Chapter 1

When the seasons change from fall to spring the students at Casper High start to get excited. Casper High holds a Secrete Snowflake event where all the guys in the school draw a girls name and they buy presents for that girl, and usually at the end of the week, it only lasts a week, the couple goes to the winter formal dance together.

Well it was sophomore year for Danny, Sam, and Tucker. This year Tucker was determined to get Danny and Sam together, which meant that he had a plan and it was most likely rotten.

Sam didn't like this time of year, well okay she did, but she wasn't going to let anyone know that. She liked the holidays but ever since Dash drew her name last year for the Secret Snowflake she's been dreading this event.

Danny however disliked every Christmas time because of his parents fighting; however, he enjoyed spending the time with his friends. Danny had finally realized where his feelings belonged. He had had a crush on Paulina, the most popular girl in the school, to Valerie, that crashed and burned, literally, and he finally realized that the one he really liked, maybe even loved, was right in front of him. Sam. However, he knew he could never let her know that for fear of ruining their friendship and the only one that "truly" knows how he feels is Tucker. Everyone suspected that they loved each other, but nobody really knew.

Now Tucker loved everything about this time of year except the part where every girl in school rejected him. This year that would all change, he was going to get his best friends together and he was going to get his own girlfriend. His plan to get Sam and Danny together was perfect only he was going to need help to carry it out and he was afraid to admit it but he was going to need the help of Dash.

"Why should I help you?" Dash asked annoyed after Tucker asked him.

"Because you have a chance to get to class mates together," tucker tried


"Because you're a nice guy in the Christmas time spirit of giving?" tucker tried again.


"Because I'll do your homework for a week." Tucker said slightly depressed.

"No…" Dash started to say then stopped. Then there was a long pause. "Sure I'll do it but you better get me a good grade or I'll pound you and shove you into a locker" Dash warned.

"I will." Tucker said and started to walk away, more like run away. He would tell Dash the plan later. Tucker scurried to lunch to meet his friends.

"In the history of knowing you Tucker, I have never seen you come in late on Super Sloppy Joe day" Sam said practically choking on a leaf of lettuce in shock.

"I had something I had to do" Tucker said not even giving the slightest hint at what he was doing and that scared his friends. Danny figured it was just another girl chase.

It was three weeks before the week of Secrete Snowflake when Dash came up to Tucker at lunch.

"FOLEY! We need to talk!" Dash yelled like he was angry. Tucker not realizing that he wasn't really in trouble. Had the palest look on his face and he started to rise from the table.

Dash practically dragged him from the table out of the cafeteria, down a hallway where no one would see them.

"Calm down Foley!' Dash said, "I have an up date about our project. I talked to the guys. I told them that we would have a fake drawing where every slip of paper has Sam's name on it and then we'll have a real drawing after school minus Fenton. Is that right?"

"Yeah did they agree?"

"Yeah they've been dying for them two geeks to hook up" Dash said with a grossed-out frown on his face.

"Thanks Dash." Tucker said starting back to the lunch room to finish his lunch.

"What was that all about?" Danny asked when Tucker arrived back at the table.

"I owed him money" Tucker said frowning a little

Finally it was the day of the drawing. All the guys went to the front of the room to draw a name out of the bowl.

"Pick only one name!" Lancer said sternly.

Everyone dipped their hands into the bowl and pulled out a slip of paper. The guys ooed and awed at the names they had picked, to makes it look like a real drawing. Danny; however, unfolded his slip of paper and froze at the name on the paper…

'Sam Manson'