Something I wrote up spur of the moment. I have other ideas for it so I guess we'll call it a WIP for now . We'll see how it goes. Unedited and raw (As I'm sure you'll notice) Have fun with it! Let your imaginations run wild duckies! Title (and chapters) may be subject to change.


It was cold and dark. Rain pelted the ground with enough force to cause the water to bounce back into the air. Hermione Granger ran for all she was worth down the trail leading from Hogwarts to the little hut which housed none other than Hagrid who was waiting anxiously for her arrival.

The rain blurred her vision, but just the same she was positive that there was more than just rain water falling over her face at the moment. Pain wracked her body with every step she took; broken ribs would do that to a person.

Another explosion could be heard, and then the crash of stone falling to the ground. She could see Hagrid's hut now, his door was open, the half-giant had his head stuck outside and upon spotting her he made his way up the path as quickly as he could manage.

"Thank Merlin your alright! I was gettin' pretty worried - are you alright?" He grabbed Hermione by the shoulders eyeing her as she wheezed heavily while she tried to reply, only to find she was unable to catch her breath properly enough to do so. She nodded instead, there was no time for fussing over anything, once her task was accomplished her current state wouldn't be of any concern.

"Common then…" Hagrid slid the chain of the time-turner around her neck, hoping that the girl would be able to make it in time to warn the school of the attack that had come all too suddenly. "How many times should I turn it? 3 hours?" Hagrid question was barely audible over the explosions and the drumming of rain. Hermione held up 4 fingers, her form almost double over now as she tried to regain her composure. "4 it is." Hagrid quickly spun the time turner "One, two, thre-- " He never counting. Hermione was thrown forward into and through the fence of Hagrid's vegetable patch, screaming upon impact. Hermione's last conscious memory was that of the world spinning out of focus, and the bright green flash of an unforgivable curse.


Care of Magical Creatures certainly wasn't the most exciting class in the world. Especially when your professor was about as brave as a… there really wasn't an expression worth using in this particular case. Professor Crane was one of the most timid creatures that James had the misfortune of coming across. Boring Boring Boring. James recited to himself. Why on earth did he decide to take this class again? He couldn't imagine what he'd been thinking when he'd picked his courses for the semester. At least the weather was nice.

"As you can see, this particular breed of canine is quite docile and many keep them as house pets." Droned Crane as a big grey monster of a dog rolled over lazily, waging its tail and looking up at everyone lazily. "Come now Mr. Longbottom he won't bite… Mr. Longbottom? Longbottom! What on earth is so much more interesting that you must – Oh my…"

Upon hearing the loud gasps of his classmates James looked up from his shoes and craned his neck to see what everyone else was looking at. "Bugger…" he exclaimed watching as a figure staggered over the fence that surrounded the vegetable garden only to crumple into a heap on the ground. Moments later what now appeared to be a young woman struggled to her feet and began advancing towards the class.

"Students, stay here!" Cried Professor Crane running (cautiously of course) and waving his hand in an attempt to make everyone stay put. "Excuse me! Young lady!" He drew his wand as he ran, not that he needed it. Personally James thought that she looked as though a gust of wind could kill her.

"Please," she gasped, clutching at her side as she fell into the professor. "Dumbledore! Please…" She looked up at the crowd of students that was slowly edging towards her, James included. "What?" she wheezed as she squinted in their direction. "What is this?"

Hermione's confusion lasted only seconds longer, the odd pressure against her broken ribs caused enough pain to allow her to slip into unconsciousness, forgetting all about the strange faces that she'd seen only moments ago. Not only that, she thought before everything faded into darkness… It should be raining.


Hermione's eyes snapped open as soon as she realized she was awake. Quickly she sat up and searched the room, "Madame Pomfrey! Thank Merlin its not too late!" she cried upon spotting the Medi-witch on the far side of the room. "Voldemort is attacking! We must warn Dumbledore and tell him to contact the Order!"

"WHAT!" Screeched Poppy in utter shock as the tray of potions she had been holding clattered to the ground.

Hermione was already out of bed making her way towards the door. "We have to warn them before it's too late!"

"Petrific Toticalus!"

Suddenly Hermione was unable to move, frozen in her attempt to push open the doors of the hospital wing.

"What on earth are you trying to do girl!" huffed Pomfrey. "I thought there was no head-trauma obviously I was wrong."

What was going on? Hermione was so lost. Why had she cursed her? Hermione didn't know, but regardless she was getting to Dumbledore, someone had to warn him. She could feel herself slowly forcing herself to break free of the charm. Meanwhile the nurse shuffled around, muttering about unruly patients and magicking away the spilt contents of the broken potion bottles. Soon Hermione was free, running down the corridors of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, extremely thankful that her ribs had been healed. It they hadn't been, the enraged nurse screaming at her from the door way of the Hospital wing probably would have caught her. And a pissed of Poppy was definitely not something that she wanted to encounter.


Everyone looked up simultaneously as someone came running through the doors of the Great hall, straight between the Slytherin and Ravenclaw tables and directly to the Staff table. Standing in front of the Headmaster she seemed to hesitate looking right, then left, then right again. After a few seconds she turned around, looking at the Gryffindor table, sizing up everyone until her eyes fell on a certain group of individuals known as the Marauders. Her mouth formed an ' 'O' Turning around to face the Headmaster again she said something none of the students quite caught, but it definitely got the Staff's attention. Immediately Headmaster Dumbledore and two other professors whom he motioned to stood and followed him from the staff table, directing the mysterious woman out of the Great Hall and away from prying eyes.

Immediately after they were out of sight the hall broke out in whispers. "What was that about?" asked Remus, baffled (as was everyone else) by the professors odd behavior.

"That's the girl that we saw during Care of Magical Creatures." supplied James who out of the 4 marauders had been the only one to take the class again during his 7th year. "She was in a right state then, it looks like Madame Pomfrey fixed her up quite nicely."

"Who is she?" Inquired Evans; suddenly everyone surrounding James was looking his way waiting for an answer.

"I don't bloody well know. She popped up out of thin are all war-torn and whatnot! Crane dragged her off, and it's not like she was in any shape to talk to anyone." He ruffled his hair slightly. Where had she come from? He was sure they'd find out soon enough, it's not like anyone could actually keep a secret for long in Hogwarts, the truth was bound to come out sooner or later. James just wondered why on earth she had given him such a terrified look. He was sure she had looked straight at him her eyes wide and face as pale as a sheet.

In another part of the castle Hermione Granger sat alone, letting the gravity of her situation sink in. Her stance was that of someone tired and defeated. She had failed. She was done, there was nothing for her here except secrecy, and if she ever returned to her own time there would be nothing except an overlord and a society in shambles. She lay in one of the hospital beds, curtains closed, staring up at the stone ceiling. Perhaps… If I lie here long enough, I'll just fade away… and this will all be over. But of course, she would do what was expected of her. Abiding by the rules the present time Dumbledore had laid out for her. In that case, there was no lying about moping for the rest of her existence. Classes started Monday at 8. Goody.