Yes, yes, yes, it's another AU. But, this is an AU with a twist. It is actually One Piece, while at the same time it's an AU. Well, you'll have to read to find out. XP Anyway, this is my first multichapter fic with the original names so if I accidentally slip up and say Zolo instead of Zoro or Trace instead of Ace, please don't try and kill me, K?

So, this is something I have been working on for a while and I hope you like it. :D

Disclaimer: I don't own One Piece, but I do own a dog called Teddie. He's my new buddy! Woot!

Luffy's first day of school

Chapter 1

Thin arms tightened over a soft reindeer toy, as wide, dark eyes gazed up at the gate to their new school. Monkey D Luffy, all of 5 years, was about to start his first day of year 1 at Merry Go Primary school.

A warm hand nudged him forward and he turned to look back at his caretaker Makino. Luffy wore his favourite blue shirt and a pair of little red shorts. A small straw hat was pressed down over his thick, messy black hair.

"Go on Luffy." she said in that quiet, soft voice. Luffy paused and then looked back at the gate. He could see a swing set through the gate and he could see other children playing, but he wasn't game to take those next steps. A car drove up and then a door popped open revealing a dark haired woman with a long nose, and a blonde haired man wearing a head band that read 'Yassopp'.

"Come on Usopp. Time for your first day." the man said opening the back door. Luffy watched interestedly and Makino knelt down beside him.

"See, there's another person starting school." she said. Luffy blinked as a small boy wearing an orange shirt and a brown pair of pants stepped out of the car. He had a light green bandana on his head with a jolly roger on it and it served to cover his brown, curly hair. Luffy grinned and ran over. The boy looked up.

"Hi!" Luffy squeaked. The boy paused a moment, and he looked increasingly shy.

"Hi." the boy responded. Makino walked over and introduced herself to the boy's parents.

"I'm Makino. Luffy's caretaker." she said. The man held out a hand.

"Yassopp." he said and they shook hands.

"I'm Monkey D Luffy!" Luffy squeaked. The boy looked up at his father and then back down at Luffy.

"I'm Usopp." he responded. Luffy grinned. A bell rang and Luffy and Usopp looked apprehensively at the gate. Makino sighed.

"I guess it's time." she said and then leaned down to take Luffy's hand. "Come on Luffy." and began to walk forward. Luffy stopped and looked back at Usopp, whose knees were shaking.

"Are you coming Usopp?" Luffy asked. Usopp blinked and then nodded, but he didn't move. Sighing, Yassopp reached down and took Usopp's hand and led him forward.

"It's alright Usopp. It'll be fine." Yassopp said as they walked. Luffy grinned at his newfound friend. The school loomed before them, a gigantic mural lining the front of it. It was of a pirate ship on the sea.

Luffy gazed in awe at it before Makino tugged him onwards towards a door. She opened it and then held it open, signalling for Luffy to go in ahead of her and then she held it open for Yassopp and Usopp as the two followed. Usopp was shaking from head to foot now. He looked scared out of his tiny mind. Luffy was looking left to right as they walked down the corridor and then came to a door that read 'Years 1 - 5'.

"Oh look Luffy, your brother will be in the same room as you." Makino said with a smile. Luffy grinned. Portgas D Ace was Luffy's brother and he was in grade five at school. Luffy had watched him leave earlier that morning, the school only being a ten minute walk from home. Makino had said Luffy didn't have to go until it got closer to the time, but Ace had wanted to play with his friends, so he had left.

Makino tapped lightly on the door and a woman hurried up to the window. Luffy gazed up at her as the door opened. She had a pleasant looking face and was wearing a light dress with pink flowers all over it. Her long, dark red hair was tied into a ponytail and she smiled down at Luffy.

"Hello there." she said kindly and squatted down in front of him. Luffy smiled. This lady seemed nice enough.

"Hi!" Luffy squeaked, and then he spotted the rest of the children in the room looking at him. His small mouth formed a tiny 'o' as he looked back at them.

"I'm Miss Abigail." the woman said, drawing Luffy's attention back to her.

"I'm Monkey D Luffy!" Luffy replied, grinning from ear to ear. Miss Abigail nodded and then looked past him to see Usopp hiding behind his father's legs.

"And this must be…?" and she looked up at the father when Usopp didn't answer.

"This is Usopp. You'll have to excuse him, he's a little shy." Yassopp said and then tugged Usopp out from behind his leg. The small boy started shaking and then grabbed onto Yassopp's leg, not willing to let go. Miss Abigail smiled and stood up again.

"Do you want to come into class?" she asked. "Dad can come with you if you like." Usopp glanced up at his father, and then under the pretence of trying to be brave, he let go of his father's leg and made for the door. Luffy bounded in, his toy under his arm. He looked around at the room.

Over the windows hung blue streamers that looked like water and painted fish were wound between the blue streamers. Luffy looked around in awe and then his eyes came back down to rest on Ace, sitting up the back of the room. He grinned and his brother smiled before waving at him. Luffy was about to run down the aisle when a hand was gently set on his shoulder and he looked up to see Miss Abigail standing over him.

She pointed at the door and Luffy saw Makino waving to him. He pouted and then waved back, not sure why. She wasn't going to leave him, was she? She was going to come to class with him, wasn't she? But that idea was blown out of the water when the door shut and Makino disappeared from sight. Usopp was standing beside him and Luffy felt his bottom lip tremble.

He didn't want to be alone, but he had Ace, but Ace wasn't as good as Makino. He was fun, but Makino gave him warm hugs and… well, he didn't want to seem like a little kid, so he stilled the trembling lip. His brother smiled proudly at him and Luffy smiled shakily back.

"Class, this is Luffy and Usopp." Miss Abigail said.

"His Luffy. Hi Usopp." Usopp was shaking and his hands were clenched in front of him. Luffy gazed around and blinked at all the faces staring back at him. Some smiled, some frowned, and some just looked plain bored.

For example, a green haired boy sitting in about the third row. His dark eyes were looking around the room, and he yawned widely. Luffy giggled. He looked like he would be a cool person. Maybe he should go and sit next to him. He looked across at Usopp, who was shaking still. Luffy tilted his head and then looked up as Miss Abigail started to take off his little backpack.

"Hey!" he cried and Miss Abigail paused.

"Would you like to take your bag off and sit it in the corner?" she asked the two boys. Usopp looked up and then nodded before following Luffy, who had scurried over to the corner to drop his pirate bag on the floor. Usopp put down his green bag and then stayed close to Luffy as the boy hurried back over to the centre of the room.

"Would you like to sit over there in the front row?" Miss Abigail asked, pointing to the edge of a line of little kids, who also looked rather scared. Luffy bounded over and sat beside a brown haired kid and then watched as Miss Abigail went to the board.

"Okay. Today, year five's, you are going to go over your times tables to start." and there was a collective groan from the line of larger children sitting up the back. Luffy twisted and he could see Trace talking to a boy Luffy knew was his friend. He turned back to look at Miss Abigail as she spoke again.

"Year fours and threes, you can have private reading time up the back of the room." and there was another groan and Luffy twisted once again, this time Usopp doing the same beside him. Luffy spotted the green haired boy again and he was glaring at a blonde haired boy, and the two seemed about ready to start fighting.

"Hey, Sanji and Zoro, stop that right now!" Miss Abigail said and Luffy jumped. She sounded so nice, but when she had done that, her voice had gone from soft, to harsh in an instant.

The two boys looked up and then frowned at each other again before walking to opposite side of the room, grabbing two books and proceeding to open the front page. Miss Abigail turned to the line of year ones.

"Today, we are going to start learning our alphabet." she said, all soft again. Luffy blinked.

"What's a aphlabet?" Luffy asked. Miss Abigail smiled.

"An alphabet, is the words we use every day." she explained. Luffy tilted his head, clearly not understanding. Miss Abigail smiled and then turned to the blackboard behind her where she proceeded to write a strange symbol on the board.

"This, is the letter A." she said and pointed to the symbol. "A is for Apple."

"I like apples!" Luffy burst out. Miss Abigail smiled patiently.

"That's good Luffy." she said and Luffy grinned. "So, everybody say it after me, A is for Apple."

"A is for Apple." the rest of the class repeated.

"Good, now, B is for Ball." she said.

"B is for Ball." the rest of the class repeated.

"Stupid head!" came a shout and Miss Abigail sighed before making her way to the back of the room where the two boys who had almost fought before, were now rolling around on the floor, trying to throttle each other. Miss Abigail walked over and pried the boys off of each other.

"Both of you, go to separate corners of the room. Now!" she snapped. The green haired boy poked his tongue out at the blonde and the blonde returned it.

"Boys!" Miss Abigail said and Luffy, who had twisted around to look, giggled again. The green haired boy must have heard him, for as he was walking past, he looked at the smaller boy and then went and sat, facing the wall, in the corner.

"He wooks scawy Wuffy." Usopp said beside him. Luffy shook his head.

"He looks cool." Luffy replied.

"Ok, now, C is for Cat." Miss Abigail said when she had returned. Each time she said a letter, she would write it on the board and then point to it as she said it. Every time she said a letter, the class would repeat it in their own respective ways, and it was soon known that Usopp had trouble saying the letters r and l.

Whenever he said Luffy, it came out Wuffy, and when ever he said a word with an 'r' in it, it came out as a w. Luffy had trouble pronouncing words properly, and anything that was longer than two syllables, usually came out garbled.

The bell rang for morning tea, and Luffy was first to his bag, rummaging through it like a maniac with his toy under his arm. They were allowed outside for half an hour to play and Usopp and Luffy sat together to eat their food before running off.

"So, what's his name?" Usopp asked as Luffy swung beside him on the swing.

"Whose?" Luffy asked as he swung his legs back and forth to make the swing go higher.

"Youw teddy." Usopp replied as though it were obvious.

"Oh, his name's Chopper. All the other teddies tease him though." Luffy replied and then squeaked as his hat flew off and fluttered onto the sand under him. Luffy immediately stopped swinging and then jumped off to grab his hat, brush it off, and jam it back on his head. Usopp stopped beside him and then looked at him with curious eyes.

"A friend gave it to me." Luffy replied with a large smile. There was a bout of soft laughter behind him and Luffy turned to see a weird looking boy standing there. He had a made up face like that of a clown's but, his nose was bigger than anything else, large and red and Luffy giggled.

"What are you laughing at small fry?" the clown boy asked. Luffy blinked.

"Your nose. It's so big." Luffy replied. The clown boy's face tightened and then he snatched Chopper away from Luffy.

"Heeeeey!" Luffy whined, getting angry. Usopp watched with a slightly annoyed look as well.

"Heeeeey!" The clown boy said, copying Luffy's whine and then laughing. "I'll teach you to laugh at my nose." and then he shoved Luffy's toy into the sand. Luffy blinked, trying to hold back tears.

"You're mean." Luffy muttered, staring at the teddy feet sticking out of the sand.

"Better believe it kid." the boy replied. "Buggy, is always mean. Now why don't you run home to your mummy, straw hat?" Luffy looked up.

"Because I'm supposed to be at school." he replied.

"Oh, a smarty then? Listen, I'm in grade six, and that means I can push you around dummy." Buggy said, putting his hands on his hips and sticking his chest out. Luffy blinked.

"No it doesn't you mean person!" he cried and then jumped forward and shoved Buggy over in the sand. Buggy was in shock.

"You…you little pipsqueak!" he cried as he got up and shoved Luffy back. Luffy fell backwards and hit his elbow on the hard wood surrounding the sandpit. His eyes watered and then he began to softly sniffle and then began to cry. Usopp hurried over to the smaller boy and looked up at Buggy.

"You meanie! The big dwagon is gonna come and eat you!" he cried. Buggy paused.

"Is not! There's no such thing as a dragon." Buggy replied, saying the word properly. Usopp flinched.

"Hey, leave them alone!" a voice called. Buggy turned and then frowned.

"You stay out of this shorty." he said.

"No. Leave them alone. They didn't do anything!" and the green haired boy from that morning walked over, holding a wooden stick in his hand. He seemed to be holding it like you would hold a sword and he seemed pretty confident in himself. Usopp looked up, Luffy still crying beside him.

"What are you gonna do about it green head?" Buggy asked snottily. The boy raised an eyebrow and then quicker than lightning, he had hit Buggy around the back of the head with the stick in his hand. Buggy's eyes watered and he frowned, holding back tears.

"I'll get you later you freak." and then he ran off. Luffy looked up, eyes still watering.

"Are you alright?" the green haired boy asked, kneeling down in front of Luffy. The boy blinked then jumped forward, pulling his teddy from the sand. He inspected it and then began brushing off the sand.

"Thankyou." Usopp said, watching as Luffy shook his teddy, trying to get the sand out. The green haired boy blinked and then tilted his head to the side.

"What was he picking on you for?" the boy asked.

"I don't know. He just stated waughing at Wuffy, and Wuffy waughed at his nose, and then… oh." Usopp stopped, realising what had happened.

"I didn't mean to." Luffy said from behind them, holding his teddy close to his chest. The green haired boy shrugged.

"You're allowed to do whatever you want. What's your name kid?" he asked. Luffy blinked and then smiled.

"I'm Luffy!" he cried happily. "And that's my friend Usopp! Who are you?"

"Roronoa Zoro. Why don't you come and sit with me at lunch? Then Buggy won't be brave enough to come and annoy you then. K?" Zoro asked. Luffy beamed.

"Sure!" and then the bell rang.

All the time up to when lunch was due to start, Luffy bounced in his spot. Miss Abigail read them a story about a little dog called 'Spot' who had many adventures looking for things in the garden and things in the house and then returned to his mummy at the end of the story.

Luffy liked the story too. The pictures were pretty. The bell rung and Luffy looked around for Zoro amongst the crowd of kids. Usopp was at his side, looking around as well.

"Do you think that big buwwy will come back Wuffy?" Usopp asked. Luffy smiled.

"Nah, he's a big meanie. He probably cried after Zoro hit him." Luffy replied. He saw a green head and ran towards it, his little paper bag of lunch clutched in his hand.

"Hey Zoro!" Luffy cried and the green head turned and then dark eyes blinked before Luffy saw the smile that spread across the elder's face.

"Hey Luffy! Come on! Sanji's waiting!" Zoro cried. Luffy finally reached his new friend, Usopp beside him and then they walked out into the courtyard. Luffy ate at his sandwich as he walked.

"We sit over there behind those trees." Zoro said, pointing towards a line of trees by the school's border fence. Luffy nodded, thinking that the trees looked like an awesome place to sit.

So, there's your first introduction of characters.