Erika Daae: Okay! After The long wait...(Thank you all for being so patient!) it's time for...


(Shippo hops onto stage, the newly installed barriers preventing any fangirls/pedos from glomping/molesting him.)

Shippo: Hi, everyone! I'm glad to be here...I finally get my well-deserved time in the spot light!

ED:...Whatever you say. Anyways! The first question is from tokio-japan543!

heyShippo: Aww...(blushes). Well, I know I'm good looking, but I didn't know anyone else thought that...thanks!

well i first i wanna say that "SHIPPO YOU ARE SO CUTE."

Fangirls: AWWW!! WE LOVE YOU SHIPPO!! (attempting to glomp, get zapped by barriers.)

ED: Jeevas, I love that thing...seconf part!

and secondly i wanna know whats up with the bow?

ED: Yes. What IS up with the bow? I mean...I thought you were a girl for like...ten episodes, because of it...

Shippo: What?! How could you confuse me for a girl? This manly piece of fox-muffin! And besides...

(projector and screen appear out of no where, along with a very, very long pointer for Shippo.)

Shippo: If you hadn't noticed, I am not the only one with a preference for something girly. Most of the males on this show have very girly preferences...for instance!

(Picture of Naraku)

Shippo: Naraku! Hair is long and wavy, also wears makeup.

(Picture of Koga)

Shippo: Koga! Ponytail and skirt!

(Picture of Jakotsu)

Shippo:...Need I say anything about him?

(Picture of Sesshomaru)

Shippo: Yes! Even the great dog demon Lord of the West has a very feminine hairstyle! Plus, along with Naraku...he wears makeup.

Sesshomaru (from backstage): It is not makeup! They are markings of the tribe of the do--

Shippo: Yeah, that's great. It's makeup.

Sesshomaru: No it's not!

Shippo: Yes, it is!

Sesshomaru: Nuh uh!

Shippo: Uh huh!

Sesshomaru: Nuh uh!!

Shippo: Uh huh!!

Sesshomaru: NUH UH!!

Shippo: UH HUH!!

ED: KNOCK IT OFF!! You can only blow so much time with a back and forth "uh huh", "nuh uh" battle! have some more reviews/questions.

(projector, pointer, and screen disappear)

Shippo: Ahem! Then, continue!

ED: Okay...sheesh. Anyways, this one is onee-chan! (...yes, dad? light resistance :3) Blackwingedangel1991!!

hey oneechan!! lol on the story. anyway... I want to say Shippo your so kawaii! What's your favorite food? Does Inyasha ever tick you off? What do you think of the fanart people draw that show you older with Kiara looking like a woman and you two are a couple?

Shippo: Thanks! I know, aren't I the best? ;D

My favorite food is probably...the candy Kagome brings back! My favorite is that Hersey's stuff, though.

Yes! Inuyasha makes me made all the time! He's just a big bully, and he steals my food. One day though...I will have...MY REVENGE!! MWAHAHAHA!! (lightening and evil music)


Shippo:...Ahem. Well...hehehe...anyway! (Oh, and you actually made ED research this one...)

Well...the pictures are nice and...I guess it could happen...but Kiara's more of a sister then anything...

ED: there would be some pretty screwed up fox/cat humanish/cattish demon hybrids running around...

Kiara: Hiiiiisssssssssss!!

ED: Ah, be quiet! You know it's true!

Shippo: Don't talk to Kiara like that!

ED: Fine. You be quiet, too.

Shippo:'s MY turn to be in the limelight!! Waaahhhhh!!


Inuyasha: Well, I guess that's a relief.

ED: (thinking...lightbulb goes off)


Kagome: (bored) Inuyasha...sit.


Inuyasha: What the hell was that for?! I did nothing! I just pointed it out!

ED: (evil fire)'d better run, puppy...

(PING!! Pyromaniac mode: activated.)

Inuyasha: AHHHH!!


Shippo: Um...we'd...better end it here before they destroy the time, on INU INTERVIEWS...

KIKYO!! Tune in next time! Bye bye!