Final Chapter!



Chapter 20: The End Has Only Begun

We walk in your footsteps
Though I've had my ups and downs
And I'll stand in the silence
Until I figure it out

One might fall and the other will stand
And one might give where the other won't bend
The night is bright as the sun

I'm never gonna know
Never gonna look back
Never gonna know where we would have ended up at
The end has only begun

So stop counting the hours
Live out in the world

Darien was making breakfast for them as Serena came down in a very, very short robe from their shower. He had gotten shoved out the shower after a morning love making session, where Darien wouldn't stop until she made him leave. Serena brushed her hair back, as Darien brought out some toast.

"Oh, I couldn't eat, even if I tried."

"But Madame Soko…"

"I don't care what she says, if I even think about putting eggs, bacon on my stomach, I will puke. Maybe after the first hour, once the group is separated into smaller teams, I will have something."

"Okay, how about some fruit?" Darien help up a plate of sliced strawberries, oranges and apples. Serena smiled. She took a slice of an apple.

"Thank you." Darien smiled.

"So, going with basic black or pink?"

"I don't know. Normal attire is black bodysuit, pink tights, but I am a rebel." Darien kissed her softly.

"You look great in everything."

"I know." Serena looked at the clock on the stovetop. She had plenty of time before the audition; it was just 7, auditions not for another hour. Serena smiled as well before undoing the tie of the towel around his waist. It pooled at his feet.

"I thought you said…"

"I am a woman and from time to time, I change my mind." Darien kissed Serena immediately and lifted her up. Serena's arms and legs went around him. "Besides, I could use a quick distraction."

Serena's parents met Serena and Darien at the door to the huge audition hall, where hundreds were arriving as well. Serena got her number, 12, attached to her pink bodysuit. She was a rebel, instead of wearing her tights inside, she wore them on the outside of her, over her bodysuit with her pink ballet shoes.

"Am I a bad father if I don't want her to do this and possibly get her heart broken?" Serena's father still in a wheelchair though is moving about better these days.

"Hey, don't chicken out now, honey. Serena is strong, and a great dancer. She will be fine." Serena stood watching the instructors go over a simple piece they wanted the group to do before they were to perform it. Darien and Samuel stood outside the door with the rest of people trying to get a look at their sons or daughters performing. Serena caught them. She motioned with her head for them to go away. Sammy smiled and waved. Serena shook her head. She smiled and waved back. An instructor came over to the door; Serena shrugged and blew a kiss before the door was slammed shut.

After a few hours and most the crowd of hundreds were weeded down to about 40 after the morning warm-up sessions, that group was taken back to show what they have learned. Serena went with her team of 4 others to perform the piece. All eyes on her, seeing and knowing how great she really is. Serena smiled as she did the piece with ease, as if it was nothing at all.

"Number 12, come here." Serena walked over after she finished with the team.

"Yes, sir."

"Go into the second room." Serena smiled and took the piece of paper from the man. She jumped up and hugged him. He laughed and hugged her as well.

Darien paced around with the rest. Serena's parents sitting down as Samuel was playing his gameboy.

"Man, it's been hours!"

"I know." Serena's father checked his watch again. It was just 2pm.

"We should know something within the hour, Darien. Just calm down, go take a walk."

"How many do they take again?" Darien asked.

"Usually about 12, 15."

"From this group?"

"From the entire world."

"What?" Irene nodded and patted Darien's back. Darien sat down, feeling the nerves take over him again.

Serena came to the stage room alone. There were 5 judges sitting there with notepads.

"Serena West?"


"Good. From Madame Sokolva's company?"


"How is the Madame these days?"

"Still working her students hard."

"Good. Still the same woman that taught me 20 years ago." Serena smiled. "I see you have chosen, 'Rondo Capriccioso' as your piece."

"Yes, sir."

"A strong piece. Not normal done in this audition, actually I cannot recall anyone attempting this. It's a hard piece to get to attempt."

"Great. It's always great to be the first."

"Let's just see if you are as good as everyone seems to rave about."

"Yes, sir." Serena nodded and slightly bowed before walking to the middle of the stage. The music started. Serena hardly noticed the group as she danced, though they were taking notes.

"Great turn."

"Not enough on that last one."

"But perfect grace."

"And flare."

"Watch her head positions. She cannot just be 18. Look at that face."

"A great smile."

Darien cell phone went off, jerking from his stare.


"Darien, it's Drew!"


"Mina is in labor!"

"What!" They doors opened as the audition was finally over with. Many people come from the closed doors. Serena's parents searching the group for their daughter. Some girls coming out crying, hugging their parents immediately since they didn't make it.

"What if she…"

"Honey, don't even think it!" Serena came bursting out from the group.

"Mom! Dad! I got it! I got in!" She hugged them. They kissed her. "I did it! I made it. Can you believe it!"

"Oh yes!"

"Yes!" Samuel jumped up and hugged Serena's legs. Serena laughed after giving them all kisses.

"Darien, I got it!" Darien hugged her. "What's wrong?"

"Mina's in labor."


"Drew just called, they are rushing to the hospital."

"Then let's go!"

"What about…"

"Mom, Papa, Darien's best friendsare having a baby."

"Then go."

"You sure?"

"We can celebrate when you get back."

"Thank you!" Serena kissed them again. Serena grabbed Darien's hand as they ran out. Darien sped down the road, as Serena threw on some slacks.

"I can't believe it!"

"That you go in, this is your destiny, Serena. I am so proud of you!"

"But do you know who went there, everybody that matters in ballet went to this company at some time in their career and now I am there, going to the company. It's just incredible."

"You are incredible." Darien kissed her cheek.

Serena and Darien came running down the halls of the labor hall. Drew met them.

"I am so happy you are here!" Darien hugged him.

"And miss you faint." Drew laughed.


"Hey, let's do think about that. You are about to be a father! I am so happy for you!" Drew hugged her.

"I am sorry though. Did you get out of something?"

"Serena had her auditions today."

"Did you run out for me!"

"No, she already got in!"

"You did?" Serena nodded. "Oh, that is amazing! Congratulations!" Drew hugged Serena again.


"Andrew Nathaniel Matthews, get your ass in here!" Drew smiled.

"Better go."

"Good luck!"

After an hour, Serena went into the room as the guys went to call the others to get them here, as Mina was still dilating. But no one was answering their calls.

"How are you feeling?"

"I'm scared."

"Mina, you are just 3 weeks early. It's okay. The baby will be fine."

"Where is Drew?"

"He went to call the others."

"I don't want to bring my son into this world to unwed parents."


"I don't want to this like this. I should be married by now!" Andrew came into the room. "Why haven't you married me yet!"


"Don't honey me! I am about to have your son, why aren't we married!"

"We are getting married, in August!"

"I don't want that!"

"Okay, we will get marriedafter…."



"Either you marry me now, or we never get married."

"Honey, we had plans…catering, the gran hall, our parents…."

"Andrew Matthews, you find me a priest now!" Darien looked at Andrew and patted his back.

"But the rings, the marriage license, we have to…."

"NOW!" Drew rushed out to do as his future wife says.

"Darien, my parents, make sure…"

"On it." Serena and Darien left. still having no contact with either sides of the family and friends.

"This is so exciting! A wedding!"

"Wish it was us?"


After 20 minutes, Drew came running in with a priest.

"This is all I could find!"

"A rabbi?"

"He said he could marry us!"

"And the rings!"

"Rings? We can get them later."

"Or not." Darien and Serena pulled out a pair of rings.

"You two carry around gold bands."

"Why do you have them?" Darien asked.

"I went to a shop just a few blocks down."

"I rushed to that shop to buy these. Why didn't we see each other?" Mina smiled as Serena shrugged.

"Well, you can never have 2 many rings." Drew took a pair.

"You two should get married too."

"What?" Darien and Serena looked at each other.

"Come on, the story would be so much better," Mina said,

"I wouldn't dare do this without my best man, my best friend," Drew said. Serena held up her 2 rings.

"You want to?" Serena nodded.

"I do." The rabbi took the 2 sets of rings and opened his bible. Each was blessed, saying their vows of love to one another.

"Do you…."



"Drew and Darien, take your woman to be your lawfully wedded wife until death do you part?"

"I do."

"I do."

"And do you…."


"Serena." Mina groaned.

"Mina, and Serena, take your man to be your lawfully wedded husband until death do you part?"

"I do."

Serena looked back into Darien's gaze.


"I do." The priest looked upon her with a smile present on his kind face The rings were placed on their fingers.

"By the powers invested in me, I pronounce to you all, husband and wife. You may kiss your brides." Darien smiled and cupped Serena's face. Drew kissed Mina.

A few short hours later, Mina delivers her son, Andrew Nathaniel Matthews, DJ for short. Darien named godfather. It was lucky Darien and Serena were there. They caught Drew was he passed out as soon as his son came bursting into the world.

Darien pulled out the hospital parking lot with Serena. They wanted to give the newlyweds some time alone especially with all their family and friends there now.

"Well, that was eventful."

"Yeah," Darien said with a smile.

"But a happy one."

"How do you think your parents will take this?"

"Only one way to find out." Serena pulled out her cell phone. "Mom, put Papa on."


"Papa, I have some news…are you sitting down? Good. Darien and I got married. Papa? Papa!" Serena looked at Darien scared.

A month later
Serena stood there as Sammy yelled at her.

"Get out!"


"No! You promised! You promised me we would always be together!" Serena and Darien had packed up all of their things for the move. Serena and Darien were going to stay a few nights and day before their flight with her parents since they were giving them a big dinner leaving party the night they leave. "So go!"


"I hate you! I hate you!" Sammy ran upstairs to his room. "I never want to see you again!"

"Sammy!" Irene went after her son. Sammy hadn't taken to the idea of Serena moving to New York City kindly.

"Mom, let me…"

"Okay." Serena went into the bedroom. Sammy was crying on his bed. Serena closed the door behind her. Serena flopped down on the bed. Sammy turned his head to see her. "Hey, little man."

"Go away."

"I'm your big sister, you can't make me." Serena smiled. She wiped his face and pushed his hair back as she laid facing him. "I love you so much Sammy. This is killing me too you know." Serena put her arm around him, pulling him to closer to her.

"No. No it isn't! You wouldn't go if that was true."

"Sammy, I wish I could stay here forever with you, but I can't stay here. My new home is going to be New York." Sammy's eyes filled with tears again. Samuel got up from the bed and went to his desk. He wiped his face.

"GO! I don't need you here babying me!" He sat down. A picture of Serena and him hugging caught his eyes.

"Of course I baby you, you're my little brother. What else am I to do?"

"I don't want you here!" Sammy picked of the deformed tiger Serena made for him in shop class and tossed it into the wall. Serena shook her head.

"Okay. I'll go."

Last day in LA was pretty eventually. The girls kidnapped Serena early in the morning and all made stops at old camping grounds. The dinner party started at 5 and didn't end until 2 in the morning.

"So, your flight is at 10, we will be there."

"I know." Molly slowly walked to the door.

"I'll see you in the morning, Mols."

"I don't think I can do that."

"Why not?"

"You know how much I hate goodbye at airports."

"But I want you there."

"Serena….I just can't."


"Call me when you get to New York." Molly hugged Serena tightly. "I love you."

"Mols…." Molly smiled and wiped her eyes as she left. "I love you too."

Serena lay in bed with Sammy and Darien behind her. Both sleeping peacefully. Serena looked up at the ceiling. Her mind still on Molly not coming to say goodbye to her at the airport. Serena knew Molly hated goodbyes, but to not come. Something is wrong with that. Darien groaned, his arm around Serena moving up. Darien saw Serena was awake as he woke up.

"Hey, what is it?"



"How can she not come? This is important. I mean, it's not like we will never see each other, I'm pretty sure our phone bills will show that. Why did she say she's not coming?"

"I don't know baby."

Next morning

At the airport, Serena and Darien stood poised to leave. Their flight about 20 minutes from being called. It was a non-stop flight to the City. Serena laughed at the many bag gifts the girls pushed on her. Jamie getting her some 'special' treats for her and Darien to share their first night together, special oils and some naughty books. Elaine made Serena photo album to mark her new life in New York. She had several notes, things to do and see while they are there. Karie brought Serena sexy little outfits telling her not to lose her LA flare because she was in the Big Apple.

"Oh, here is Molly's gifts." Serena looked at the box.

"Thanks." Serena opened the box and found a note. She found several CDs made, many songs from their past experience together.

"You will call us as soon as you arrive?"

"Of course girls." Serena's mother and father came over as soon as the girls stepped away. "Well, Mommy, Papa I guess this is goodbye."

"We West don't say goodbye. It's always 'Au revoir," Serena's father said.

"Au revoir, Papa. Au revoir, Mommy." They hugged and kissed. Sammy stood next to Darien. "Sammy…" He ran to Serena and she lifted him up. They hugged and kissed.

"You will be seeing us in just a few weeks, right?"

"Right!" Sammy hugged Serena tight. He was going to be flying with Molly when they visit in August before school starts.

"Mr. and Mrs. West…" Darien held his hand out for Serena's mother.

"Families don't shake hands, Darien." Irene hugged and kissed his cheek. "We hug and kiss!" Darien smiled. "And call me Ma."

"Okay, Ma." Darien looked at Mr. West.

"I thought you were so wrong for my daughter. I thought, she could do better." Darien smiled. "When I'm wrong, I tell it. And I was so wrong. I am honored to have a son like you. You keep my babygirl save."

"I will sir." Darien held his hand out. Serena's father took the hand and pulled Darien into a hug.

"Families don't shake hands, especially the West and Shields family."

"Ladies and gentlemen. We may now start boarding for flight number 392 for our first-class passengers, non-stop to New York City."

Serena looked up with tears in her eyes. Sammy wiped her face.

"You big crybaby." Serena smiled. She hugged him again.

"Don't tell anyone, but I might just miss you the most."

"I heard that." Serena turned to see Molly standing there smiling.


"You really think I wouldn't see you off even if it kills me." Serena put Sammy down and they hugged. They both cried. Molly pulled away and wiped Serena's cheek. "I'm sorry I was late. Traffic and Melvin is the worst driver in the world."

"Of course. It took him 4 tries to pass the test." Molly and Serena laughed. "I'm really going to miss you, Mols."

"Me too. But you have to promise me, a call every night before bed."

"If you call me every morning over breakfast."

"It is a 3-hour difference."

"Hey, I always have time for you." They hugged.

"Your flight." Serena nodded. She gave everyone one last kiss and hug before Darien took her hand. Darien and Serena waved to everyone.

"Well, off to a different world."

"And anew life."

Hours later, Serena and Darien arrived in New York City. Serena gasped as they came to their new penthouse home. She walked around the amazing empty flat with extremely high ceiling, and a terrace in the distance with it's own pool. Darien groaned with her 4 bags of luggage from the plane along with his 2 bags. Serena walked around the place. Darien dropped the bags and walked around.

"This must be the master bedroom! It overlooks the terrace! I can't believe this is where we are living! We are in New York City!" In the distance the Empire State building staring back at her. Serena shook her head. "It's outstanding!" Darien came up behind her. He kissed her neck as he wrapped his arms around her waist.

"Happy, Mrs. Shield?" Darien asked.

"Happy is not the word, Mr. Shields." They kissed.

That evening with the gorgeous lights of the city at night, shining over them on the terrace, Serena and Darien shared a chair, the only piece of furniture they had brought today, the rest of their things, bed, couches, dining set, etc., coming in the morning. Serena feeling at home in Darien's arms, as they stared out into the lights. Darien pulled the blanket around them tighter.

"Can we just sleep out here every night?"

"What about the snow?" Serena laughed with Darien.

"Oh, snow! I love snow in New York City."

"We are going to get to see a lot of that soon."

"I know! You will be working at the hospital and I will at the ABT dancing. I can't believe this it."

"This is our home now. The end has only begun, Serena. Our lives together has just begun." Serena nodded. They kissed.

"I love you."

"I love you." They kissed again. Serena slightly turned in his arms, still kissing him. They made love under the city lights, first of many nights like this to come in the future.

The end

Great! Just damn great! Now I have 2 sequels to work on now :P

In all seriousness, thanks to you all, I nearly forgot to mention how wonder it is to have fans and friends sticking by me through this long, and joyous process. Writing is an art that takes time to refine and I am happy to have journeyed into your worlds for this short time and shared this story and some others. Thanks especially to all the reviewers, even counting the flamers, I do only to please you and I hope and pray I did that job. Thanks again.

Moving away from Sailor Moon stories for a while, if you ever watched or liked Power Rangers, come check out my work there. My plans include nothing but Kim/Tom romance stories until October. PR stories are my true desires and passions. Then I shall get back to SM stories with sequels and a new story in the future.

until next time...remember to always live on, smile bright and enjoy yourselves in this crazy world we call Earth...I do and I believe everyone should

Au revoir!
