' There You'll Be '

Ch. 5

( Thank you all for reading and reviewing. I was suprised that the last chapter got quite a few reviews. Just to let you all know, this story will go on past the movie. This is only the begining. I'm about to change a lot of the movies ending. You'll see soon! Hope you stay with me on this! )

' Mommy is Superman going to save us? ' Jason asked.

' I dont know sweetie. But I hope so. ' She felt guilty for getting her son involved in this. Because of her actions, theywere now both in trouble.

' I like him. '

' Me too... ' She thought for a second and realized that they could die. She decided now was the best time to tell him the truth. ' Jason... theres something you should know about Superman... he's your da...'

' Daddy! ' Jason jumped up and ran into Richards arms as he opened the door to the pantry.

' Oh thank God! Richard! How did you get past Luthor and his men? '

' Who? ' He didnt know who or what she was talking about.

' Nevermind. But how did you find us? '

' I seen the fax and I knew it was your handwriting. ' He smiled and hugged her. Little did she know that he was taking all of the credit for something Jimmy had done.

' I'm just glad you came. Where is Superman? Why didnt he come for us? '

' I dont know, but we gotta get out of here. Its getting crazy out there. '

She nodded. However, just as they started to get out, the ship cracked in two and they were sent to the ocean floor. Lois hit her head and was knocked out cold.

' Lois! Lois! ' Richard screamed. He pulled Jason up and tried to hang onto Lois as well. When he seen the water cover the door, he knew that it was going to be the end. Damnit. Now that I hate the man, I need him the most. We're actually going to die.

' I'm scared daddy. Is mommy ok? ' Jason was cold and shaking.

' Dont worry. We'll get out of here somehow. ' Richard wished he could tell his son the truth.

Suddenly, they were being pulled up towards the top again. Superman. He was there. He helped them out and guided them to the sea plane. He used his x-ray vision to examine Lois for injuries. ' She'll be fine. '

With that said, he guided them out of harms way. Then he headed to face Luthor himself.

Moments later, Lois was awake. ' What happened? '

' Superman. He was there. '

' What? Where did he go? '

' He went back to stop it. '

' No. Richard! We have to go back! He will die! ' Lois begged Richard. She didnt want the man she loved to die. Did she really love him? How could she after he up and left them for 5 years. Thats not the point here. Jason, she now knows that he is truely the son of Superman.

Kitty looked at Lex. ' Lex... whats happening? '

' Ummm... its time for us to go. '

' Wait... what? '

' GO! Take nothing! Just go! '

With that said, they all headed to the chopper.

' I'm sorry. ' Kitty said.

' Sorry for what? What did you do? No! ' Lex shouted.

' I'm sorry. I would rather die than be the cause of billions of others dying. '

Hours later...

Superman had fallen from the sky. He was taken to the hospital.

Lois was sitting at the Daily Planet in from of the computer. She had tears in her eyes. God... I cant handle this. Is he really gone? Is he dead? I just cant take it. Wait a second... where is Clark? Should he not be here while we are in the middle of this crisis with Superman? I mean... Busted! Then it hit her. Clark was Superman. It actually made since. He always seemed to disappear whenever Superman was around.

Jason handed her a picture of all of them together with Superman saving them. ' Is he going to be alright? '

' I dont know hunny. I hope so. '

Richard walked over to them. ' Lois, we can leave at any time. We dont have to wait here. '

She nodded and they were off to the hospital.

' I want to go with mommy. ' Jason begged.

Lois leaned over and placed a kiss on Richards cheek.

' I'll be right here waiting for you. '

Lois and Jason walked into the hospital escorted by several officers. Once they got into the room, Lois seen him and inhaled a deep breath.

' Mommy... is he going to get better? '

' I dont know baby, but I hope so. ' Lois walked over to him.

' I like him. '

' I dont know if you can hear me, but... they say that sometime people can hear when they are out of it. I wanted to tell you that... ' She began to whisper in his ear. ' Jason... he saved my life. But he is your son and I want you to know him. Please wake up. Clark. ' She moved away after placing a soft kiss on his lips.

' Lets go Jason. '

Jason ran over and placed a kiss on Supermans forehead.

Later that night, Jason was tucked away in bed. Superman entered through his window. ' You will be different. Not like others... The son... becomes a father and the father becomes a son. ' Superman had a son. He smiled as he ran his hands through his sons hair. Then headed back outside to deal with the mother of his child.

Lois was lighting up a cigarette. She had so much on her mind.

' Goodnight! '

She turned around as she seen Jason hanging out his window. Thats when she seen him. Superman. ' Will we be seeing you? '

' I'm always around Lois. Always around. '

' I know. Thanks again. '

' Goodnight Lois. ' He smiled that smile. It was the same one as Clark Kent. Then he flew off.

' Night ... Clark. ' She sighed then walked over to the edge of the deck. She took out her whole pack of cigarettes and tossed them into the water below. Her life was about to change. That day had began the start of something new. She smiled.

( This isnt the end. Much more to come! Please review! Thanks! )