Danny Phantom belongs to (Butch Hartman) and Inuyasha belongs to (Rumiko Takahashi). We do not own either of these shows in any way or form.


A Danny Phantom/Inuyasha Crossover

Written by: Kage Jaganshi and SamuraiSirius

After InuYasha spoke, a loud rumbling could be heard and felt coming from the nearby woods. After a few seconds of anticipation, a large demon which looked like a deformed snake broke through the foliage.

The demon was for all intents and purposes a large snake, with a massive jaw, and several spines going down what looked like its back. Its teeth were dripping wet with acidic saliva, and Danny could've sworn that it was smirking. 'Man that is one ugly snake!'

The snake demon took a whiff and smiled down at Kagome. "I see you are a priestess, and with jewel shards to boot. It'll be my pleasure to relieve you of those." It hissed at it lunged for Kagome.

Danny's protective nature of his family and friends suddenly overrode all functions of his brain. "STAY AWAY FROM MY SISTER!" He screamed as he lunged at the snake demon, giving it a massive punch at the side of its jaw.

Unfortunately, the punch had no effect whatsoever.

The snake demon turned to Danny with an annoyed gleam in its eyes and hissed dangerously. "Just for that… I'll eat YOU first."

The snake lunged forward at Danny, mouth wide open to take him in one gulp. He braced himself for an impact that never came because at the last second Sango jumped in between Danny and the snake demon; her boomerang acting as a shield to block the snake. She slid a bit on the grass as the snake continued to push against her.

Danny gaped at the girl before him, not sure what to say. She looked over her shoulder at him. "What are you doing? Run!"

He nodded dumbly and began to back up, looking for a safe enough place to watch the battle from. In reality, Danny had never felt more helpless in his life. With his ghost powers, this would've been an easy fight, but his ghost powers have been the cause of Amity Park's problems from day one, so he wasn't going to taint this place with them either. 'If only I had a weapon… I remember mom used to let me watch her train with her bo staff…'

InuYasha glanced at Kagome. "You don't have your bow and arrows so go make sure your brother doesn't get into any trouble."

Kagome huffed but realized she would only get in the way… especially since the snake was after the jewel shards. She saw Danny backing away from the fight and thought back to his actions. 'Why did he try and attack the snake…? He should have known it was futile… maybe it has something to do with that red stuff that came out of his mouth.' Kagome bit her lip and made her way over to her brother.

As soon as Kagome was out of the way InuYasha shifted his stance, he knew Sango couldn't hold him back much longer; especially since she wasn't dressed to fight. He jumped in the air and swung his large blade down at the snake. The snake must have sensed him coming because it whipped its head around and opened its mouth, a sticky green substance shooting out of it. InuYasha slashed through the substance but it splattered on him and caused the fabric of his haori robes to smoke. He landed on the ground, some of the substance had pelted his face, and it was burning. "Damn that hurts."

In the meantime, Danny was desperately looking through the nearby woods where the snake emerged from. He wasn't going to sit around and do nothing while some people he barely knew fought with their lives to protect him and Kagome. He recalled some of his mom's bo staff training, and if he could find a broken branch or something close enough to resembling a bo staff, he could fight.

He heard footsteps behind him as he searched, but he paid them no mind; he had to find something to help with. Kagome noticed Danny and walked over to him. "Why did you do that back there? You could have been killed."

Danny sighed. "It was a reflex. You're my sister and there was a giant snake about to eat you. I wouldn't be much of an older brother if I didn't at least TRY to protect you." He said without turning to face her; he just continued to search for a temporary bo staff.

Kagome was comforted by the fact that Danny was looking out for her even though they hadn't known each other that long. She glanced over her shoulder and could still hear the sounds of battle; she hoped they could be able to defeat the snake soon.

"Alright that answers that… but what was that red stuff that came out of your mouth?"

Danny visibly tensed after Kagome asked that, and she noticed. His mind was in overdrive whether he should tell her everything or just ignore the question and move on. "Can… can we talk about that later? When a giant snake ISN'T trying to eat us?" He stuttered.

Kagome rolled her eyes. "I'm pretty sure InuYasha will be finished with it in no time… it's not like the snake demon has any jewel shards. Now will you answer my question? What was up with that red-" Her question was cut short by a large roar and the snake demon slithering to where they were.

The snake glanced from Kagome to Danny and smiled. "Don't think I forgot about you, my little snack."

Miroku and Sango broke through the clearing behind the snake. The snake had shot more of the sticky substance at InuYasha and it had pinned him to a tree… it wasn't the acid variety but another substance that hardened within seconds. The snake had left them and they knew it was heading for Kagome and Danny.

"Kagome! Be careful, Miroku's wind tunnel doesn't work on it… the snake's too poisonous!" Sango shouted. Her boomerang was no where in sight, the snake had caused it to wedge itself in a tree and without Kirara she couldn't get it… she hoped Shippo would be back soon with her demon cat friend… things were looking pretty grim.

Danny wasted no time and began throwing anything within his reach at the snake. Rocks, sticks, branches, anything within reach. The giant snake batted the projectiles away with ease and wrapped its giant tail around Danny's body. He closed his eyes as he felt the air in his lungs being forcefully pushed out and gritted his teeth as he felt each bone in his body crack dangerously.

"Is my snack too weak to struggle? It's no fun if there's no fight inside you, child." The snake hissed. Danny's eyes snapped open with fury at that statement. The snake sounded too much like a certain hunter Danny knew, and it was filling him with rage that a snake was taunting him like some kind of mouse. H glared at the snake with such intensity that if looks could kill, the snake would've burst on fire and burned to a crisp.

What he didn't know was that his glare was made even more intimidating due to the fact that his irises weren't blue anymore, but a glowing green.

"DANNY!" Kagome screamed as the snake tried to squeeze him. She saw the flash of green but at the moment the strangeness of it was over her… she was too worried about her brother.

Suddenly a quiver of arrows and her bow dropped from above her. She looked up to see Kirara flying in with Shippo on her back. "Here Kagome!" Shippo shouted.

Kagome smiled in thanks and picked up the weapons. She notched an arrow in the bow and pulled the string taught. "LEAVE HIM ALONE!" She released the arrow and it flew towards the snake, enveloped in a bright pink light. The snake wasn't able to move since it was strangling Danny and was hit full force by the purifying arrow. It shirked in pain and began to convulse, a giant gaping hole was left in its throat. It relaxed its grip on Danny and then fell over dead.

Kagome wasted no time and ran over to the decaying body of the snake; she had to be sure Danny was alright.

Danny groaned as he sat up. Now that the pressure of his entire body being crushed was gone, a headache began to develop. "Man, I never get a break…" He muttered as he rubbed his forehead.

Kagome climbed over the snake and rushed to Danny. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah…" Danny groaned, pushing himself to his feet and dusting himself off. "I've felt worse."

Kagome nodded. "Good… that means you no longer have a reason to dodge my questions."

Danny was silent for a second, and he visibly tensed. He turned his face so he wouldn't meet her eyes and his expression changed to a somber one. "It's not something I like to talk about… at all…" He muttered. "So don't expect ALL your questions answered…"

Kagome gave Danny a worried look and opened her mouth to say something but was interrupted as Sango, Miroku, and InuYasha joined the gathering.

"Are you two alright?" Sango asked, standing next to Kagome and giving Danny a once over, she could tell by looking at him that he had seen his share of fights before this. 'But Kagome said there weren't demons in her time… so why wasn't he as stunned by the demon attack?'

InuYasha peeled some purple goo from his clothing and stuck his tongue out. "Damn snake…" He muttered. He looked up to Danny and growled. "And what was that back there! Why did you go and act all stupid and jump in front of the snake! He would have been LOADS easier to handle if you hadn't pissed him off!"

"InuYasha I don't believe this is the time for this." Miroku interjected with a sigh. Truth be told, he'd rather get back to Kaede's hut so they could discuss the stranger's arrival. Even Kagome seemed baffled that he had followed her.

As the group made their way inside Kaede's hut, Danny couldn't help but feel his anxiety rising. He knew that Kagome was going to bring up the subject of his faulty ghost sense again, but he wasn't sure that he could take the pressure of having to answer in front of her friends. He didn't mind too much answering Kagome's questions, since all she had seen was his ghost sense, but he wasn't too trusting of her group of friends; he had only just met them.

Before Danny set foot inside the hut, Kagome grabbed him by the arm and smiled at her friends. "Will you guys excuse us for a moment?" She pulled Danny aside and led him to a nearby tree a good distance away from the cabin.

"Alright… now what was that red… breath about?"

Danny sighed; he knew this was coming, but at least some of the anxiety was off since he only had to explain it to her. "Alright, it's my ghost sense. I've had it for the past three years and I've been using it to know when ghosts are nearby back home… in Amity Park. But ever since I set foot in Tokyo, my ghost sense has gone berserk."

Kagome scratched her chin in thought. "So you say you have a spiritual sense? How has it gone berserk…? I didn't think there WERE any spirits around in the present day…. especially around our shrine because of the tree."

"Well, usually my ghost sense is blue and feels cold." Danny said, his eyes narrowing in thought. "But the first time it went off in Tokyo was around 10 minutes before dinner last night, and it was pink and felt… well, great. Then it went off again twice down at the well, and once before that snake showed up. All three of those times it was red, and my throat felt like it was on fire."

"But that's about the time I got back from Feudal Japan," She muttered, then bit her lip, "It was pink you say…? Maybe you can sense more than ghosts Danny. You see… I'm the reincarnation of a priestess or miko from this time called Kikyou. It means I have some strange powers that enable me to purify things like that snake demon for instance." She explained to the best of her abilities… she'd never had to explain it before.

"Makes sense… the only things that ever showed up in Amity Park was ghosts, so it's not like I could find out if I could sense other things." Danny muttered. He then turned to look at Kagome with a pleading look. "If I tell you something… do you promise to keep it a secret? I don't want anyone to know about this…"

Kagome looked surprised at the request. "Sure, Danny… I mean to be honest if you hadn't fallen in the well with me I was going to hide this from you… so if you don't want to tell me you don't have to." He looked nervous about telling her and she didn't want to force him into something he didn't want to do. "But I won't tell ANYONE, I promise."

Danny gulped; this was going to be hard on him to explain. "I told you before that my parents were professional ghost hunters, or paranormal investigators, right?"

Kagome nodded, listening intently.

"Well… my parents were known for being a little crazy about their work. They were obsessed about ghosts, and they found a way to view the paranormal in a scientific manner." Danny began. "They also built a lot of inventions that helped with their work. Devices to detect ghosts, track them, trap them, drain them, analyze them, etc."

Kagome nodded. "My grandfather does that sometimes… he's always making up legends about the stuff in our house and talking about demons and spirits." She stopped and sighed. "Sorry… continue."

"Don't worry about it," Danny waved off her interruption. "About three years ago, my parents had a breakthrough in their research, and they made something they called the Fenton Ghost Portal, which was a large blast door that took up a good part of the basement wall. It was supposed to punch a hole into a dimension my parents called the Ghost Zone."

"Anyway, the portal didn't work at first, and they were pretty devastated afterwards. It was kind of depressing to watch my parents like that about their research, so my friends and I tried to see if we could get it running." By now, Danny was beginning to tense up to the point where Kagome could notice. "We found out that my parents had installed an on/off button INSIDE the portal."

"Since they were MY parents, I was the one who went inside the portal to check it out. My friends didn't want to get in trouble with my parents. I didn't even know about the switch until I accidentally ran my hand over it and turned it on… while I was inside."

Danny began shaking slightly, gripping his upper arms as he remembered just how painful the experience was, and how it took him by complete surprise at first. "I was electrocuted by a machine that could generate enough power to punch into a different dimension… and it hurt like hell."

Kagome gasped and put a comforting hand to Danny's shoulder. "S-so what happened?"

"Well…" Danny started, his shaking having stopped now. "All of my parents' inventions are powered by a form of ectoplasm, the stuff that ghosts are made of. When the portal electrocuted me, it did something… I don't know what exactly, but I was turned into a half ghost hybrid."

"So, after that I got ghost powers. I had enhanced strength, I could fly, I had my ghost sense, my intangibility, my invisibility, and my ghost rays and barriers. There's also the ghostly wail, but I think I'm the only one who's been able to do that." Danny half stated half ranted, counting off his fingers as he named his powers, but Kagome noticed the somber expression in Danny's face was still there.

Kagome didn't know what to say. Even though Danny had all these great powers he seemed to be stressed by them… like they were more of a burden than a blessing. She thought back to what she knew about Danny's destroyed town and could feel tears brimming in her eyes. 'He probably tried to protect all those people like he tried to protect me… and he was just overwhelmed.' She couldn't help it anymore and pulled Danny into a hug. "I-I'm so sorry." She blurted out into his chest, the tears coming freely.

Danny was genuinely surprised at her reaction. He certainly wasn't expecting a hug, or to have his younger sister cry into his chest. He wrapped his arms around her and stroked her lower back softly with his fingers, hoping it would calm her down. It usually worked when Jazz got the same way. "It's not your problem Kagome… you don't have anything to feel sorry for."

Kagome shook her head, but didn't say anything, worried that what she was thinking might upset him. She took a deep breath and pulled away from him, calming herself. She wiped the tears away and gave him a small smile. "T-thanks for sharing with me."

Danny smiled at her. "Hey, if you share your secrets with me, I share mine with you. Although I think it's fair that I warn you… I promised myself I'd never use my ghost powers again…" He then brought up his palms, staring at them as if they were something vile. "These powers are a curse… they're what attracted the ghosts, and what attracted the ghost hunters. I'll live with them, but I'm not using them again, so you can forget about trying to convince me otherwise. You're my sister and I trust you, considering you should know what it feels like to keep a secret like mine, so I can only hope my trust wasn't misplaced…"

Kagome frowned as her theory was confirmed but nodded at Danny's statement. 'He must hold himself responsible… all that power and he got beat. I hope he's able to forgive himself someday… it can't have been his fault… I know Danny would have tried his hardest.'

"You know…" Danny started, breaking Kagome out of her thoughts. "I used to watch my mom train with her bo staff, and she was a ninth degree black belt. If I had a bo staff of some kind, I could totally help you guys with… wait, what do you do in the past anyway?"

Kagome laughed nervously. "Well it's kind of complicated but if you're going to help us you deserve to know." She took a deep breath the paused, wondering where to begin. "I fell down the well by accident a few months ago… well I was really pulled down by a centipede demoness. She took me because she said she wanted the jewel inside me."

"Jewel?" Danny asked with a raised eyebrow.

Kagome nodded. "At the time I didn't know what she was talking about but it turned out that she was right… a jewel was inside me, a powerful jewel called the Shikon no Tama or Jewel of Four Souls. It can grant any wish and gives extraordinary power to humans and demons. Well, she got the jewel out and I was supposed to protect it from demons or greedy humans who may want it… unfortunately a crow demon got it away from me and when I tried to get it back I accidentally… well… shattered it into about a million pieces that scattered themselves around."

She took a deep breath. "So… now I feel kind of obligated the get the shards back… especially before anyone else does." She thought about Naraku and shivered, how in the world was she going to explain his story… or any of her other friends for that matter.

"I see… well, don't worry about anything, because big brother's got your back." Danny exclaimed proudly, although there was a humorous undertone Kagome didn't miss.

Kagome giggled. "Thanks Danny." Her face grew somber. "But… putting the jewel together isn't the only reason I'm here. You see… there's this really powerful demon after the shards named Naraku. If you decide to help… well let's just say he has a nasty way of doing things."

Danny shrugged nonchalantly. "Don't worry; I'll watch out for him, he can't be any worse than my enemies." He said, muttering the last part to himself. The way she referred to this Naraku reminded him a lot of how the ghosts referred to Pariah Dark, or how Clockwork referred to Danny's evil alternate future self, and that alone frightened him.

Kagome nodded. "As for the bo staff thing you mentioned… I'm sure Sango can get you a weapon if you really want to help us." She turned to head back to the hut. "The others have their own reasons to help me and InuYasha collect the jewel shards… but they can tell you when they're ready."

"I understand," Danny said, but he stopped suddenly when he recalled something, something important. "Uh… Kagome? Does Higurashi-san know I'm here? In the past?"

Kagome stopped midway and groaned. "Oh no! Mom's going to be worried sick about where you went!" She spun back around to Danny. "What are we going to do?"

"I'm going to take a guess and say that she's not going to like the idea of me being in the past, is she…" Danny asked, although it was meant as a sarcastic statement and came out as such.

Kagome shook her head. "She lets ME come, right? She might actually like the idea of someone like you watching out for me." She smiled. "We should probably tell the others that I'm going to go back and tell mom you're helping me out here."

Danny nodded in understanding and stood up himself. "Yeah, and we need to get me that bo staff so I not COMPLETELY useless, right?" He asked with as smile as he walked past Kagome. He couldn't help but feel slightly excited, despite his past encounters with ghosts.

Unfortunately, a certain half-demon with dog ears had heard the entire conversation with a frown. He definitely had some questions for Kagome in the near future.

To Be Continued…
A/N: Well, it's been... what, about two weeks maybe? But I'm back! Sorry I didn't update when I was in Puerto Rico, but during my stay in my dad's house, I was internet-less the whole time. There was some contruction going on near the house and that caused my dad's internet to drop for a good few weeks.

I was supposed to get back from Puerto Rico saturday, but I got sick to the point where I paid for my own ticket to get back to MD earlier. Sirius has been babysitting her ass off as well, so the next few chapters might not come as early as usual, although it won't be 2 weeks or something, maybe just half a week... or something.

Man we got so many reviews! I didn't think everyone liked our story so much! Thanks so much! Reviews totally inspire us (well, I assume Sirius likes them as much as me) so don't forget to Read & Review! Also, check out some of Sirius' stories, I personally like how she's handling her Danny Phantom/D.N.Angel crossover, even though I've never seen D.N.Angel before in my life.

Also, I know Doomed must be pretty outdated considering Japan gets their stuff before the U.S., but you forget that Sota is a child, and as such, a game that previously looked forbidden must appeal to him insanely, like Doomed. Knowing a half-demon who's prone to danger helps too. I'm pretty sure Sota must've asked about playing Doomed before he met Danny, but Arisa being who she is, wouldn't let him until he was old enough to handle it. Make sense? I kinda based it off how my mom handled my little brother playing StarCraft. Those of you who play StarCraft should know just how bloody that game can be...

Also, I think we inadvertedly made this chapter a Danny/Kagome bonding chapter. It was meant to be a plot twist, you know, with the whole 'secrets' theme and who actually is in on whose secret, but it came out as one big bonding scene. I figured the title of the chapter seemed to fit the whole theme for this chapter, right? Anyway, we hope you guys liked it, and the angst WILL return, don't worry people..