Yay! Thank you for reading my fanfic!!!

Especially duziekat, LyokoDragon, sn0zb0z (who were there from the start)… Abi and CSI3Lyra –grins-

Final ever, ever, ever chapter thing! 'Tis the epilogue!



It had almost been a month, a month since that fateful morning. Hardly anyone had gone to the funeral; in fact, it was just her closest relatives. No other dared go to the funeral of a 'freak'. No one even wanted anything to do with the Simpsons anymore.

Everyday, Bart moped about without anyone to talk to; the two friends he cared about most were gone. Marge silently did chores around the house to keep herself busy and Homer just drunk more often than usual, coming home just in time to get a bit of sleep before work.

They all blamed Lisa. It was as if she was the source of this entire problem, her fault. All trace of her memory was striped from eyes' view and locked up in the attic. A tense barrier seemed to have grown between the remaining members of the household. They only talked when necessary and silently walked out the room when another entered. It was becoming unbearable.

Bart had only just got home and was already in his room. He kicked his shoes off an lay on his bed. 'Argh! I can't live on like this!! What are we supposed to do?! Damnit, Lis!' He wished none of this had ever happened. It was all that Milhouse's fault! Why was it that everyone of his good friend's had to die. He felt like crying again. 'I really am losing it!' He thought, crying himself to sleep.

Bart looked up. All he saw was sky. He looked down. Dirt. Where was he? This place felt familiar. A gust of wind blew across his face as a dark black raven appeared. 'Raven?' he thought, confused.

"Yes, it's a raven." The lady from Lisa's dream entered. He was utterly lost. What on earth was going on? Did she just read his thoughts?


"Ahh… of course. You don't know yet do you." She let out a small chuckle. "I wanted you to see something." The raven flew towards a far tree. Without thinking, Bart followed until he reached a small pond. It was light, but the reflection from it shone in Bart's face. A reflection of the past.

Bart had backed away as Lisa chucked the knife in the wastebasket. She had sighed in relief. When she passed out Bart reached to grab her. Her face was calm, no anger at all. She just lay in Bart's arm for a moment, even having a small smile creasing her lips.

Bart woke up. 'I never remembered her smiling. Why? She had thrown that knife in the bin. Why would she smile?' He huffed. Now nothing was making sense. Life didn't make sense and now death. He thought he knew what Lisa had done… but maybe, just maybe it had been a mistake. He hated this kind of confusion.

He looked over to his watch. 9 PM. Great. Marge would still be cooking by now. He went down the stairs and up to her. She turned around, shocked to find another living soul in that very room.

Trying her best to ignore him, she turned back to her cooking; Bart sat down at the table.

"Mom, you don't have to turn round. I just wanted to say something. What if… what if Lisa was telling us the truth that day…" Marge's back straightened as he continued, "She might have just done that because of us. Maybe it was our fault. Maybe she didn't want to die… Mom? Do you think I'm wrong?" She tensed up more, if possible. Bart sighed. "That's alright. It's not like we're going to find out anyway…"

"Wait." He raised an eyebrow. "I… I've had that in my mind too…"

"…We've lost it. We've completely lost it. We're crazy. What are we doing? Talking about the past. We can't change it now. She's dead. And maybe it was our fault. Maybe, if it weren't for us, she'd be here right now, perfectly healthy. But we can't bring her back to life now. She's dead." Bart's voice softened a bit as he smiled. "She's in peace now. No one can ever disturb her again."

Marge whispered his name as Bart went up to the fridge and got himself a glass of milk. Could they finally move on? Yes? No? At least they could try. Anything was worth a try to get out of the situation they were in now.


A few weeks later things settled down a bit. Homer went back to drinking until only a bit late, Marge stopped overworking herself, and Bart. Bart stopped beating himself mentally about what happened.

They like they knew what was going on now. There was no more confusion. At least, none that would cause anymore trouble. They were going on with their lives. Even if Lisa was always somewhere in their minds during every moment of the day, they could still go on, knowing that she had died for peace. It may have been their fault and what happened probably messed them up completely but they could still live on and live a life for Lisa. The life she wanted them to live.

All the stuff lost in the attic was now back. She could be remembered properly now. They wanted to remember her, not as a suicidal depressed person but as the intelligent young girl she was.

A photo of her hung on the wall of the corridor. Inscribed on it were the last lines from her final diary entry - the first draft copy of the note given to them.

I just want you to understand, to see the world from my eyes. Know that what I did was wrong, but it opened my eyes, my soul. Please see. So you can find your soul. So you can live again.


Gargh… I'm a sucker for nice endings… well… yeah. Not that nice considering what happened to Lisa but you know what I mean. I much prefer the proper ending to this epilogue -.-

And I thank you again sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much. –luffs you for reading- Death on Your Lips has officially ended. XD
