Waurnings: Yaoi.

Pairing: Ryuichi x Shuichi

Disclaimer: No, I don't own them.

A/N: Words in italics are musical terms. Definitions are after the story, in the order the words appeared. Somehow I got the idea for this in my head. I'm not sure when, but about five minutes after I first thought about it, I was busy typing away, and had finished it within half an hour.


The song began.

Largo. Sostenudo. A low note held for many measures. Ryuichi's voice drifted throughout the room in a melodious drone, slowly undulating with slight raises in volume, only to diminuendo almost within the same instant. The waves of sound lapped at Shuichi's body. Unintelligible words, either not meant to be understood, or beyond understanding.

In response: the answer to his call. Short staccato, punctuation and percussion. Noise from the pink haired boy that opposed Ryuichi's previous legato melody, yet complimented. Shuichi provided the rhythm, following where the other led in time.

As the maestro, Ryuichi commanded, he guided, he enhanced. It was now the brunette's turn, and he fluidly raised his voice, starting the crescendo that would continue till the end of the piece. Effortless, he continued the tune, providing new themes for Shuichi to become lost in. His rich voice created sensation, heightening emotions.

The younger singer lifted the other's melody with accompanying gasps and moans.

Ryuichi urged with his voice, now becoming the background as Shuichi started his solo. Ritardando. The pace slowed, inching forward in time as the younger musician used all of his talent to tease his accompanist. With a growling baritone Shuichi was interrupted, the brunette again dominated the melody.

Cesura, and sudden silence. A pause enough for a single breath. All eyes closed, then the plunge. The music resumed.

Now the two were joined, Shuichi swirling his voice with the other's in a harmonized medley. One's notes raised to a higher octave, sweetly coating the lower register of the other.

Pui accelerando.

Phrases mixed and lines collided. Where once there had been rests, all spaces had been erased, keeping the music seamless. Vivace. Con moto. Molto crescendo. The sound echoed, bounced within the space of the room. Hurried. Flying to the end. The finish was unwanted, and yet needed. Pleasurable agony. Presto. Reaching fortissimo. The voices combined in frenzied duet. Haste. Now prestissimo. Rushed. Friction and heat. Fortissississimo. Spasms of cries. A final sforzando.





Musical Terms (Italian - English)
largo - slow tempo
sostenudo - sustained
diminuendo - gradually become softer
staccato - separate or detached
legato - smooth
maestro - the title given to a great performer, conductor, or composer, a title of respect given to a master musician
crescendo - gradually become louder
ritardando - gradually slow down
cesura - a break or interruption in the music
pui accelerando - quickly speed up
vivace - lively or brisk tempo
con moto - with movement
molto crescendo - quickly become louder
presto - very fast
fortissimo - very loud
prestissimo - the fastest tempo marking, very, very fast
fortissississimo - as loud as possible
sforzando - a sudden, strong accent on a note
pianissimo - very quiet
finé - signifying the end of the piece