Title: Truths

Author: BlazeorFade

Rating: T

Summary: Dean wants Sam to understand what they do.

Disclaimer: They belong to Kripke, and he refused my offer of sixteen jelly beans to buy the boys. Man doesn't know a good deal when he sees one.

"Sam." Dean ran his finger lightly over Sam's shoulder as he lay against the headboard while Sam sat up watching t.v.

"Hmmm?" Sam inclined his head toward his brother. He arched an eyebrow at him. His hair was slightly mussed and a natural tired smile lit up his face. Dean couldn't help but smile back, making Sam blush just slightly. Dean laughed, Sam had the oddest way of surprising him at times. How he maintained that sense of innocence was beyond him.

"I just wanted you to know…" Dean trailed off tracing his finger over an old scar on Sam's shoulder.

"What? What's wrong?" Sam asked worriedly turning to face his brother fully. He cocked his head to the side trying to catch Dean's downcast eyes. Dean refuse to look up just yet and Sam waited patiently for him to finish whatever it was that he was trying to say. It must have been important, Sam thought, for his usually loudmouthed older brother to suddenly clam up.

"The things we do," Dean started again and Sam felt a wave of terror paralyze him. It was like a scene from his worst nightmare, that Dean would look up one day and tell him it was over. Even now, months after the first time he tentatively kissed Dean in the hospital after he was nearly gutted by a werewolf, Sam expected Dean to push him away disgusted by him. He was close to tears when Dean finally spoke again.

"The things I do with you, when I'm rough with you." Dean struggled to explain the way he felt. He wasn't good at discussing his feelings, but he wanted Sam to know this, he really did. So he tried.

"I wouldn't trust anyone else with that side of me. With you its different, safe to show you my dark side." Dean stumbled over some of the words and didn't meet his brother's eyes until the very end of his short speech.

Sam was stunned by the emotion in Dean's eyes, he was laying himself out for him, completely vulnerable to Sam.

"I love you." Sam said without realizing it. Dean's eyes widened a fraction, realizing that, although they'd said it a hand full of times throughout their lives as brothers, they'd never said as much to one another as lovers.

"I get it Dean, I do." Sam said quietly putting a hand behind his brother's head and gently pulling him closer to him till their foreheads touched.

"I love you too Sam." Dean said closing his eyes breathing in, fighting back the emotion making his voice thick.

"I know." Sam said, because he really did.