Ok...this is the LAST CHAPTER. Wow...two updates in one day, and after being gone for...how long have I been gone? At least a few months right? I dunno...read it! Yes!


"Once upon a time, there was an annoying little boy named Omi. He wouldn't leave his friend Raimundo alone, and he got thrown off a cliff. The end." Raimundo finished angrily. Omi had been talking a mile a minute about when the next Portuguese lesson would be, and Raimundo had gotten pretty sick of it…so he told him a little story, Omi had this to offer in response.

"Wow! A boy with the same name as me! And he was annoying his friend named Raimundo! I also have a friend named Raimundo. It is you, of course! But I am not annoying like that Omi! And you would certainly not throw me off of a cliff like that Raimundo did to that other Omi who is not me but shares the same name and who is also friends with a Raimundo who is also not you but also shares the same name and also has a friend named Omi who is the same Omi who I mentioned before but the one I mentioned that is not me but the Omi who's friend is the Raimundo who is not you but the other Raimundo who-"

"OMI! I'm talking about YOU!" Raimundo yelled. Omi stared at him.

"Well that was not very nice of you to use that other Omi and Raimundo to talk about you and I! For what if they had been falsely accused and that Omi thought that the other Raimundo found him annoying and what if they thought that the other Omi was me or that Raimundo was you or that they were you and I or that Master Fung practiced the hitting of red and white balls and stepping on dishware in the shape of a flat diamond in the middle of the day whilst Kimiko plays the Goo Zombies and-" Raimundo had sort of given up and stopped listening to Omi after that, although the thought of Master Fung playing baseball was almost hilarious enough to persuade him to keep listening, but Omi was a bit too annoying to listen to him that long. And with that he decided to try to shut him up before his ears fell off.

"Hey Omi! Want to have another Portuguese lesson?" Raimundo inquired. Omi's face lit of.

"Oh yes! Yes! Can we? Can we? How do you say 'yes' in that language to which name I cannot remember?" Omi inquired earnestly.

"Sim." Raimundo replied. Omi grinned ear to ear. (no really, his smile started at one ear, and stretched all the way to the other ear)

"Sim! Sim! Sim!" Omi shouted again and again.

"What's he yelling about?" Kimiko inquired as she wandered over to the pair.

"We're having another lesson." Raimundo responded, a slight smile on his face at Kimiko's next sentence.

"I'll be right back!" and she ran off.

A couple minutes later, Kimiko, (now holding the notebook where the message had been written) Clay, and Omi where all seated in front of Raimundo, who was holding Dojo like the sticks teachers use to point at things when they really don't need the stick but just want it so kids think it's for whacking bad little children who fall asleep during grammar.

"Okay, Omi, what do you want to learn today?" Raimundo inquired.

"I get to choose?" Omi looked happier then the time Master Monk Guan had scolded Raimundo. (He had been pretending but still)

"Yeah, sure." Raimundo replied. Omi began thinking. What did he want to be taught? Kimiko sighed.

"She knew Rai would never let her pick the lesson, because she would then obviously be able to figure out the note…but maybe she would get lucky. She figured she should pay attention, just in case.

"Raimundo…how do you say…'I am the greatest warrior!'?"

" Eu sou o guerreiro o mais grande!" Raimundo replied. Omi, (who had also brought a notebook) began writing it down.

"That's not really a lesson…but it'll do." Raimundo thought aloud.

"I wanna pick a lesson." Clay commented.

"Go for it." Raimundo replied. Clay knew his right away.

"How do you say, "Get along little doggies!"?" (One of Clay's signature lines)

"Okay…that wasn't really a lesson either, but it's Começar ao longo dos cães prequenos." Clay took some of Omi's notebook paper and his pencil and wrote it down. Kimiko smiled.

"Hey Rai, you can't let them pick a lesson and not me." She piped up. Rai looked at her. He looked a little stunned, then he smiled.

"Sure. What do you want to learn to say?" (He'd given up on protesting that using him as a translator wasn't really a lesson) Kimiko raised an eyebrow, then she realized why he didn't care. He was only translating English into Portuguese. But she needed it the other way around. She sighed.

"Um…I dunno, you pick." She sighed again. Raimundo smiled.

"Que a nota diz?" he told her. Kimiko wrote it down.

"You're not going to tell me what it means, are you?" she only half-guessed. Raimundo shook his head. Kimiko sighed. A few more 'lessons' were given, and then they all went back inside to play video games.

Kimiko sat on the couch and stared at the notes. She stared at them for about an hour, as though the answer would pop out of thin air.

"Hey Rai?" she began slowly.

"Yeah?" he replied.

"How do you expect me to figure this out?" she inquired. Raimundo raised an eyebrow. (He's been doing that a lot lately hasn't he?)

"Well, I mean, you won't let me use technology, but you don't cover anything on this note in your 'lessons', so…how am I supposed to figure it out?" she asked again.

"Ya know Kim, tech isn't the only way to figure something out." He told her, smiling. She didn't get it.

"Am I aloud to ask someone else or go to the library?" she pressed.

"No." he answered immediately. Now she was getting annoyed…

"Then how am I supposed to figure it out?!" she nearly yelled. Raimundo laughed.

"C'mon, think about it." He continued.

"Oh Kimmy!" Kimiko slowly turned.

"Yes…mom?" she forced herself to say.

"You two might want to come say goodbye, Mr. Bailey's leaving." She said in a creepily sad and happy at the same time tone. So they started walking outside. Fortunately for Kimiko, the walk was too short for her mother to embarrass her, so it worked out pretty well.

"Well, I'll see ya'll later, I wish I could stay a couple days longer, but I jus' can't afford to be away from the farm this long." Mr. Bailey told them.

"Goodbye Pa." Clay waved.

"Goodbye son." Mr. Bailey patted his son on the head, waved to the rest of them, and departed. Raimundo turned to Kimiko.

"Hey Kim, you know, the second your mom leaves, you're out of time." He reminded her. Kimiko was suddenly caught between two desires. The burning desire for her mother to stay so she would have time to figure out the note, and the endless humiliation that was sure to follow if she did stay. Kimiko groaned. Raimundo smiled.

"Ah come on Kim, you probably have at least a day left." He joked. She punched him.


"I love my milk and cookies! And they all love me too! Even though I eat them! They really surely do! YEAH!!! GUITAR SOLO!!!!!" Jack Spicer carefully set down his milk and cookies and began doing a really messed up guitar solo.

"JACK! STOP THAT INFERNAL RACKET!!!!" Wuya screeched, "It's bad enough listening to that cookie song…" she muttered. Jack stopped and stuck out his tongue at her. She growled and sailed through him. Which, of course, made Jack freak out again.

"I hate it when you do that!!" Jack whined. Wuya ignored him and sailed off. Jack watched her leave and then returned to his milk and cookies and annoying song.

"Another horrible thing about being a ghost, I can't use earplugs." Wuya muttered to herself, still trying to escape the noise.

After that completely pointless part of the story, we return to the Xiaolin monks…

"Well Kimmy, I think it's about time I go home…I'll be leaving tomorrow." Mrs. Tohomiko announced sadly. Kimiko was once again filled with the horror and relief of her mother leaving the temple. Then she began to think…who cared? Who cared what Raimundo's note said? It didn't matter. Who cared what he said about her? She should just be happy that the humiliation was (almost) over. And she was happy. She was happy. She didn't care.

"Wait! Mom…why don't you stay for a couple more days…?" So she lied. Can you blame her? Kimiko's mother grinned.

"Well Kimmy…I'll call your father and see what I can do." Her mother replied cheerily. She then squeezed Kimiko half to death and walked (skipped) off to the phone. Kimiko breathed a sigh of relief.

"You really care that much?" Kimiko jumped, than mentally kicked herself.

"Oh…what's up Rai?" she asked in a would-be-casual voice. Raimundo shrugged.

"I dunno, you tell me." He replied. Kimiko sighed.

"Well…um, I'd just miss my mom so much if she left! So…" Kimiko trailed off. Raimundo tried not to laugh.

"Really?" he asked. Kimiko nodded.

"Yeah! Yes! I-uh, have to go now!" she told him before running off. Raimundo laughed as she ran off in an embarrassed sprint.


"Master Fung!!" Kimiko called as she ran into the temple. Master Fung turned around.

"Ah, Kimiko. What can I do for you?" he inquired. Kimiko took a deep breath.

"Well, Raimundo gave me this note in Portuguese, and I have to solve it without technology, without looking it up in a book, and without asking anybody else! It's practically impossible!" she sighed. Master Fung raised an eyebrow.

"What do you want me to do about it?" he asked. Kimiko looked up at him.

"I don't know…what do I do to solve it?" she begged. Master Fung thought a moment, then smiled.

"Ah, I understand." He murmured to himself in an amused tone. Kimiko perked up.

"What? What is it?! How do I figure it out?!?!" she asked excitedly. Master Fung smiled at her.

"Here, I can give you some advice." He offered. Kimiko nodded, barely able to contain her excitement.

"Some answers are not as complicated as they seem." He told her. Kimiko stared at him.

"What am I supposed to do with that?" she inquired. Master Fung just smiled and walked out of the room.

"Think about it young monk." He replied. Kimiko groaned, but reluctantly wandered back to her room and flipped open her notebook and went back to staring at the Portuguese sentence that she still had no idea how to figure out. What did Master Fung mean? 'Some answers are not as complicated as they seem.' Trying to figure out the note seemed complicated…so it actually wasn't complicated? Meaning…figuring out the note was…simple? How was it simple? What was simple about it? What?


Kimiko fell asleep pondering the note, and the next morning, she woke up with her head resting on her desk. Her eyes fluttered open and she yawned. Stretching, she looked over at the clock.

"11:30! How could I sleep in this late?!" she exclaimed running outside. It was strange, not that she hadn't woken up, but that no one had woken her. They always got up early to train. Master Fung must have given them the day off! She looked around and spotted Omi practicing his martial arts.

"Oh! Hey Omi! Did Master Fung give us the day off?" she inquired. Omi smiled at her.

"Good morning Kimiko! You are up awfully late!" he scolded. Kimiko sighed.

"Yeah… did Master Fung give us the day off?" she asked again. Omi nodded.

"Oh yes! He did! Dojo brought Master Fung somewhere as a special treat! So it is just you and I and Raimundo and Clay and your mother!" he exclaimed cheerily. Kimiko nodded, then she remembered that her mother was going to ask her father if she could stay longer.

"Hey…have you seen my mom Omi?" she asked him. He nodded.

"Yes, she is in the kitchen, getting water." He replied. Kimiko nodded and ran off to the kitchen.

"Thanks Omi!" she called. Omi waved.

"You are most welcome Kimiko!" he replied before going back to practicing.

"Mom!" she exclaimed when she spotted her mother.

"Kimiko! I was just about to go look for you!" she grinned. Kimiko nodded.

"So-um…can you stay a little longer?" she inquired. Her mother shook her head.

"I'm sorry Kimiko, I have to go home now. All my things are packed, I'll be gone just as soon as I find my hairdryer" She replied sadly. Kimiko sighed.

"Well…alright, tell me when you leave, I'll come say goodbye." She offered. Kimiko slowly went back to her room and got her notepad. Afterwards she wandered out to the courtyard and sat under a tree, trying to remember what she had been thinking before falling asleep…hmm…it's not complicated…it's simple…yeah. So if figuring out the note was simple…no…that wasn't it! Man! It wasn't simple! What was she supposed to do?! Just walk up to Raimundo and ask what the note meant-wait…the rules were, no technology, no looking it up…and no asking anybody else. Anybody else! No asking anybody else!! So…that meant!

"That's what he meant all along that jerk!" she yelled before running off to find Raimundo, she found him on the other side of the temple tossing the soccer ball around like a hacky sack.

"Raimundo!" she shouted. He turned.

"Oh, hey Kim!" he greeted.

"You think you're so clever don't ya? Well I figured it out! I know what I have to do! Raimundo, what does the note say?" she asked. Raimundo grinned.

"See! It's so simple, that's all you had to do!" he replied.

"Yeah, I know that now. So, what does the note say? She asked again. Raimundo smiled.

"Yeah…is your mom still here? Because if she's not-"

"She's here Rai! Now what does it say?!?!" she begged. Raimundo blushed.

"Uh…let's see, Eu amo a senhorita Kimiko Tohomiko com todo meu coração. Suportar assim fora! Oh yeah!" Kimiko tapped her foot and raised her eyebrow. Raimundo blushed again.

"Yeah…um, I love Miss Kimiko Tohomiko with all my heart. So back off!" he told her sheepishly. Kimiko smiled.

"Ah Rai, that's…that's really sweet." She smiled. Rai scratched the back of his head.

"Yeah…so, you wanna go out sometime?" he offered. Kimiko grinned.

"Sure! How about on Saturday?" she replied happily. He nodded.

"Yeah, that'd be cool."

"Kimiko!!!!" a voice called. Kimiko smiled.

"Yeah mom?" she smiled as her mother came rushing over to them.

"It's time for me to go sweetie." Kimiko nodded.

"Bye mom." She waved. Her mother gave her a hug and a kiss and with a final goodbye she left the temple.

"Wow…so everything's back to normal." Raimundo observed. Kimiko nodded.

"Yeah, I guess so." She replied, her eyes wandering everywhere except for on Raimundo. An uncomfortable silence fell between them.

"So…now what?" Kimiko inquired, breaking the silence. Raimundo shrugged, then looked over at her.

"Um…" Kimiko looked up at him.

"What is it Rai?" She inquired. Raimundo paused, but then he leaned over and kissed her. He pulled back and blushed, stuffing his hands into his pockets. Kimiko smiled.

"Hey Rai, I'll play you in the Goo Zombies, the original?" she offered. Raimundo grinned.

"You're on!"

"Yeah, but you can't beat me!" Kimiko teased. Raimundo smirked and followed her to the living room.

"Wanna bet?"


All done! My Xiaolin Showdown story is all over. It's over!!! This story ended up with a lot of pointless plots...but it was fun to write. Huh...one down, 2 more to go. Okay, I have to finish those other two stories, and then...what will I write then? I'll have to think about that...anyway! I'll be seeing you later! Maybe...uh...bye bye!