Author Diddy: Well, here's the next, newly revised chapter of this. I'm beginning to remember why I hated revising essays for school - don't worry, I'm not going to drop this fic anytime soon, it's my baby! Erm, not much has really changed between the two versions yet, just ading a few sentances here and there to make the direction it takes more feasible.

Disclaimer: Would I be working for a bookstore if I owned Harry Potter? I think not!

Warning: The following fanfic will contain references to death, suicide, self-mutalation, sex (SLASH, boy on boy action), rape, confusing ideas, and language. If I've forgotten anything, please let me know...

the voice

Switchblade Symphony


It's All Inside

The screaming was everywhere. Voices raised in pain and triumph. Sick, sadistic joy and tearing horror. Flash of white blond hair and gray eyes. Snake topped cane clattering to the floor. Blond hair stained with the black lifeblood. Torn bodice and pale skin bared. Terrible cries of loss and pain. A woman was dead. A husband mourned his wife's death. Never that close, but to see her destroyed - he was sobbing. Limbs contorting under the cruciatus curse. Slender throat offered up in a sick parody. Pain.

Too much pain.

Realities were beginning to blur together.

Muscles shrieking in pain I howl in pain as my vision swims with spots of light and dark. Clawing at the curtains around my bed I stagger a few steps before crumbling. The hated scar was nearly sizzling. Flicker of a tear streaked face. Red hair intruding on the blond. Cruel smile ghosting over concerned young male faces. Breath coming in harsh pants. Spasm of pain. Another round of the cruciatus begins. Malfoy. Ron? It was too much.

Cold stone beneath my knees warred with slick, warm stone under a bowed spine. Curls matted with blood. Pale skin of a lady. Laughing jeers. Faces entertained by the torment of one that was thought to be theirs. Thought? Had He finally snapped His greatest follower? Why was He doing this?

Haul myself to my feet as the flow of cruciatus pauses. Draco, I have to tell him. "Draco - Dumbledore - Voldemort - Cruciatus." Was that my voice gasping? Struggle free of restraining hands, cries of surprise as fingers and movement bare my wrists. Had I undone the bandages that Draco had so carefully applied before going to sleep? Yes, no, don't care. Draco.

I was stumbling down the stairs, bare feet stubbing every possible crack. Slam my shoulder against the archway as the third round of cruciatus hits us both. I have to get through this, they'll find out soon enough. Draco has to hear it from me. Narcissa, dead.

Oh gods.

Ducky! What's hurtin' you so?

Halls melt together into a shapeless landscape of pain and shadow. Were Ron and the others still following me? Burst of stars as I plow head first into a wall echoing the next cruciatus. If I live through this remind me to hate that curse. Worse than Avada Kedavara. Didn't just kill you in a jolt of extreme pain. Prolonged pain. Madness. Oh Godric the pain.

The stones beneath my feet - not his body - were getting colder. Close, so close. Just a bit further.

"Harry, hey Harry, you can't go down there. That's Slytherin's dungeons."

Still there then. Bully for them. Palms strike a warm, yielding body. Blood was making the floor sticky. Funny, I never knew that a whole lot of blood made things sticky. Coarse clothe beneath my fingers. Blink and manage to make out a stern, ebon-eyed face. Snape. Godfather. It was beginning again. Shudder and scream with the pain, giving in to the inevitable, the blond man in my vision doing the same. Please, let me pass out.

What's happenin' ducky? Tell me!

Evil glower falling into an expression of concern. "Potter? Potter, what is wrong?"

"Get your hands off him you slimy git!"

Ah Ron, if I weren't busy shrieking from the pain of the cruciatus he would love to take points for that one.

"Weasley! Watch your tongue, I am still your professor no matter what time you meet me."

It was fading, was he done? Dare we - I hope that much? Another glimpse of blond curls and blood stained skin - thighs, she'd been raped before they killed her. Godric, he'd been forced to watch it all. Grab fists full of Snape's sleeping robe, "Draco, take me to Draco -" not another one - "p-please - gods the pain - I have to tell him - he, I, we can't take much more - for Salazar's sake - just let us collapse you bastard - why aren't you there - Narcissa!"

Blur of shorter blond hair and startled silver eyes. Draco, you were here somehow. "Sev, what's wrong with Harry?" What indeed? Oh gods, He wasn't anywhere near done was He? Blood, curls, emerald green, and finally, blackness as he lapses into unconsciousness. "Harry? Wonder boy?"

Cling to the black robe as I lift tear reddened eyes to confused silver. "Godric I am so sorry, so sorry." Sobs choking out my words I slide to the stones and huddle in on myself. Behind me was the flock of Gryffindors, willing to follow me in the dead of night. In front of me, two Slytherins, godfather and godson. Malfoy and Snape. Lift my chin and stifle the sobs, "She's dead Drake, she's dead - He killed her. I'm so sorry. I - I should have done something."

Knowledge floods his eyes as he goes white. "Mo-mother," he whispers brokenly, the betrayal and loss throbbing. Forget that the Gryffindors stand there. He was on his knees, tears running down his marble skin, nails digging into his palms. "And Father? Please - is he alright?"

I was shaking with aftershocks. Little, bone jarring ripples of ghost pain. "He, we blanked out from the pain - cruciatus curse, over and over again. We're, he's sorry he couldn't protect her. Alive yes, but scarred. If we can find him he might make some sort of recovery. Don't know why He attacked us. No warning. Where we are, I don't know. Lost the link when he went under. The pain, Salazar the pain. Sorry, should have been able to protect her."

Harry, I am Harry Potter. Skinny little runt of a child. Raised by muggles. Hated by said muggles. I am a pureblood wizard. Head of the Malfoy line. Green eyes and a lightning shaped scar. Slytherin.

Lights were - are flashing in front of me. Headlights, there are cars in our vision. Screech of tires as we list to the side. Glimpse of a familiar street sign. "Privet Drive, Vol-He dumped us near the Dursley's house." No, that wasn't right. We were staggering into their front yard. "Oh gods, we're in their yard!"

Flare of power along my veins. More pain and a whispering, singsong voice. :Save him yes, go to him.: My toes were getting wet. I was standing in grass? Privet Drive. How did I get here? Lift my eyes from my feet, a weary, half dead, blood-covered blur of a figure staring at me.

"Lucius, you know me, trust me." Godric, I know I must look horrid; my skin is blanched white, angry red lines dancing down my inner wrists. I left my glasses at my bedside, my hair is a wreck, and I'm expecting a Malfoy to trust me? "Please Lucius, for Draco's sake trust me. He needs you more then he ever has."

Behind him the front door was opening. Godric, however I got here I've got to get out of here before they see me. "Please Lucius." There's panic and fear slipping into my voice. If they see me I'm in for it, Lucius isn't anywhere near able to 'defend' me. "Lucius, please, I know I'm the Boy-Who-Lived and a half blood to top that, but please, we have to get out of here. Th-they won't be happy to see me."

"BOY!" Salazar, he saw me.

Whimper and hold my hands out to the dazed Malfoy. "Lucius! Dear gods Lucius trust me!"

He was coming for me, Lucius was frozen, ah it was hopeless.

What the fuck is going on ducky?!

"Boy, what do you think you're doing here? I told you that I didn't want to see you until you got out of that blasted freak shop you call a school!" A meaty fist rises to swing at my jaw. "And you better not have brought one of those freaks here!" Brace my fists by my side as he swings and you know what? Flying wasn't all that difficult if you had someone to 'help' you along.


As much as I loathed leaving my godson without me to comfort him - who knows what he will do to sooth the pain while I am gone - I will admit that Albus may have a point in saying that Lucius will come with us more quickly if he sees me. If he still trusted me. Please let him still be willing to trust me, after all I put him through after learning of his wedding to Narcissa.

Striding alongside Albus' side I inquire, "Where is it that we are going Albus?"

"Privet Drive my dear boy, home of Harry Potter's muggle relatives."

Ah. So why were we apparating there? Wasn't that going to look odd to the poor muggles? Poor? Hm, I shall re-evaluate that thought after this is all taken care of.

Brief pop and the sight of young Potter soaring boneless through the air greets me. Landing without a sound he blinks jaded eyes at the sky and heaves himself to his feet. Frozen in the middle of the sculpted lawn is my - Lucius. Heart aching at the sight of his battered body I hiss. Chin held high Potter shuffles back towards the huge, disgusting, cow of a man. Hands held out towards Lucius he begs for him to trust him. The man was raising his beefy fist again. I may not like Potter, but I'll be damned twice over if I'm going to allow that muggle to lay another finger on him - after all, Draco would never forgive me.

Robes billowing behind me I flick my wand at the man with a softly uttered spell. Tangled in a full body bind he boggles at me. Wand free hand stretching for Lucius I croon, "Lucius, Draco needs his father."

"Please trust us Lucius."

There was a flicker of recognition beginning in those haunted eyes. Slipping my wand back into its pocket I hold both hands out to him, my arms open. "Luc, it's Sev, please Luc, Draco's hurting." He was leaning. Closing my eyes I whisper, "Luc, I need you. I'm sorry. Please let us help you." Voice cracking I grunt as he hurls himself into my arms.

His whole body was shaking with repressed pain and sorrow. Every muscle tense, fingers clutching at me as though I were his only lifeline to the world. Tangling a hand in his hair I murmur a soothing litany of nonsense, black eyes meeting green. Feet guiding him to us, the 'savior' of our world leans his cheek against Lucius' stiff back. "I know what you saw Mr. Malfoy - I felt everything they did to both of you."

He what? Potter felt both Luc's pain and Narcissa's? Did he feel her die? Merlin, if he had - the blade's song might be too strong to resist if he was left alone. Mental note not to leave Potter alone for a while.

Breaking his grip on my robes Luc turns in a flare of white-blond and black. "You - felt it all?" Short nod of his head, flyaway black mop straggling into glazed eyes. "I - I - " Weary smile curling his mouth Potter shrugs and collapses into a dead faint. Wide, terrified eyes jerk back to mine, "Sev? Is he - does he do that often?"

Unable to stop the quirk at the corner of my mouth I gently drape an arm around his shoulders, tugging his body tight against mine. It felt too good to have him back in my arms, responding even a little to my touch. "He does seem to spend more time in the hospital wing than any of the other students combined, so I'd have to say yes."

Jowls trembling with rage the muggle in my bind spits, "That boy is mine."

Quirking a brow at him Albus steps around Potter's fallen form. "Actually Vernon, as of the moment he stepped onto the train for his next term, he is mine."

"The brat's my nephew! What right do you have to him?"

"Harry may be your nephew by blood Vernon, however, he is the savior for our world by deed." Blue eyes glinting darkly Albus steps close to the muggle, "And I will have it known that after observing these past few moments, I hereby renounce all claims I gave you sixteen years ago. Harry Potter is no longer of your concern, he belongs to the wizarding world now."

"Not mine?! I have done nothing to him that he hasn't deserved!"

Lifting my free hand to rub at my temple I frown, this muggle was a clinger. The only way we were going to get Potter away from him was to kidnap the boy. Frown deepening I hiss, "Since when did this all become a we?"

"Sev?" Confused gray eyes blinking at me. Salazar, I said that out loud.

Slight smile, "Don't worry Luc, just muttering to myself."

Flicking his wand at Potter Albus turns to regard Luc and I with a raised brow. "Well, we had best return to Hogwarts, Madame Pomfrey will be wanting to see both of her patients and you have classes to teach Severus."

He was right again, damned old man. Levitating Potter's body he nods, "I trust you can bring Lucius back without any difficulty?" Glancing at Luc's down turned head I nod. "Very good my boy, I shall see you in the hospital wing soon." Vanishing with a soft pop he takes Potter with him.

"I suppose I have to release the muggle, might get hit by Aurors if I don't. All that gibberish about revealing our world and such. Or maybe uncalled for cruelty to a Lesser being?" Twist of my wrist to release that disgusting pig. "Although I personally think it to be entirely just to leave him tied up like that, don't you Luc?" Sparing the pig a malice coated smile I apparate the two of us to the edges of Hogwarts. Mouth turning downwards at a stray thought I murmur, "How in the world did Potter apparate from within Hogwarts?"


If I have to dodge one more inquisitive Gryffindor I swear I shall send all the warnings to the depths of hell! Sev had warned me that the Gryffindors had an uncanny knack for popping up where you least expected them. They also seemed to gather knowledge of things they were not meant to know rather well he had growled. His last bits of advice before he left my corner of the hospital wing with Draco in tow, a bleak light in his eyes, left me slightly confused. He had managed to dredge a promise out of me, a promise that I would not leave Potter to his own devices; and that I was not to make Potter angry by mentioning Sirius Black.

Curious parting words, which leads me to my current seat by Potter's bedside. He had not woken yet, but for the past few minutes he had been twitching. I guess I felt I owed him some sort of thanks for bringing Albus, and Sev, to me. And for telling Draco; from what my son had been willing to tell me about their sudden truce, I felt it was right for him to be the one to break the news to my child.

Emerald eyes flying open the boy whimpers, "Let it alone you bastard, I've got him and you're not going to get your filthy claws in him anytime soon."

Coughing softly I quirk a sculpted brow at him, "Talking to yourself Potter?"

Raking fingers through his hair he rolls his eyes, "Bloody hell, stop sounding just like the two of them, only one of them has your blood."

"Two of them?"

"Snape and Mal-Draco, they both have said the same thing to me," curious look at my attire, "in the same tone."

Shrug and set my book down on a handy table. "Madame Pomfrey told me sternly that while I was in her care I would not be allowed to prance about like a dandy."

"Ah." He was laughing at me, albeit silently, but laughing none the less.

"Potter? I feel I owe you a lot of gratitude, not only for bringing Sev and Albus to 'rescue' me earlier - in a round about manner - but also for being the one to tell Draco. I don't think Sev or I could have done it, and Albus - well, you know his ways as well as I do I suppose."

Flash of bitter fury in those young-yet-old eyes, "I suppose I do."

He was drifting into a deep place, one far away from me and the present reality. Pomfrey had reinforced Sev's words, telling me that if he woke up, to keep him talking and not retreating until she could get someone here to talk to him. But what to ask to keep him talking? Ah, maybe I can figure out the Gryffindor secret for knowledge. "Say Potter? How is it that you Gryffindors always know more then you should?"


Blink slowly, dragging my mind away from the lilting song of blood, elder Malfoy's voice breaking the silence. The voice hadn't spoken to me since last night - hope it's alright, where ever and whatever it is. Question making me blink again I feel the beginnings of a smirk twitching on my lips.

So he thought that I would just spill the words right into his lap? Silly pureblood, you weren't counting on a side of Slytherin cunning along with that Gryffindor bravery were you? "Come now Lucius, do you really expect me to yap our trade secrets without a fight or a very tempting bribe?" Since when has he become Lucius and not Mr. Malfoy?

"Bribe? Not very Gryffindor of you Potter."

"Not all Gryffindor Lucius." Bloody hat.


"Nu-uh Lucius, no secrets for you unless you have something I want." He doesn't seem to be against my use of his first name. Odd.

Sputtering he reaches for my throat. "Why you little prat!"

Waving a finger in front of him I tut, "Now now, wouldn't want to bring Pomfrey down on you for disabling the recovery of one of her patients."

"Insufferable boy, too much like your father and his merry little band."

Catch a flash of fright in his gaze as my throat closes, a black hole inside me linking him with Siri's death. Close my eyes, breath speeding up I shake my head harshly. "Leave me alone Siri! Why do you still haunt me?" Eyes snapping open I fix them on the startled visage of Malfoy senior, "You helped kill him you bastard. You helped kill the last part of my family! My family!" I was screaming at him now, my voice a swiftly rising shriek. "I'll bloody kill you! All of you! All of you damned Death Eaters and your stupid minions. All of you are dead!"

Ducky! Calm down - pull yourself together!

Wrenching my mouth shut I leap from the bed, bare feet striking the cool stones with a painful slap. Have to bring myself back down from this rage. Prowling away from the white faced Malfoy I hug my biceps. He was Draco's father and the only family he had left save Snape - can't hurt him any more than He already has. Yes he had been part of the scheme that night at the Ministry, but I couldn't kill him for that.

Why not? He had helped kill Siri, even if it was indirectly. And he was a known Death Eater. After the Ministry fiasco he'd been imprisoned at Azkaban. Could I kill him for that alone?


Echoing the voice's reply with a negative shake of my head I tear my pajama shirt off, nails of my right hand ripping the fresh scabs off the marks on my left wrist. I had to straighten myself out. Couldn't kill Malfoy. Couldn't bring any sort of attention down on him either. Draco was in class. Snape was teaching. Dumbledore could just keep his nosy, twinkling eyes out of this. None of the Gryffindors would agree with me, they'd tell me to kill him.

It wasn't enough. I needed something stronger to free me.

Calling in one of my trusty razorblades I continue my pacing. Laying the blade on my skin I sneer and drag it deftly from the edge of my palm to the curve of my elbow. Vanishing the blade I stare at the sudden rush of red as the anger dissipates. Oh gods, I hit the vein.


Blood on the floor. Blond curls. Screams. Stars beginning to blossom behind my eyes. How could I hit the vein? Pressure of a pair of hands. Follow the slight direction of pressure back to the bed. Laughter bubbling hysterically from my mouth I flop back into the pillows. Gracing me with a Malfoy look Lucius swipes a damp clothe over the blood. Wrapping gauze and tape around my forearm he watches it for a few minutes before dropping back into his chair.

Eyes swimming with ghosts he mutters, "Don't do that Potter."

I was still laughing, laughter quickly turning into high-pitched giggles. Arms waving in the air I crow, "Why not Lucius? It's fun and it helps me feel." New injury burning a bit I flick my eyes down at it. The blood was seeping through the bandages and down to the point of my elbow. Mouth forming an 'o' I stare at the brilliant crimson streaks.

"Damn you Harry, don't be like Sev. He blames himself, in his own way, for the deaths of your parents. Says he shouldn't have let his hatred of James and S - get the better of him." Elegant hands gripping my shoulders he hauls me off the pillows.

Be like Sev? How could I be like Snape - unless! Gape at the walls, equilibrium shot with the fresh knowledge. Snape had cut when they were in school together. Does he still?

Settling himself behind me he curls his arms around my stomach, deftly undoing the tape and gauze. "I guess I blame myself too. I never really had anything against them, except for the teasing that hurt Sev, but still, if I hadn't been so wrapped up in His schemes for a better world I would not have stood by as He killed them both.

"As long as He kept my Draco and Narcissa safe from everything I was willing to follow Him into anything. I never really loved Narcissa, Sev was the one that mattered to me and she understood that, but she was the mother of my son. Before he was born I gave her a promise that I failed to keep yesterday. I promised her that the two of us would raise Draco as a family, that I would always protect her from harm - and I failed her."

Fingers rewinding the gauze and tape he rests his chin on the top of my head. "Draco wouldn't understand - "

"Harry!!??" Damn, or course it'd be Ron who was the first to sneak in. Catching Lucius' retreating hand I shake my head shortly.


My heart was pounding, those great shuddering kind. The kind that makes you think it's about to explode. Not ready for a confrontation. Calloused fingers tightening on my wrist Potter shakes his head as I go to retreat. No? But that blazing red hair belonged to one of his best friends, one Ronald Weasley if I'm not mistaken.

"Harry, what in blazes is wrong with you? First you turn around and are great chums with the ferret, then you wake up screaming and proceed to scramble for the dungeons, and now - now I come in to see you and find you practically sprawled in that Death Eater's lap! Have you lost your bloody mind Harry? Is that why you didn't answer any of our owls over the summer? Did his death affect you that much? Damn you, why won't you talk to 'Mione and I?"

Boiling out of my lap Potter hisses something at the Weasley in what sounds like Parseltongue. "Talk? Talk to you and 'Mione when all you see is each other? How does one talk to you? Is it like talking to a wall, because that's what it bloody well feels like! Every time I try to talk to you the both or you tell me I'm over reacting. That I'm making things seem worse than they are!

"You want to know why I woke up screaming last night? Because Voldemort, stop flinching, was torturing people! You know I feel the pain of those He tortures! He put the cruciatus curse on one man six times in rapid succession! Did you expect me, the brave Gryffindor, Boy Who Lived, to just let Him do that without doing something? For Salazar's sake Ron, I can't not help people!"

"But a Malfoy? Two Malfoys? They're evil Harry. Death Eaters and servants of You Know Who!"

Shoulders slumping Potter turns his back to the Weasley and staggers back to the bed. "Go back to class Ron," he mutters as he collapses into my lap carelessly. He looks so tired, desperate for any sort of comfort that will not judge him in giving it.

"Harry?" pitiful whisper from the redhead.

"Lucius? You don't mind staying with me do you?"

Dropping my eyes from the Weasley boy I pet the back of his head, "Of course not -"

Cutting me off the red head snarls, "Fine Harry, if you want to spend more time with nasty Slytherins then with your friends, go ahead."

Twisting to glare at his friend Potter hisses, "Go. Back. To. Class. Ron."

"I'll go, but what would Sirius say about seeing you more willing to talk to a Slytherin then a Gryffindor?"

Bitter laughter barking out in the sudden silence Potter purrs, "He wouldn't say anything Ron, he's dead in case you forgot that little piece of information. Lestrange killed him, remember? In the Ministry? Yes?"

Palms up to fend off anymore words, the Weasley boy backs away from Potter. Eyes wide he whirls and flees from the wing. Shuddering Potter droops forward. "Potter? Are you unwell? Should I call Madame Pomfrey?"

Voice soft Potter shakes his head, "No, just tired that's all. Infernally tired of it all. Of the Boy Who Lived tripe, Vol-Him, Dumbledore, all of it. You know what I've always wanted?" Shifting into a more comfortable sprawl in my lap he sighs, "A real family, someone to pat me on the back when I did something right and good. A father who was proud to be there for me, ever when I did things badly. A mother to coddle me. Maybe a sibling to argue with over stupid things. A godfather like Draco's got. That's all I've ever wanted. Not this fame. Just a family - the one thing I'll never get to have."

Arms snaking around Potter's shoulders I pull him close. If I had been told a couple days ago that I would have Potter literally fall into my lap and that, instead of cursing him into oblivion, I would feel sorry for the boy I would have hexed them into St. Mungo's. Yet, here I was, arms around Potter, singing softly in an offer of some comfort to the Boy Who Lived.


"Honestly Luc, letting him fall asleep on you." Lips twitching I quirk a brow at the blonde's resigned face.

"I wasn't aware that he had fallen asleep until you told me."

Pulling my hair back with a black ribbon I smirk, "And you were singing to him this entire time?"

"Yes - he seemed so lost, and don't dare give me that sneer of yours Sev."

Rising from my chair I settle down by Potter's knees, reaching a hand out to brush Luc's jaw. "I would never dream of doing such a thing. I was there when that pig of a muggle sent his nephew on an impromptu flying lesson. And - I hate to admit this, but I had Potter threaten me at wand point for insulting his godfather's memory. Luc, he isn't stable. Hasn't been since that night at the Ministry."

Carding pale fingers through Potter's unruly mass of hair he nods, a flicker of sorrow entering his eyes. "I know, I had the 'honor' of having that fact shoved down my throat earlier today. Do you know what he did Sev? What he has been doing - to feel?"

Memories flaring behind my closed eyelids I nod mutely.


The steady growth of red along his arms was calming. Just watching that color force its way out of his pale skin made it feel right. Luc is going to kill me if he finds out - but to feel, to feel real and not like some ghost was worth the impending tongue lashing. Swiping fingers through the crimson I blink as strong arms twine around my hips. Damn, he was here, he knew. Tears were threatening at the corners of his eyes, gods don't let him hate me or leave me.

"Sev, come to bed so I can wrap you up," he sounded so dead, so horribly empty. Does he hate me already? Has he always hated me? "Sev, love, let me get some bandages on your arms. We need to talk and having you pass out from blood loss will not be helpful."


Manhandling me into his bed he growls at me as he pulls me into his lap. "Yes, talk my depressed lover."

"You don't - aren't going to leave me?"

Pausing in his bandaging he meets my eyes, "Never consider that to be an option Severus Snape, you hear? Never."


Leaning close Luc whispers, "I meant it then, and I mean it now - no matter what you said all those years ago." Closing the distance between us I brush my lips over his. Gods how I'd missed simply being able to kiss him. Groaning from his position in Luc's lap Potter begins to wake. Smile quivering Luc tries to smooth Potter's hair down.

"It's not going to work Father, his hair defies any laws to stand out like that," Draco quips as he strides across the floor. Joining the three of us on the bed with a smirk he croons, "Hey Wonder Boy, rise and shine."

Emerald gaze blinking us into focus he stares at us in shock, "What are all of you doing here?"

Finger prodding his shoulder Luc gives him a look. "Well, you fell asleep in my lap so I was and am stuck, Sev came in to tease me over letting you fall asleep in my lap, and Draco just joined us to, I presume, do the same thing that Sev's been doing for the past ten minutes."

Making a face Draco holds up his hands, "Some of what Sev's been doing Father, some of what Sev's been doing. I don't much care to do what he was doing when I walked into the hospital wing."

Jaw dropping Luc stares at his son as I flush. "You little prat -"

Snicker coming from Potter I twist my glare to include him as well. "Were they doing what I assume they were doing Drake?"

"If by assuming you mean relearning the finer points of snogging, yes."

"We were not snogging!" Luc snarls.

Dissolving into snickers the two boys share a look. "Oh Lucius, I have missed you sooooo much these past years."

"Severus, let me make it up to you with my tongue."


"Mmmmmm, still the way I like you."

Cheeks a brilliant cherry red and burning with my embarrassment I lock eyes with Luc. The corner of his right eye was twitching as the boys continued their badly done rendition of us. Grabbing Draco by the shoulders I shove him none to gently into Potter's lap face first. Sneer threatening to break his scowl Luc begins to tickle Potter, jaw dropping as he discovers the boy to be highly ticklish.