"Oh, really?" Nami questioned.

"Yup! I'm so happy! You're the first girl to move here on my street! I mean, I still see Robin at school, but this is awesome!" Vivi exclaimed.

Nami rolled her eyes," I probably will move be the end of the year though."

"Why is that?" Vivi asked.

"It's my moms' job; we've been moving all over the place for years!" Nami complained.

"Well, that's okay. You'll have an amazing time here, I promise!" Vivi assured grabbing Nami's hand and running her down a few streets to the main shopping area.

"Look at this! This is rogue town shopping district!" Vivi pointed into the shopping district.

"Rogue town?" Nami questioned," Is that the name of where I live now?"

"Uh-huh!" Vivi nodded.

There were people everywhere! There was even a guy on the roof of one of the shopping buildings! It was the most people Nami had ever seen in her life!

"Whoa…" Nami whispered to herself.

"Cool, huh?" Vivi smiled at her.

"Yeah, it's great!" Nami said clapping her hands, "Mega-shopping here I come!"

Vivi crossed her arms," I don't think any of us can afford to buy anything but food here. Everything's so expensive!"

"Not for me," Nami said showing Vivi her wallet," My parents are rich and give me money all the time."

"Why do they give you so much money?" Vivi asked.

"They think if they give me money all the time I'll forgive them for dragging me all over the place!" Nami huffed placing her wallet back in her pocket.

"Oh." Vivi said quietly.

Nami waved her hands in front of her face," Don't worry about it! That's my problem. Now, I saw a neat coffee shop on the way here. I wonder where it is…"

"What do you mean by 'neat'?" Vivi questioned.

"Well," Nami started," It's not really the coffee shop. I'm interested in the guy I saw inside of it."

Vivi raised an eyebrow," What did he look like?"

"He had black hair and this straw hat. But without his hat on he looks really cute! " Nami told.

Vivi started laughing hysterically, "I know who you're talking about! That's your other neighbor, Luffy! I can't believe you like him!"

"What's wrong with him?" Nami asked putting her hands on her hips.

"He's the goofiest person I know!" Vivi laughed harder.

"Could I meet him?" Nami asked.

"Sure, and while your at it we can meet the rest of my friends too!" Vivi told.

"He's your friend?" Nami questioned.

"Well, duh. He's one of my neighbors!" Vivi laughed at her.

"Oh, yeah!" Nami laughed too as she scratched the back of her head.

"Well lets go to that coffee shop!" Vivi said running off into the crowd.

Nami followed her," Hey! Wait up!"

I wonder what he's like…? Nami thought to herself as they reached the coffee shop and she saw him as they walked in and she met his gaze.


A/N: Yay! My new story! I hope you enjoy it and leave me awesome reviews!