Chapter 1: Asking trouble!

Me: Starting story, hope you like it, on wit' it!

Mandarin (good form) sat on a rock on the outskirts of Shuggazoom and thought about him and well Shia. They had been friends for a year and a half now and have been on 10 dates. Mandarin had told her how he felt about her, and now he's wondering if he should ask her...

He pulled out a little pink box with an orange bow on it and stared at it.

"Should I ask her?" he asked himself while staring at the box "Maybe it's too soon..."

He looked up to the sky and thought 'Oh, what should I do!'

He's been asked himself that same question for 3 weeks now and it would soon be July and he had no idea what to do. He sighed and put the little box away.

"I'll have to do it sometime..." he said and jumped on the rock and took a few steps and anime sweatdropped "But maybe I should ask another time...Yea, perfect plan!"

----At the robot----

Mandarin walked in and sat in his new orange egg-like chair and stared at Shia's sugar pink chair and sighed. Otto had made3 (white, orange, and sugar pink) new chairs since they had decided to stay after Antauri had saved M.Meeca. (in 'White Magic')

"Whaz up, Mandarin!" M.Meeca said and leaned agenst the side of his chair

Mandarin jumped a little, do you blame him! M.Meeca is like a nails across a chalk board! "Nothing, M.Meeca..." Mandarin said annoyed

"Are you sure? You've been pretty down, lately..."

"I'm fine, M.Meeca" then he smiled at her to show he was O.K.

M.Meeca didn't buy it, but she knew Mandarin was stubborn and wouldn't tell her what was wrong "If you say so..." then she left on a search for Antauri

Mandarin sighed again and stared off into his on world. "I wish I could just ask her!" Mandarin said to himself

"Ask who what?" a voice asked and Mandarin jumped and fell out of his chair.

"Are you O.K!" the voice asked and ran to Mandarin and it seemed it was Shia

"I'm fine...I think..." Mandarin and sat up rubbing his head

"You didn't answer my question."

"Oh, um, nothing..."

"O.K...are you sure your O.K?"

"Yea, I'm fine."

"Alright, just be more careful"


"Shia! Time for practice!" Shia's twin sister, Nova, called

"O.K! I'm coming!" Shia called back then turned back to Mandarin

"How about we talk later, Mandarin-San." she said in her sweet voice

"O.K." Mandarin answered

Then Shia kissed Mandarin on the cheek (face) and ran towrds Nova.

Mandarin blushed a bit, but got back into his chair and thought, again.

----5 months later----

It was November and it was almost December and Mandarin still hasn't asked Shia yet!

It was a day away until December and Mandarin was mad that he still hasn't asked her yet. Since it was almost December he knew that friends and family will come to visit and knowing Meeca,Tai, Li, & Emeraldthey willfind out and make him ask Shia...of course that is ifthey find out...

----Later in the month----

----Mandarin's Prov----

Great, it was December the 10th and he knew what was coming. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 Knock Knock Knock! I knew it! They're here great, lets celebrate...

Chiro got the door and I was behind him, the first group was Emerald, Sunset, Darkness, Gabby, Lilya, & Meeca. I pretty surprise on what they were wearing.

Gabby was wearing somthing normal, not surprise, a jacket and pants. Darkness was wearing a jacket and Lilya wore the same thing. I wasn't surprised by them it was Emerald, Sunset, & Meeca that suprised me!

Emerald and Meeca were wearing a santa oufit that had a short skirt and they wore santa hats, they also had their hair up it high ponytails, Meeca, of course, was waering shorts under her dress and Sunset wore a santa hat and all 3 of them wore boots, Sunset on ontop of Meeca's head.

"Hello, Mandarin, Chiro!" Emerald said happily

"New to see you again!" little, dare I say it, cute Sunset skweeked

The other4 nodded and Chiro let them in.

The next goup that came was: FW, Midnight, Kage, Monkeymaniac, Matt, & Net B.

Luckly they wore something normal, unlike the Odd Trio...

The next group was: Blackrose, Betsy, Emily, Jose, Dark Tailz, Flare, Sakura, Tai, Star, Li, & Kai

Big group...The next group was all girls: Sheka, Airako, Fea, Rika, & Kiyoshi, Oh won't Kage be happy!

That was all of them, I think...Unless Meeca brought new friends...

Well, everybody was setting up the tree and I sat on my chair and watched, I would help them , but I have to much on my mind right now...

I felt a little tug on my arm and saw little Sunset, as everyone calls her, by my side her hand on my arm and her big eyes looking at me.

"Don't you want to help, Madarin-Onii-sama?" Sunset asked in her sweet little voice

I was going to say 'no', but I stared at her big inoccent eyes and imited defet..."O.K" I answered and followed her to the tree

Sunset still had her hand on my arm pulling it then I saw Shia run over with a star in her hand. She bent down and asked"Sunset, would you like to ut the star up?"

A huge smile spred across Sunset's face and said happily but got sad "Yes! But I can't reach that high..."

"Mandarin-San can give you a boost." I heard her say and it took awhile for all that to sink in

"Say wha?" I asked

"Please, Mandarin-San." Shia asked and gave him her sweet eyes that always get me...


Sunset climbed onto Mandarin's shoulders and Mandarin held onto her ankles so she would fall and she put the star on the tree and everyone clapped.

I had an idea and I jumped Sunset off my shoulder,she sheriked and I caught her in my arms and tickled her and she laughed and giggled

Everybody took a deep breath and relaxed, because they throught I would really drop her! Please! Like I would do that to a cute, ineccent girl!

Darkness took his sister back and they sat down together.

Then I heard Tai say "Hey, maybe you and that star are related, Star!" I sighed at his non-funny joke as he laughed at it.

I then heard Star say "Well, if I'm related to it, then that means you are, too" Oooooo! Good comeback!

I saw Shia standing infront of the tree and staring at it. I smiled and walked up to her.

I wrapped my arms around her waist and whispered in her ear "Buatiful, is it not?"

I felt a shiver go up her spine, and she whispered back "Yes, and please don't sneak up on me, again."

"O.K, O.K. I catch your drift, I won't have any fun with you."

"Ha, ha." she said back in sarcasum

Later that day it the sun was setting and everyone went into a room to sleep, but Shia and I staid in the main room cuddled up on my orange chair, covered in a blanket, staring at the tree.

'Warm' I thought as Shia cuddled up some more and I rested my head on hers and she rested her headon my shoulder.

I then heard some slow breathing and looked down to see Shis sleeping peacfully. I picked her up bridle style and took her to me our room, which we shared since some of our guest slept in Shia's room. I leaded her down on my bed and I leaded down beside her and I pulled my bed covers over us and she moved closer to me and cuddled up next to my chest and I cuddled up with her and I fell into a deep sleep with my love and I thought

'I now know when to ask her! It'll be her Christmas present! Yes, perfect plan!'

End of Chapter 1!

Well, was it good, bad, bad good! What! Please tell me!

Oh, and I still need cast for my new story 'Chi? Future Child!' look on my story 'FWEADL Team' chapter 3!

Please Review!

(This'll be a fun story to type!)