Jessica flounced over to the fridge, proud of how she'd handled the situation. Darry stood, still pressed up against the counter, staring at her. I don't think either one of them even knew I was there. He looked like he was about to say something, when she shut the fridge after grabbing an entire chocolate cake. She smiled at him, grabbed a fork, and walked back to the living room leaving him frozen, the unspoken words stuck on his tongue.

"What's up Dar?" I asked. He jumped about ten feet in the air, quickly erasing anything he'd been thinking from his face.

"Not much, little buddy," he said putting his arm around my shoulders.

He squeezed me real quick before grabbing a beer and leaving me standing there, confused about what I'd just witnessed. I chuckled and grabbed a beer for myself, something I've been doing a lot lately. I've found the more beer I consume the easier it is to get through the night. Seeing Carmen and Johnny being all cute together is easier to swallow when witnessed through a haze of alcohol.

I took a big swig as I sat down next to Two-Bit on the couch. He had Danny sitting on his lap.

"Oooh, look at those chubby legs. I could just eat 'em up! Om nom nom," he said pretending to chomp on Danny's tiny legs, which sent him into a fit of adorable baby giggles.

"Hey Two-Bit, don't eat my baby," Dally said.

"Lighten up, man," Jess told him between bites of cake. He scoffed at her and ruffled her hair. She swatted him on the arm. He growled at her and she giggled. God, they're sickening. Couples suck. And they weren't even the worst in the room. Carmen and Johnny were still glowing from the news of their engagement. They'd only been engaged for like two hours, but Carmen and Jessica were already planning the wedding, one I knew no one could afford.

"Maybe I should get a job," Carmen said.

"No, you're not gonna do that. I can handle it," Johnny said.

"Johnny, you don't even have a job."

"Well, I'm gonna get one. Don't you worry about it," he took her hand in his and kissed it. She smiled and blushed like I've never seen her do before.

"Ooooooooo you know what you need?" Jess exclaimed, overcome by her fit of excitement. "Doves!"

"They do not need doves. That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard," Dally said.

"You don't need to be a jerk about it," Jess said, tears forming in her eyes, her lip actually quivering.

Dally's face softened. "Oh babe, I'm sorry. I didn't mean that. Please don't cry." He kissed her forehead and she sniffed. Carmen and Johnny tried to hide their laughter. Jess has been crazy hormonal with this pregnancy.

I got up and went to my room, not being able to take any more of this. Jess and Dally are married with a kid and another on the way, Johnny and Carmen are engaged, Two-Bit is back with Kathy. Why isn't there anyone for me? I think I deserve love. I want a girl who loves me, only me. I want a girl to hold my hand and to take to the drive in on Friday nights. I want a girl to hold at night. All I've ever had is Evie and Carmen and neither of those ended well for me. Am I doing something wrong? I don't know how much more of this I can take.