Own Nuttin' - oh except for the "Discriptive paragraph" I had to write this for english )

Storytime with Sirius

"Thunder boomed overhead, as lightening flashed, revealing a ghastly room, a laboratory of a mad man. Appalling pictures lined the walls, depicting pain, cruel forms of torture and ways of awakening the dead. Books, paper, tools and assorted human limbs littered the floor around the moth eaten rug. Upon the rug lay a decayed breathing horror. The dying fire light highlighted the creatures hideous features…green patchy hair barely covered its disfigured head. Grunting the whole time the creature heaved it self upright, its hollow sickly cheeks temporarily flushed purple under the strain of lifting itself up. Its red eyes danced madly in their rotting sockets, bulging slightly. Its red blood lips that had been sewn together were torn apart by one of its gnarled hands, enabling the monster to let out a loud painful groan. Before it heaved itself towards the mad man whom had created-"

"SIRIUS! What did I tell you about reading baby Harry those dreadful horror stories!" Lily stood in the doorway glaring.

Sirius ignored her and added,

"-It for making lovely little boys and girls toys!" He then looked up at Lily, "I have no idea what you're talking about Lily! It's not a horror story!"

Lily raised a skeptical eyebrow,

"I heard the whole story, Sirius."

Sirius looked shocked,

"My dear friend, you have become delusional. You seem to think you can hear through walls..."

Lily shook her head,

"It's called a baby monitor. James and I heard the whole story in the lounge..." She pointed to the blue baby monitor on the beside table.

Sirius frowned,

"I thought that's what muggles used."

"Wizards and witches can use them too, their very helpful," Lily said walking over to Harry and picked him up out of his crib. He was still wide awake, since Sirius wasn't a particularily quiet reader. "Aye Harry? Mummy and Daddy find the baby monitor useful! Yes we do! We find it easy to listen in on what your crazy God-Daddy is corrupting you with! Yes we do!"

Sirius rolled his eyes,

"Oh yea, turn him against me..."

Lily hugged Harry closer and grinned,

"Sirius, you're a great godfather. James and I knew you'd love him to pieces, that's why we chose you, aye honey?"

James grunted from the other room.

"See? Now you'd be an even better godfather if you stopped reading him those ghastly stories!" Lily lay Harry back in his crib and walked out to the lounge. Sirius checked she had gone and rushed over to the baby monitor. Finding the off switch he popped himself back into his seat beside Harry's crib,

"-The creature then began to bite into the mad man's flesh and-"

"Sirius! Turn the baby monitor back on!"

"Uh...It wasn't me! Jesus Christ! It's a miracle! Harry's figured the baby monitor out! He must have-"

"Just turn it back on Sirius."

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