The Relationship and the End of it: Prologue:

The last time Bo Duke ever smiled was when he and Gabby started to date after she moved to Hazzard County, and they had a passionate affair, and then 4 months later, he proposed, and she said, "Yes", and then they told Daisy, Jesse, and Luke, and they were thrilled, and Bo and Gabby started to plan their Wedding ceremony.

The Wedding ceremony was beautiful, and Gabby was walking down the asile, and everyone gasped at how beautiful she looked, and she smiled at Bo, and he smiled back at her with a bigger smile, and when she got to the end, the ceremony started, and the Priest did his job, and Bo and Gabby exchanged rings, and did their vows, and the Priest gave them a blessing, and pronounced them, Man and Wife, and everyone went to the reception at "The Boar's Nest".

The Bride and Groom decided to stay at home for their honeymoon, and they decided to spend the night at the Hazzard County Motel, and Bo carried his bride over the threshold, and went to the bed, and Bo asked, "Ready, Mrs. Duke?" and she smiled, and nodded, and then dropped her on the bed, and they began to shed their Wedding Clothes, and had a heated evening of passion, they spent the entire time making love all night.

A couple months later, the boys were busy helping Jesse in the fields, and the girls were having some breakfast together, and all of sudden, Gabby felt sick, and ran to the bathroom, and Daisy, and Pamela went to see if she was ok, they were concerned for their new cousin, and Gabby came out, and said shocked, "Girls, I think I am pregnant", and they were shocked, and Daisy said, "Let us take you to Doc Appleby's to make sure, and then get a test", and Pamela said, "Yeah, so you won't be worrying about it all day", and Gabby nodded, and they went to Pharmacy, and the Doctor's to do those tasks.

One day as Gabby was making some breakfast for the family, she went into labor, and there was no time to get to the hospital, so Jesse delivered and Luke helped him, and Daisy and Bo were keeping Gabby calm, and making sure she was comfortable as she could be, and then Jesse said after a few minutes to Bo, "How would you like to meet your daughter?" Luke cleaned her up, and Luke brought her over to his young cousin, and said, "Here she is, Cousin", and they fussed over and the other Dukes watched in awe, their new family member getting used to her surroundings.

A year later, Gabby wasn't feeling so good, and she thought it was the flu, until she was combing her, and she found some hair on the brush, and she was concerned, and she told the family, and they told her that they will come with her to Doc Appleby's as a support system.

Doc Appleby ran some tests on Gabby, and he was saddened by what he found out, and he went to tell Gabby, and the Dukes, and once he reached them, he said sadly, "I am so sorry, Gabby, but it's Cancer", and then she let out a single tear, and Bo was crying too, along with the rest of the Dukes, and they hugged each other, and promised to help Gabby get through this, and then after 2 months of treatments, she died peacefully at the farm, and the Dukes comforted Bo and each other.

End of: The Relationship and the End of it: Prologue:

Balladeer: Are Bo and the Dukes going to be ok? and will he ever find true love again for the second time? Find out in the next exciting chapter of: To Love Again, Y'all!