MHC: I decided to write something that had nothing to do with the main plot of KH2. AU FTW.

Sora/Roxas: HUZZA!

MHC: Ladies and gentle men… LET'S GET READY TO SMUT!


You think school sucks? Wait till you see


Chapter 1: Getting Involved


Sitting in the sun-kissed room reserved only for the worst, Roxas Strife cursed everything to hell as he glared daggers at the sign on the door a few feet away.


Unable to take it any longer, the boy finally shook his head and cried out, "DAMNIT! I CAN'T BELEVE YOU GOT ME INTO DETENTION!"

The brunet boy sitting next to him had a smirk on his face as he sat with his hands behind his head and feet propped on the desk before him.

"What can I say?" He boasted, "I'm badass."

Roxas groaned; his head connecting with his own desk and emitting a miserable "thunk".

"You suck Sora…"

"Well, it's nice to be the only ones here."

Roxas turned his head to Sora and raised an eyebrow. "You mean we're the only ones who got busted?"

Sora nodded and looked at him. "Yup, especially on Friday; No one likes their first day of the weekend in detention—except me." He smiled sexily at Roxas who ignored him.

"Jesus tap-dancing Christ, six kids part of an insane prank and they have to nab us."

Sora was about to protest when the guidance counselor (who also happens to be a bus-driver on Tuesdays and Thursdays) walked in and slammed his hand against his desk.

"Okay insects!" He barked in a gruff voice, taking the two boys back a bit, "No talking, no note passing, and no—!" Pausing, he looked around with a confused expression and let out a sigh. "Hello Sora. I see you brought a victim." Their warden smiled.

"Yup Cid—I snagged a bad one!" He smiled brightly and gave Roxas a hard pat on the back. Cid let out a laugh.

"It's good to see you too, Rox. Bad as you may be, this sure is a great story to tell the guys at our poker game tonight!"

"You—I didn't—Oh never mind!" Roxas cursed, and then shrugged, "Yeah, whatever. Sure thing, Uncle Cid."

Cid, although you probably already can tell, happens to be the Uncle of Roxas and a long-time friend of Sora and his older brother Leon.

"Good thing Cid's here… had it been Hades, I would've vaulted out the window!" (Hades is their Greek History teacher; Cid and him usually take turns monitoring detention.)

"Okay kiddies," Cid announced, "I want to hear nothing above a whisper! Do I make myself clear?!"

They nodded.

There was a quiet knock on the door and Aerith, the school secretary, appeared. "Cid, you have a phone call. Oh hi Sora; Roxas. How's your day going?"

They both faked smiles and replied with a half-assed "Great!"

Cid approached the door and looked back at them. "Don't do anything stupid or loud while I'm gone or your asses will be my new dart board."

"Oh we won't." Sora assured him while discreetly winking in Roxas' direction. Roxas flushed a dark crimson and Cid left with a grunt.

As the foot steps faded, Sora got out of his seat and leaned over to Roxas.

"Sora, what're you—?" Roxas was cut off by Sora kissing him roughly, earning a surprised gasp. Seizing the (FUCKING CLICHÉ) opportunity, Sora slipped his tongue into Roxas' mouth and slid a hand over the other boy's stomach. Roxas moaned and Sora smirked, broke the kiss and moved back to his seat; leaving a confused Roxas behind.

"Damn it, no you don't!" Roxas growled as he moved over to Sora. While attaining a firm grip on the back of the brunet's seat, he leaned down and forcefully lip-locked Sora yet again.

Sora smirked and grabbed Roxas' hips before pulling the other boy onto his lap. His tongue slipped into the blond's mouth again, earning an erotic moan from his companion. Roxas ran his fingers through Sora's hair, pulled him closer and ground down on the brunet. Sora broke the kiss and began to peck Roxas' neck.

"You little tease," He purred, before bucking back up in reply to another grind.

"Oh god…" Roxas moaned loudly and Sora began nipping fiercely—the gasps and moans of the other boy fueling him as he slid his hands up Roxas' shirt.

Just when things got heated; they heard the door-knob click and instantaneously both boys returned to their seats.

"Okay kids—sorry for the wait. You can take a bathroom break if ya want." Cid said casually as he took out a newspaper and soda can from a desk drawer.

"…Okay!" Sora said happily before getting up, taking a hall pass and quickly moving toward the door. Before exiting, he winked at Roxas who sheepishly smiled.

"I… Have to go to…"

Cid pointed to the hall pass hanger. "That's why there're two, Rox."

Roxas got up, took a hall pass and left. Glancing around, his eye caught Sora leaning against the wall next to the boy's restroom. Roxas ran up to him and he smiled.

"Hey there little boy. I have candy in my car."

"Fuck you. What's going on?" Sora grabbed Roxas's hand and led him into the bathroom. "Well?" Roxas asked as Sora checked the stalls for anyone.

"I guess we're alone…" Sora smirked and opened the big stall door. "It's simple…" He grabbed Roxas and pulled him into a stall. "…Sex."


MHC: Jesus, this thing looked like shit till I decided I'd fix it up.

Sora: (comes out in a prince charming suit) My Uke a waits!

Roxas: WTF!

MHC: Next chapter I'm adding on the lemon! Shoot me nao plz? PLZ?!