Uh, do i need to type a disclaimer? I've read the stories and ALL of them put disclaimers. So like, do I have to do that too?

'Niways, read on...and watcheva.


It was another of those horribly long days that Tsunade just hated. Piles of documents were stacked on her desk and silly complaints by the villagers were seriously tiring her out. As if it weren't enough, she could sense an intruder – and a very good one at that, considering that she could only sense him then – in her office. She sighed almost in exasperation. Not bothering to turn from her seat that was facing the window – for the time being (she needed to rest too, damn it!) – she called, "There's no use hiding, you know. I can sense you."

To her utmost surprise, it was a certain 'missing' black-haired Uchiha that stepped out from the shadows. Her look of surprise turned to one of annoyance when she saw the sorely missed familiar smirk of the teen. His first spoken words to her in almost three years were sadly, "You should really increase the defence of Konohagakure, Tsunade."

The woman's look of annoyance was marred some more by a scowl that decorated her face prettily. Couldn't the brat show her at least some respect? She was the Hokage, for goodness' sake! It was simply more common for youngsters to address her with the more respectful term of Tsunade-sama, Hokage or even Hokage-sama. Not just a plain Tsunade! Although there was another certain blonde-headed shinobi youngster who couldn't get into his head that calling her a Baa-san was actually taboo…

At the same, though, she was actually impressed at the youth's ability to slip past a few dozen chuunins undetected. Hell, it was even impressive even for an experienced jounin!

"It's nice to meet you again too, Sasuke," Tsunade greeted dryly and crossed her arms, becoming serious. A frown graced her tired features. The Uchiha being there meant that there was trouble. A spy sent to stay with a target coming back before the specified amount of time was a cause for concern, after all. "So. What's up?"

Sasuke shrugged absently. Tsunade lifted an eyebrow at this seemingly harmless reaction. It may be nothing to most but as a Hokage, she noticed the slightest change in a person and Sasuke had really changed since the last three years that she had seen him. She could still remember the last time she had talked to him – he had been so high strung at the thought of the upcoming long-term mission he had to do that he had jumped at every single sound. He had scowled and glared at anyone glancing his way with an air of arrogant annoyance. Now, though, he looked more settled and almost at peace. It shocked Tsunade to use such words on the teen but she couldn't deny that he had definitely changed. The careless shrug was just a small part of it.

Hmm…I wonder what that bastard snake did to him. Did I send him to the right boot camp to give him the right dose of ego-smashing? I hope that is the case…

"Tsunade?" Sasuke's bemused voice called her out her reverie. "Penny for your thoughts?"

Tsunade scowled again at the smirking teen and huffed. "Your report."

"Well, I guess it's just the usual… Orochimaru's going to attack soon and he's starting to fawn over my body," Sasuke shuddered, "It was disgusting, I'm telling you! I just HAD to leave that creepy old geezer..."

Tsunade looked at the muttering teen with a bit of exasperation. Orochimaru finally attacking and showing an increased interest for his body was the usual news? Tsunade rolled her eyes. She wondered quite wryly what the snake had made the kid report. She shuddered as well at the thought. It was probably better not to think about it.

"Right…" she replied to this news lazily and regarded the younger Uchiha before her with a clinic eye. "You won't go back to Sound?"

Sasuke shook his head stubbornly. "Never. It's CREEPY…"

Tsunade sighed at his answer. Creepy – wow…the Uchiha finally learnt a new word! Free snacks and drinks to go around for everybody!

"You know that Orochimaru will obviously be after you, right? You can endanger Konoha like this. Are you sure you want to stay?" Tsunade prodded his weak spot for the village. Ever since he had returned from Itachi's attack three years ago, he had somehow swore to protect the village against the psychotic-bastard-of-a-monster instead of only thinking of revenge for his family. Tsunade still wondered how the teen turned his mind around like that. It had been too late for Itachi, and too late for Orochimaru, so she had thought it to be too late for Sasuke as well. However, it seemed that she was wrong. He had told her that he would do anything to repent for being such an ass to the village. That was when she got the idea to let him be a spy for Konoha. It had been very risky to send a thirteen-year-old to a high S-classed mission – a thirteen-year-old! What was she thinking! – but the situation of the village and Sasuke's eagerness had somehow over-ruled her twisted sense of logic.

Now, the fifth Hokage watched the younger and saner heir of the Uchiha clan as he frowned a bit in worry. He never wanted Konoha to be so struck down again; and his friends…

He unexpectedly smirked. "It's no problem, Kage. I've been angsting about my revenge to Itachi as a part of my act for a while now. When the geezer told me of the attacks he wanted to carry out, I acted angry and gave him the reason that I wouldn't have enough time to exact my revenge on the bastard – not that I give a damn anymore – and before I ran off, I left a letter for them. It says simply, 'Going to kill Itachi.' Ingenious, huh?"

"Ah…" Tsunade raised her eyebrows thoughtfully. The diversion just might work! But just in case—

"I still won't tell the village of your return. They still think of you as a traitor and I don't want to create uproar, especially at such a time. You will also be basically staying with me in the Hokage tower. Do you understand me?" she replied him with her Hokage's authority voice. It pained her in a way to tell the kid that he wasn't accepted into society despite him endangering his life for the people. But she couldn't possibly tell anyone about his mission – she had practically told no one, not even her trusted assistant, Asashi (I dunno her name) – without endangering the whole of Konohagakure. And as Hokage, she had to put the village's safety before any emotional hurdle. Besides, Naruto had been experiencing the ostracism since he was born.

Tsunade watched silently as a small, sad smile – so fast that she wasn't really sure she had seen it – flitted quickly on the teen's face. By the time she blinked again, the aloof mask was safely on again. Sasuke shrugged carelessly at her and turned away. "Whatever."

"And I will make you ANBU."

"Hn, whatev—What!"

EnD :whatcheva:

Do I have to be cliched and type review?

Pshht. Watcheva.