A/N: Brand new story inspired by the excellent movie My Fair Lady. I'm really excited about writing this story and I think it's going to be a pretty long one. Feel free to give me feedback (even though this is only a quick little prologue) and review a whole bunch. Also, check out my other story Step Into My Office, Baby and my one shots.

My Fair Muggleborn


My name is Hermione Granger. I am 21 years old and currently unemployed. It has recently come to my attention that all possible jobs – all good jobs – are to be found under the management of Pureblood wizards or witches. If you're unsure of what the problem at hand is, I'll tell you. I am a Muggleborn, meaning I was born to a family of non-wizard folk. To Purebloods, I am filth; a Mudblood. And let me just say that I am sick and tired of it!

I could understand my unemployment if I were not a knowledgeable and capable witch. However, I graduated from Hogwarts as Head Girl at the top of my class and studied under the most prestigious and respected wizards and witches. I have applied to multiple magical law firms, a laboratory that studies potions and spells, and even to the largest library in the UK which was looking for a new head librarian. Alas, I was turned down by all of them simply because I am from a normal non-magic family. It seems to me that I have overestimated the generosity and diversity of Purebloods. I do appreciate that employers are not rude to me when they decline to hire me, but it seems as soon as I open my mouth they just know that I am not from a Pureblood family.

It disappoints me to say that at this moment in time, I would give almost anything to have that kind of rank in the world. If I had such a place in this society, I would have no problem whatsoever finding a job.

So, despite the fact that it goes completely against my ideals and I will probably come to regret it – I have decided to take extreme measures in order to secure a job for myself. My goal is to pass as a Pureblood in any circumstance and to gain a job I could never get as a Muggleborn. I have thought long and hard about how I will acquire such traits to "become" a Pureblood and my answer is so crazy that it just might work.

At this very moment in time, I am doing my best to keep only good thoughts in my mind as I step into the fireplace in my flat.

With only a fleeting – but terrible – thought, I throw some Floo Powder in the hearth and shout – with all of the courage I can muster – "Malfoy Manufacturing!"