Chapter 4-Demon Stoves, Politically Correct Wizards, and College Roomies.

A/N: Yay!!! Chapter 4 is finally up! In this chapter, Pippin and I take a walk down the street leading to Mount Doom so we can try to figure out if anything is remotely normal around here. And on our way, guess who comes home from college??? My brother Legolas and Gimli! Yee hoo! lol And also, Grandpa Gandalf & Grandpa Saruman get in a big argument! Why? Um… Oh yeah- the stove goes kablooey! Well, kinda…

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Blynk walked down the stairs, Pippin following right behind her. When they got at the bottom, he stared.
"Did you know there's a stream in your computer room?" he asked her.
"Yes." She replied. A robin flew through the window and perched itself on top of her computer. It whistled at the deer drinking from the stream.
"Just checking…" said Pippin. They walked into the kitchen, and as they did so, black smoke fumed out.
Blynk waved her hand in the air at the smoke. The sound of a fire extinguisher was heard.
"Dad?" she coughed. "Everything ok?"
"Hehehe daddy blew up the stove." Said Boromir, who was sitting at the kitchen table grinning.
"I did NOT blow up the stove, Boromir." Said Elrond, coming into to view. His apron was stained with some ash and batter-like residue, and the tip of his hat was singed. He was holding a fire extinguisher and frowing at the stove, which was covered with that white foamy stuff from the extinguisher.
"Daddy just had a little accident with the stove, that's all…" he said, waving some smoke away. He coughed.
"What happened?" said Blynk, coughing. She opened the stove and saw bits of batter and… banana splattered all on the insides, as well as the white foamy stuff.
"I was trying to make some banana bread, and I guess I had the heat on too high…" he said, looking at the stove, his hands on his hips. "I just don't understand it. The book said 350 degrees on medium-high…" He suddenly caught sight of Pippin and smiled. "Oh! Hello there Pippin! I didn't see you come in! You're out early this morning! Nice day today, isn't it?"
Pippin merely stared. He finally nodded very slowly. Elrond eyed him oddly.
"Have you been getting enough sleep lately? You don't seem quite right…"
"Eh, eh heh heh heh…" was all Pippin could mumble. Blynk rolled her eyes.
"Is the stove broken dad?" she asked Elrond. His brow furrowed.
"I'm not sure. Perhaps I should call a mechanic to-"
"Mechanic schmanic!"
They turned to see Gandalf and Saruman walking into the kitchen.
"In my day, we didn't use no mechanics. We'd fix them stoves ourselves, and it'd take 15 hours to do so!" said Gandalf, leaning on his staff. Saruman sighed.
"15 hours? Really. Calling a mechanic would be more politically correct."
"At least I am politically correct!" retorted Gandalf. Saruman scowled.
"Why you pathetic excuse of a Gandalf the Grey Istari!"
"That's Gandalf the WHITE to you, Mr. Saruman of Many Colors!" said Gandalf. The two old men started arguing. Blynk and Pippin gawked. Elrond groaned.
"Not again…" he said. "Look. You two kids go outside, while I straighten up BOTH these messes!"
"Sure thing dad, we were gonna take a walk anyways." Said Blynk, as she and Pippin headed for the door to the garage.
"Have fun!" said Elrond with a smile, which quickly turned into a frown. "Now Grandpa Gandalf, Grandpa Saruman, can we please stop the fighting?"
"Don't blame me! It was Mr. Many Colors who started it!"
"I started it, Mr. High and Mighty White Wannabe?"
"Why you old-!"

* * *

"I think… yes, I think I have finally cracked." Said Pippin, as he and Blynk stood in the driveway. Blynk laughed.
"Hey, at least we can be insane together." She replied, grinning.
"Hey! Maybe we can even be roomies at the asylum!" exclaimed Pippin happily. She laughed and they headed across the lawn to the "dead end" street. Well, at least that's what it used to be.
"Holy crap…" said Pippin, gazing down the street.
"Yep. Mount Doom, in all her glory." Said Blynk. The volcano gave a roar as flames emitted from the top. Pippin stared.
"Why do you think everything is like this?" he asked her.
"I have no clue. Maybe I was hit by a car or something, and this is Hell."
"Why would God send you to Hell?"
"I dunno. Maybe he got sick of me referring to him as Alan Rickman."
Pippin laughed as they started walking down the street.
"Didja know when I came out here earlier this morning, a hobbit ran up to me and asked me for some pipe weed? Scary, scary thing it twas…" she told him. He laughed again.
"Compared to what happened back there?!" he asked her. She frowned.
"Ok, maybe not AS scary as that…" she grinned and put on an accent of an old man. "What's it to you, Mr. Many Colors?"
"Everything, Mr. High and Mighty White Wannabe!" said Pippin, imitating Saruman. They both laughed and continued walking.
"Wait a sec-" said Pippin, putting his hands in his pockets. "Gandalf and Saruman are your grandfathers?!"
"Yep. And Elrond's my dad, and Boromir's my brother."
"Whoa. That is seriously disturbing."
"Tell me about it."
"So what am I?"
"Well, your obviously not my brother, or else Elrond, er, I mean "dad", would've called you son. So I guess you're just my best friend, like it was meant to be." She said, smiling at him. He smiled back.
"I like that." he said.

They continued walking down the street a ways, passing by trees, trees, and more trees. There were no houses; all the neighbors were gone. Where? Blynk didn't know, but it didn't really bother her too much, as she rarely ever talked to them.
"Why do you think everything's like this?" Pippin said, asking her the one question that had been pecking at her brain. She stopped walking.
"I dunno. Maybe, maybe it had something to do with God. I mean," she sighed. "I really don't know. Unless this is all some cruel lie the world feels like telling me."
"Why would you think that?" Pippin asked her, frowning. She shrugged.
"I dunno. I mean, why else would things be like this…" her voice trailed off as she looked at the ground in horror.
"What? What's wrong?" he asked her.
"Oh my God…" she said quietly. "How… I didn't think…"
"What?! What's wrong?!" he asked her again. She stared at the ground.
"Yesterday, I was having a really bad day, and at night, I cried, and, I looked at a star outside my window, and wished I lived in Middle Earth…"
"Don't you see?" she said, looking up at him. "I wished upon a star and it came true!"
He looked at her oddly.
"You're joking right?"
She gave him a stern look.
"Ok, ok," he said, as they started walking again. "So you wished you lived in Middle Earth. Then why is everyone here?"
"Maybe… maybe I didn't say it clear enough. I just wished, and here I am, living in Middle Earth, in a sense."
"Wow. That's just plain freaky Blynk." He said to her.
"I know. Its like some twisted Mary-Sue…"
They both shuddered. Blynk narrowed her eyes as she looked ahead.
"What do you see?"
"Its… a car…"
They both looked curiously ahead. A jeep was driving down the road, heavy metal music blasting from it. It sounded strangely like Metallica…
"Who is it?" Pippin asked her, as the squinted at the car; Elves see very well, after all.
"I don't… oh my God…"
"Its… Legolas and Gimli…"
"Its WHO?!"
The jeep came speeding up and jerked with a screech on the side of them. Legolas leaned out the window.
"Yo sis, what's up?" he asked Blynk. She and Pippin just stood there, gawking. Gimli appeared at the window.
"Dude, what's up with your sister? I thought she'd be happy to see you." he said.
"Sister?!" exclaimed Blynk. Legolas frowned at her.
"Yeah, sister. Remember? I'm your brother? The one who went off to college?"
"College?!" exclaimed Pippin. Gimli frowned at him.
"Dude, have you two been smokin' pipe weed together?"
"WHAT?!" they both exclaimed.
"Yeah, you too are acting really weird… how doped up are you?"
"Wait a second!" said Blynk, putting up a hand. "First off, we are certainly not doped up, and neither of us do drugs. Pipe weed INCLUDED." She added, at the look on Gimli's face. "Well, except for Pippin anyways. I don't smoke. And second of all- you two are at college?"
"Yep. We're roomies." Said Legolas. "Well, their giving us this summer break sorta thing, because one of the kids accidentally blew up the science hall." Legolas and Gimli snickered. "Anyways, we decided to come home for a while, bug dad for money, and Gimli could crash at our place. How's dad doing?"
"Oh, he's ok." She said, as though this was all normal. She was getting used to it by now.
"He blew up the stove." Said Pippin. Legolas and Gimli started laughing.
"Hey, do you guys want a lift back?" Legolas asked her. "I got two seats in the back."
They shrugged, and replied "Sure." And hopped in the car.
"Buckle up. This baby goes fast." Said Gimli with a grin. Blynk and Pippin exchanged a look and quickly buckled up their seat belts.
"Get ready to lock and load baby! Whoo hoo!" exclaimed Legolas, and he pressed down hard on the gas. The car speeded up the street, Metallica blasting again, overpowering Blynk and Pippin's yells.