A/N: Chappie up-date! WOOT!

When Dentists Attack! Wait, You're No Dentist!

Chapter Four


Danny suddenly got an idea. Bertrand couldn't have thought of thinking all the way ahead without Spectra to aid him along the way. He was just an assistant after all. There had to be something he over-looked that could work to Danny's advantage. But what? Danny tried searching with his eyes for an escape route, but couldn't. He tried once again to release his arm, but with no luck.

"Stop moving, you runt!" Bertrand snapped.

"Stop calling me names, you loser!" Danny snapped right back, his eyes flashing a menacing green color. Bertrand frowned and turned around in the roller-chair to look at where he'd put down the little bottle of the red liquid, grumbling to himself.

Danny took this as his chance to figure out whatever weak-spot this thing could possibly have. Bertrand seemed to have thought of everything. If Danny could even manage to get loose, it'd be great progress. He scowled, trying to pry himself free as he thought. Sometimes pressure helped his brain think faster and beyond it's normal capacity. He'd gotten out of tougher situations, this shouldn't be any different.

Can't turn intangible, he thought quietly, staring at the ceiling to rest. He closed his eyes. Can't get lose or rip these things. My only chance would be to stall until someone notices I'm in trouble or, if by chance, someone notices I'm being held captive here.

Big chance of that happening.

He opened his eyes again to the sound of footsteps. Bertrand had stood up. "Maybe I should call Spectra. So she can enjoy herself at the sight of seeing you like this. Trapped," he said in his annoying nasal voice. Danny snarled and clenched his fists. Bertrand only grinned wickedly once more. "I'll be back." Then, with a little sarcasm mixed into his voice, added, "Don't go anywhere."

At Danny's expression the ghoul laughed and stepped out the room.

"There has to be a way out..." Danny groaned, nearly shouting. He shifted his eyes towards the unconcious Nurse and furrowed his eyebrows. "I hope she's okay..." he mumbled, then focused back on the ceiling before his head began to hurt.

Then a light-bulb went on.

When he'd fought his older self, Dan had been able to make ecto-plasm into something solid. Even Danny, himself, had been able to form a type of rope with it the first time he met Wulf. The Go-Ghost Stinger. But he'd only ever used it once or twice before. In his current condition, he figured he may not even be able to handle going ghost. "Maybe I can pull off a Spiderman move," he mumbled half-heartedly to himself as he stared at his backpack lying against the wall. Bertrand must have moved it while Danny wasn't paying attention because he could have sworn he'd left it near the chair he was sitting in.

He pursed his lips and focused on creating a bit of ecto enegry into his hand. He shifted as best he could to try to make the glow stronger. He bit back his tongue from shouting out a curse word and was about to give up when a shot of green ectoplasm shot out from his hand and curled itself around one of his backpack's straps. His eyes widened and he grabbed the rope in his hand. "When I said Spiderman, I didn't mean it literally," he murmured, but tangled the rope around his hand before gradually pulling it in - which isn't easy when you can only move the thing an inch before having to tangle the ectoplasm further around your hand. Reeling something in with one hand was harder than it looked.

"Come on, come on, before Bert comes back," he groaned, still reeling it in. Then a buzzing noise caught his attention and he started to work over time. His cell phone! It was a good thing it seemed to be taking Bertrand several minutes to come back and a good thing these dentists rooms were small. "Almost there!" he hissed when the hardest part of the task arrived: pulling the backpack up onto the chair. He clenched his teeth and rotated his wrist several times, trying to pulley the backpack up. He really needed to stop carrying those school books. And maybe a good work-out lifting weights would help too. "Hih!" he groaned and held his breath. The backpack slid onto the seat and his hand let go of the rope once he was sure it would fall. The rope dematerialized and he sighed with relief as his hand began to unzip one of the pockets, the buzz stopping then starting up again.

"Where is it..." he whispered, frantic. Footsteps began to sound, followed by growls and incoherent curses. He pulled out a small pen-shaped device and held it in his fist. The call would have to wait. He built up whatever strength he could muster after everything and blasted his backpack back to where it had been previously. So much for calling for help...

"What was that?" came the voice of Bertrand and the footsteps sped up significantly until his huffing figure appeared accompanied by anotehr form. A red-clad woman with hair that would make anyone confused her shadow for the devil: Penelope Spectra. Danny gulped and adjusted the small tube in his hand, feeling it slip around as his palms grew sweaty.

"Hmm...must have imagined it," Bertrand mumbled and came to stand next to Danny, glaring at him with a look that said "Don't try anything stupid."

"I honestly don't see what you've accomplished," Spectra spat.

"As annoying as ever, are we?" Danny mumbled, closing his eyes.

Spectra frowned. "Why yes," she retorted. "And I see you haven't changed your cocky attitude either. How's it going?"

"I have a feeling that was a retorical question," Danny grumbled, opening his eyes again as Spectra's heels clicked against the floor until she was opposite Bertrand.

"You guessed right," she answered and crossed her arms. She looked at Bertrand. "Kind of overdid the whole..."don't move a muscle thing" don't you think?" she asked and Bertrand shrugged. She sighed. "What do you plan on doing, anyway?" she said, the I-so-don't-wanna-be-here tone clear in her voice. Kinda like how Danny felt at school everyday.

"Well, you see, I developed this...mixture that can actually cancel out his powers!" Bertrand said. "It'll last almsot 24 hours and-"

"You developed it?" Spectra asked, raising an eye brow. "Sounds like something that Plasmius man once made."

"Well..." Bertrand mumbled, looking uneasy. He shook his head. Danny was...confused. So he stole that red thing form Vlad? what was that man up to? He gulped, shifting his fist again. "That's not important!" Bertrand said. "All I have to do is inject it into him and-" he began to lower the syringe to Danny's shoulder -"his powers will cancel out immediately!"

Danny's eyes widened. "Whoa, there partner!" he shouted and and pointed the pen at Bertrand as best he could.

"What the-" Bertrand and Spectra both shouted at the same time. Danny grinned and pressed the button on the side of the "pen" as a blast of green shot out of the end, knocking Bertrand back and causing the injetcion to fall onto the floor. Spectra's jaw dropped and she stare don as Bertrand tried to recover. "Why you little-" she started, turning abck to Danny but found the boy had gotten his hands free and had staretd to undo the oterh straps that held him down. "Bertrand, you're on your own!" she shouted. I told you before, if you go down, you go down alone!"

"Spectra!" Bertrand shouted after her as she ran out the room. All the commotion caused a stirring in the unconcious nurse's condition. She groaned as she began to wake. Danny smiled evilly at Bertrand. "Your plot's at an end!" he shouted, going ghost.

Of course, Bertrand didn't have to know that Danny probably didn't even have the strength to fight him...

E/N: wow...I up-dated...

--Airamé Phantom