Title: Pride and Prejudice

Author: Daish

Rating: frau

Pairing: the Hardy Boys Eric/Ryan

Disclaimer: I don't own anything associated with CSI Miami

Summary: Prejudices can be deadly and one CSI is about to find out just how true that is.

A/n I hope you guys enjoy this fic. This is my first fic with the pairing of Eric/Ryan. I hope to have a threesome fic with Eric, Ryan, and Speed together posted soon. Don't forget to give feedback, but, no flames, please.


The sound of the phone shattered the peaceful silence that had fallen in Eric and Ryan's house. Eric reached over his lover and answered the phone.


"Hey Eric I was just calling to invite you to dinner tonight?"

"Hey Mama, sure I'd love to come to dinner. What time do you want me to be their?"

"How about 6:00 will that work?" Clarinda asked her only son.

"Yeah that should be fine unless I get held up by a case.

"Good then I'll see you then. Good bye, sweetie."

"Good bye I love you, Mama."

"I love you to," Clarinda said.


Eric flopped back on to the bed with a sigh.

"You ok?" Ryan asked as he wrapped an arm around Eric's waste and nuzzled his face against Eric's neck.

"Yeah, I guess so," Eric said.

"You're a bad liar, you know that, don't you?" Ryan asked. Eric nodded as he took in a shuttering breath.

"I'm going to tell them about us tonight," Eric rushed out.

"You're what? Are you sure you want to do that?" Ryan asked incredulously.

"Yes I am. I'm tired of hiding who I am and what you mean to me."

"You don't have to if you don't want to. I'm willing to keep us a secret for as long as you want," Ryan said reassuringly as he leaned up and placed a gentle kiss on Eric's lips. Eric captured Ryan's chin before he could lower it back to his shoulder.

"No I want to tell them tonight. If they can't handle it well then I'll just have to accept that. I'm not giving you up for anything," Eric said firmly.

"But, I don't want to be the reason you lose your family," Ryan argued.

"I don't care what they think. I'm happy and that's all that matters. I love you, and, nothing they can say or do will change that, babe. Don't get me wrong I would love there support, but I've got the support of the lab, and that's also my family," Eric said.

"Ok well if that's what you want. You have my full support," Ryan said as he leaned in for a passionate kiss. When they pulled away a couple of minutes later they were both breathless.

"We need to get going if we're going to get to work on time," Eric said as he began climbing out of bed. Ryan reluctantly nodded as he climbed out of bed and followed his lover into the kitchen for breakfast.


"Are things ok between you and Eric?" Alexx asked as she and Ryan stood in the morgue looking at their most recent victim.

"Yeah their fine," Ryan replied.

"Then why does he looked so distracted and nervous?" Alexx wondered.

"Because he's going to tell his family about us tonight," Ryan explained.

"Oh that explains a lot. How are you doing, sweetie?"

"I'm ok I'm worried about Eric. I really wish I could be their, but, I know that Eric has to do this by himself," Ryan reluctantly admitted.

"Yes he does. I tell you what you want some company?" Alexx offered.

"I would love that, but don't you have to take care of the kids?" Alexx shook her head.

"No Denis is taking them and a couple of their friends camping. They've been planning this forever, and with my work schedule I can't go with them. They left this morning since the kids don't have school today," Alexx explained.

"Then, sure I would love some company. How about you come over around 6:00 for dinner?" Ryan suggested.

"Inviting a woman into our house for dinner when I'm gone, are you?" Eric asked as he walked into the morgue and gave Alexx a quick kiss on the cheek as he flashed Ryan a grin.

"Yes I am," Ryan replied with a smile.

"Sure I would love to," Alexx said.

"What brought this on?" Eric asked.

"I thought he would like some company tonight," Alexx replied. Eric nodded in understanding.

"Well I've got to give this report to Horatio. I'll see you two later," Ryan called as he walked out the door. Eric waited until the door had closed before turning to talk to Alexx.

"Thanks for offering to keep him company tonight. If he's stuck at home by himself left to worry our house will be so spotless it will drive me crazy," Eric said with a grin. Alexx chuckled at the analogy.

"It's ok, don't worry about it. I thought that having company would make him feel more at ease," Alexx said.

"I agree," Eric said.

"Did you need something, sweetie?" Alexx asked.

"No I was just walking by and I saw Ryan and you talking, and I wanted to see what was up," Eric said.

"Oh I see," Alexx replied.

"Well I've got to get back to my case, but I'll see you tonight?" Eric asked. Alexx nodded as she pulled him in for a comforting hug.

"Just remember even if they don't support you we all do," Alexx said as she pulled back from the hug.

"Yeah I know that," Eric replied.

"Ok well see you later," Alexx called as Eric walked out of the morgue.


The knock on the door caused Eric to jump. His nerves were extremely frazzled and he found himself really jumpy. Ryan put a comforting hand on his shoulder as he walked over to the door and opened it.

"Hey Alexx," Ryan greeted.

"Hey I brought some wine, I didn't know what we were having, but I thought it would be good," Alexx said.

"We're having a chicken pasta dish," Ryan said.

"MMM, sounds good," Alexx replied appreciatively.

"Well I guess I should go," Eric said softly. Ryan walked over and wrapped Eric into his arms.

"I love you no matter what, just remember that. I'll be here waiting for you," Ryan whispered into Eric's ear as he leaned in for a kiss. Eric clung to Ryan for a moment gathering strength from him. Finally after a moment he pulled back and headed for the door. Right before he walked out Alexx intercepted him. She pulled him in for a hug.

"Just remember, that everyone at the lab loves you and supports you, sweetie."

"I know thanks Alexx," Eric replied as hhe opened the door and headed out to tell his family the hardest thing he ever had to tell them.