Disclaimer:I don't own DB/Z/GT.They're property of Akira Toriyama,TOEI,and Funimation.

Beware:too sappy.


Chapter Three

When Goku arrived at home, it was too late.Puar had turned to his original shape, and the Chichi-witch ,furious at been decieved,
had tortured the poor cat almost to death,till she confessed everything.
Chichi's mother had been a demoness, and she had inherited her mother's powers, though she had kept it secret and nobody knew.

So, she put a spell on his husband: He was locked in a tower where his strength was useless, where nobody could come in or outside ,in the middle of an isolated place, invisible to everybody.He would be there,alone, for the rest of his life.Without his son,without his beloved prince.

The next day, Vegeta woke up so full of rage and wrath thinking that his dear Goku didn't love him anymore,that he had decided to destroy the damned mud ball with all his inhabitants. And then he would travel far faraway,to a distant place where he could forget everyting.

But,fortunately before any damaged could be done, the poor Puar ,who had surprisingly survived in spite of been so badly injured, went to explain to Vegeta what had happened.

Vegeta screamed with fury,knowing the terrible fate of his beloved.What could he do to save his dear Kakarot,when he didn't even know where he was?.He could only cry,so much pain.He took the mirror made from the tears of his beloved and kissed it again and again.

As more tears were shed, the glow of the glass increased. Vegeta stared fascinated and, suddenly, on the mirror appeared the image of his love."Kakarot"

Goku,totaly spent from so much crying,was startled .He had heard Vegeta crying his name.Or had he imagined it all?.But then,that scream again."Vegeta?Is that you? Please,tell me that this isn't a dream"
Vegeta was speechless.Now,not only he was seeing his beloved's beautiful face,but he could hear his sweet voice too.

"Kakarot,were are you?.How can I find you"

"Vegeta,I don't know where I am, nor how to get out of here.This place is cursed"

Vegeta was feeling more and more upset.Kakarot was there,so close,so real.But he can't caress him,kiss him.

Fixing his eyes on the lovely face ,Vegeta whispered ,shedding more tears:"Oh,my dear love.How I wished to know where are you.
Suddenly,the mirror began to glow again and then appeared the image of a tower in the middle of a desert.

"What is this place? Is it where Kakarot is locked? How can I go there"

Vegeta stared for a while,but nothing happened.Frustated, he started thinking about the strange things that had happened with the mirror.And then it hit him.A satisfied smile appeared briefly on his face.Every time he had shed tears,thinking of his Kakarot the mirror had glown and had granted his wishes.So now he knew what to do to rescue his beloved.

But ,before he could go,the blue-haired bitch tried to stop him.The Chichi-witch had told her what was going on between the two saiyans and she was furious.Although she had been rejected every time she had tried to seduce him, she wouldn't allow the two saiyans to be together.So she did what the Chichi-witch had instructed her .If It had workwed with Goku,with Vegeta would work as well.

"You don't go anywhere, you dirty faggot.You will stay home with me and forget Goku.If not ,you won't see your son again"

The prince laughed, amused by the idiocy of the obnoxious woman.

"Are you so stupid to think that you can threat me like that without risking your life?.". He growled and , aiming a ball of ki to her head, said full of hate: "I might become soft after all this years.But I wouldn't allow anything to keep me apart from Kakarot.Die,bitch"

And he shot ,killing her instantly.Then,with the mirror guiding him,flew to release his Kakarot.

When he arrived , he tried to go inside the tower but there wasn't doors nor windows,nor even a hole .So he tried to blast the damned place,but to no avail.Defeated, he sat on a rock and took the mirror to talk to Goku.

"Kakarot,I'm here outside the tower,just a few steps away from you.But anything I've tried is useless.Sorry, my love, but I can't save you.
Goku smiled sadly.But then ,he remembered something."How can I be so stupid?".Goku said, laughing like a madman.

"What is it, Kakarot?" Asked Vegeta, startled by the sudden outburst from Goku.

"The dragonballs,Vegeta.Though we have to wait some months before they are active again"

Vegeta cheered up, with his hope renewed."Yes, that will work.But it ill be so long,sweetheart.Every minute spent without you is an eternity.
"I know, Vegeta.But there's no other option".

Suddenly, both men shivered when an evil laughter resounded all over the place, and the Chichi-witch appeared in her real demon shape : two horns on her forehead,red eyes,sharp fangs,bifid tongue and green scales covering her body.

"Ha,ha,ha.You ,stupid monkeys.Mi magic is much more powerful than the dragonballs.There's nothing you can do to reverse the spell and don't even think of killing me.All your saiyajin strenght is useless against my demonic self.Now, little prince of nothing,I will kill you slow and painfully, so my dear Goku will spend the rest of his life in agony ,cause with your death he will have no hope.

The prince was in turmoil,so many emotions running throug him.Panic,sorrow,rage.It couldn't be real.But what could he expect?.All his life had been the same, when he had found a slim chance of hapiness , some creepy freaking creature had slipped through the shadows to withdraw everything he held dear.It wasn't fair.Why in hell all the damned Universe was against him? It must be karma,all those cosmic forces to defeat him.

But,suddenly,the mirror started to shine,a light so bright and intense coming in unstopable waves.And the prince knew ,everything was so clear,the meaning of it all,the way to proceed.

"You, freak, may have a powerful magic but it's nothing compare to the power of Kakarot's pure heart".Scream the prince with such a confidence and autorithy,that the witch shuddered in fear.The prince threw the mirror to the hideous creature, and she screamed in agony as red flames embraced her and consumed her body.The witch was finally dead and her spell destroyed.

Goku appeared before his prince, who embraced him and kissed him passionately.

And so, they got married and went to live with their sons in a cabin near the lake,in the same place where they made love for the first time.And the peace remain forever, because the two harpies were dead and they had been the real reason why so many monsters had come to threat the earth in the past.

The end.