"Hey Guys I'm back. Have you finally come to your senses and decided to let me know who this new hot member to our group is or shall i have to torture you until reason finds you." Logan asked "Reason? Reason? I have but one reason and that is inebriation. Alcohol I live for alcohol. I have no need for any other reason" Finn exclaimed waving a bottle of scotch in front of him and taking a chug. "Good stuff see." He said.

"And if i were to take away the alcohol? Would i then get the answers i need?" Logan replied and grabbed the alcohol from Finns hands. With a condescending smirk.

"I can help you one second." Finn said running into his room.

"Hey Logan nice to see you've worked off your frustration. Whats Fin getting into back there?" Colin asked as a loud Bang was heard from the other room.

"GOT IT!! Ask away." Finn smiled happily

"Are you going to tell me what has changed since my Leave of absence?" Logan said attempting to keep his annoyance hidden. Finn looked under the blanket he had brought with him. Pulled his head back out and smiled.

"Ask again....in bed" Finn said with all seriousness. Colin and Logan exchanged a look of annoyance. "WHAT it works with fortune cookies why not magic eight balls?"

Logan proceeded to pour the remaining alcohol down the drain. "If you wont help me I'm afraid i will just have to make it my goal in life to keep you sober." Logan said.

"Good luck with that" Colin dead panned

"NEVER SOBER come now boys i have a redhead to find and only so long before i become to old and ugly for any redhead to want me time is wasting and i can feel my liquid courage leaving me. Now if i could only remember her name....ALL well..fate will lead me to her. Fate likes me that way." Finn Ranted while grabbing his coat and marching to the door. "Are you two sober bores comeing or not. If we were really friends i wouldn't even have to ask...is that so much to ask why does no one love me." He threw the door open and marched right on threw. "GET THE HELL UP YOU LAZY ARSES!!" He yelled back.

Colin and Logan exchanged yet another look before following their crazy friend.


"This is where she lives. I know it!!" Finn exclaimed

"Don't leave your number. She doesn't live here belive me." Logan explained

"And how prey tell do you know? I think you just want to stand in the way of love as you stand in the way of me and my alcohol. you monster" Finn ranted "Far be it for me to stand in the way of love please knock on the door and see for yourself the enchanting burnette and scary blonde you will find behind that door. Knock away." Logan said rolling his eyes as Finn did just that before Colin could stop him. The door flew open and a beautiful redhead answered the door.

"It's you. See Logan I knew it." Finn said with satisfaction. "I'm Finn Love and I have been searching for you for hours."

"Ever the dramatic it's only been thirty minutes." Colin murmured. Logan was looking confused but quickly recovered.

"I'm sorry but do you have a blonde grieving roomate in that room of yours?" Logan asked. "More importantly does a girl named Rory live here?"

"That's really not funny. How dare you mock that poor girl. You disgust me!" The redhead exclaimed.

"I had no intention of mocking her i just thought she lived here my mistake i must have been mistaken." Logan said.

"Using that dead girl as an excuse to talk to me." The readhead said exasperated. "I really think you all should go. I can't say it was nice to meet you."

"WAIT she isn't dead i just talked to her. Are you sure that we are talking about the same girl? Crazy coffee addict funny about this tall burnette and a bundle of energy and sarcasm?" Logan asked.

"Yeah that is deffinatly her. You need to stop. I'm not laughing." The redhead then procceded to slam the door in the three boys faces.

"Nice going Logan." Colin said.

"YOU"VE RUINED MY ENTIRE LIFE. SHE WAS THE LOVE OF MY LIFE SECOND ONLY TO ALCOHOL. NOW I HAVE NOTHING." Finn yelled and attempted to strangle Logan before Colin jumped on him.

"Run Logan he needs to calm down." Colin chocked out and Logan Huntzberger heir extrodaner took of like a scared puppy. Not looking back. If he had though he would have seen four figures attempting to reign in their laughter.