Another Senshi


She finally approached the Lunar palace. It had been years since she had been there. Ever since her best friend had disappeared ten years ago.

" What is your business here?" One of the guards asked.

" I am here to have meeting with Queen Serenity." she replied. Her bluish green eyes staring at him dangerously.

" Name." the guard asked.

" Tell her, Sailor Xena is here." the woman said. The guard nodded and disappeared within the walls of the palace. The guard soon returned.

" You may enter your highness." the guard said bowing. She scoffed. Hating to be bowed at because she was the queen of Xena. It was annoying.

She walked through the regal hallways. It seemed exactly the same since the last time. It had been ten years since the last time she had come to a meeting of the Council of the Planets. She finally came across the large doors. She burst through them.

" You have arrived." Serenity rose from her chair.

" Serena. What happened?" she asked. The old friends had grown apart when her best friend disappeared. The Light Mistress being the one who connected the rogue senshi with the rest.

" Sit down." Serenity pointed to a chair. The woman sat down. Anxious to hear what was to be said.

" Serena. Answer me. What happened?" She noticed the sadness in the Moon queens eyes.

" I've been trying to reach you for three years." Serenity said.

" I move around a lot." she said. " I guess I never send you a change of address form, do I?"

" No you haven't. But, of all places, why Australia?" Serena asked.

" The animals. The terrain. Plus I read a rockin story one of my friends wrote that took place there." (AN: check out our friends at blackcat inc! They are neato!)

" I understand." Serenity said.

" Now, what is the occasion that I was dragged from my little home in Sydney to your lovely palace Serena?"

" You have to call me Serenity here." Serenity said.

" Oh come on. We've known each other for how long? Twenty years?"

" 19. That's how long you've been a senshi." Serenity responded.

" Whatever. I don't do my rounds anymore. Not unless I have to."

" okay. Let me get to the point." Serenity said. " Three years ago. Someone very important to us, showed up."

" What?" the woman known as Sailor Xena gasped. " You found Emma? Where is she?"

" Xena. Emma died. She was attacked by Monoka on Hoshi. And was killed." Serenity said. She could see Xena break.

" What?" Xena asked. " You are telling me, my best friend has been dead for three years, and you tell me about it NOW!" Xena pounded her fist on the table.

" You disappeared Xena. We found you only a week ago, remember." Serenity raised her voice. " But, that's not who showed up." Xena thought for a second. Then it clicked.

" Hoshiko." Xena said. She looked over to Serenity. She noticed the queen's shoulders sag as she wiped a tear away.

" Three years ago. Hoshiko showed up on our door step, with amnesia. She only knew her name, and where she was from. And around her neck, was this." Serenity pulled out a yellow ribbon with a star pendant attached. Xena took it and fingered it carefully. It was the same necklace alright. She could still imagine the day where she found out Emma was Sailor Star.

" Where is she?" Xena asked. Serenity hung her head. " Where is my niece, Serena?"

" A month ago. Monoka attacked here. When Hoshiko found out, that Monoka was what killed her mother. She attacked. When she got outside, all her memories returned in an instant. And she got angry, in a mournful kind of way. She used a spell that completely wiped out her body of function. She passed out. When she woke up, she couldn't move without pain. She died minutes later." Serenity said. " We couldn't find you." Xena put her head in her hands.

" I can't believe it." she whispered.

" Believe it, Xena. You missed out, because you wanted nothing more to do with the Sailor Senshi." Serenity said. This was oddly cold for the loving queen. " You missed out on the only time of your niece's life. And I feel sorry for that. You left the senshi when you lost hope on the girl who for some reason cared enough about you to actually beg you to accept help. If Emma, was still alive. She'd be extremely disappointed in you."

" I didn't stick around because, none of you preps ever cared about Meggie Izumi! All you cared about was Sailor Xena kicking ass. Or Sailor Xena becoming one with the team! Emma was the only one who thought about ME!" she yelled standing up. " You don't even call me by my name anymore, Serena. I'm only Xena to you."

" Mama." they both turned around and saw a ten year old Rini standing there.

" What is it sweet heart?" Serenity asked.

" I'm almost ready to go." Rini said.

" Where is she going, Serena?"

" She's going to the past. She's staying with my past self and learning to become a full fledged sailor senshi." Serenity said.

" Mama, whose this?" Rini asked.

" This is Ms. Izumi." Serenity responded.

" My name is Meggie." Meggie corrected.

" I'm Rini!" Rini smiled a little.

" Did you know Hoshiko, Rini?" Meggie asked. The little girl's smile fell.

" She was my best friend." Rini said.

" I'm glad to hear that. Now Rini, when you go to the past, and you meet a girl named Emma, treat her with respect. She is a great friend. She will love having you as a friend." Meggie said.

" Meggie..." Serenity warned.

" What's the use Serena? It's going to happen anyway. Why try to stop it? If I remember correctly. A familiar little pink–headed girl, still lives on earth with her husband and children."

" Yes she does." Serena said.

" Funny. She never liked me much." Meggie smirked. " She was jealous. Almost killed Emma once."

" You heard about that?" Serenity asked. Meggie nodded.

" Emma didn't keep secrets from me when I realized she was a senshi." Meggie replied. " I know everything." Then Meggie turned to Rini. " Remember about what I said Rini. Emma is one of the best friends around. She'll bring you closer to Hoshiko." Rini smiled.

" Meggie, where are you going to go, after this?" Serena asked.

" I'm going to Hoshi." Meggie replied. Then with a flash, Meggie was gone.


Sailor Star Super: okay. Just to get rid of confusion. This takes place after the prologue of Missing Sailor. When Meggie finds out about Emma and Hoshiko's death. Don't worry, it will not happen, it's just some explanation for the rest of the characters, like Meggie.