Disclaimer: I dont own anything Superman related. All though I wouldnt mind owning Brandon Routh and Kate Bosworth :)

I had a copy of this up already, but I took it down because I forgot to add the Disclaimer. There was already a review and I didnt realize it until after I pressed the delete button on the first copy. So who ever reviewed I'm sorry! Please review again!

"I'm always around." And with that he was gone, in a blink of an eye.
Lois was contemplating on how to start her article on Superman when she started thinking about the incident last night.
"I'm always around." The words seemed to echo in her mind.
She stared blankly at her computer screen. Hoping an idea would hit her.

Lois felt something hit her head.
"What was that?" She thought outloud. She looked down to see a wadded up paper. She leaned over in her chair to examine it. As she begins to grab it, at the corner of her eye she sees a small figure race across to the cubicle next to hers. She unruffles the paper and it brings a smile to her face.

Jasey Poo
Mommy :)
It states written in a deep green crayon. and an obvious resemblance to a childs hand writting.
She turns to face Jason but sees that hes disappeared.
And goes back to "writing"... Or at least trying to.
"Lois!" Jimmy calls out behind a stack of papers.
"Hey Jimmy"
"Can you do me and favor and drop this off to Clark"
Lois straightens herself and glances across the room to Clark, who seems to be stumped too.
"Yeah no problem." She replies

"Howdy Clark!" She says plopping the stack onto his desk, He seems to perk up at her voice. "Jimmy wanted me to give you these"

"Thanks Lois." He replies with a smile
"So I never really got to talk to you about your trip! Where'd you go?"
Clark begins to speak but is quickly interrupted by a high pitched voice.
"Mommy! Mommy! Look I can fly! I'm Superman!" Jason yells while standing on top of someones desk about to jump.
"Jason get down from there!" Lois orders. But the boy doesn't comply. She turns to start leaving, but thought it rude to just leave Clark as he was beginning to explain.
"Sorry Clark, motherhood calls! You'll tell me all about your trip later? Will you be around"
Lois says in one breath. She starts suffling the papers she had just dropped off into a neater pile.
"I'm always around." He replies suddenly regretting his choice of words.
The papers slip out of her hands and fall to the floor. She drops down to pick them up.
She squats there dumbfounded. A bit shocked by his reply.
"I'm always around." A familiar blue boy scout had spoken those exact words to her last night. And then hearing them from Clark was like Deja Vu. She starts analyzing Clark.br "Lois? Are you ok?" He questions cocking his head to the side and looking down at her on the floor by his desk. She sits there still in her trance of confusion with the look of a dear in the headlights upon her face.
She starts to imagine Superman. And how he looked when he spoke the words that seemed to haunt her now. And then looks back at Clark. His glasses fade away and his hair smooths down. Lois gasped at the sight. Its...Its... She began to think frantically.
"Wha-What did you just say"
"Uh... are you ok?" Clark responds trying to stay away from the subject.
"No. Before that"
"GRR." She exhales annoyed.
"I'm always around?"
Lois perks up at hearing this.
"Say it again." She demands
"I'm always...around?"
"Say it like you mean it!" Lois snaps.
Clark puffs out his chest and deepends his voice
"I'm always around." He says with a cheesy smile.
Is it true? Can he be...
Her suspicisons rise.
She tries to regain her thoughts as a small pair of footsteps approach them.
"Hiya Mister Clark!" Jason greets.
"Hey buddy!"
Clark always seems so happy when Jason was around.
Jason looks over to his mom who is still squatting on the floor staring up at Clark.
Then he looks back up at Clark.
"Mommy?" He says moving closer to her. "Mommy? Helllllloooooo?" he starts waving a hand in front of her face.
Lois finally snaps back to reality.
"Hey Jasey." She says picking him off and finally getting off the ground. She looks back at Clark, but all she sees is Superman. She shakes her head trying to clear the thoughts of him from her mind. His thick rimmed glasses fade back in and his hair has returned to normal.
Geez! This is what 4 hours of sleep does to me. I started imagining Clark was Superman! She snorts and the boys look at her puzzled like they missed the joke, then look back at each other.
Clark shrugs telling Jason that he doesnt know either. Theres an awkward silence if glancing at each other made up for conversation they would be having a party.
"Mommy will you play with me!" Jason says with hope.
"Sorry Jason but I still have to work, later maybe"
"...oooook." Jason says hanging his head in sadness.
"Hey, I'm done with my article. Jason do you want to hang out with me?" Clark asks with a smile.
"OH BOY WOULD I! Can I mommy! Can I!"br Lois questions the boy with his eyes.
"Well...if its not to much trouble for Mister Clark"
A smile comes to Clark's face.
"Not at all"
"Ok then!" Lois says lowering Jason to the floor,"I owe you one Clark"
And with that she was off. Giving Clark the whole day.With his son.

Tell me what you think! If people like it I guess I'll continue. But if people dont. Then I guess this was a one shot hahaha.

But, I hope you liked it :)

- Starahel