Chapter 1: Webs of Silver

The beautiful revolution. Nivita stared out onto the bustling town center and breathed a sigh of relief. In this world of outcasts and demons, Nivita was lucky to be a half-breed. She had watched the downfall of the Nobility, the once proud and prosperous race, as the Humans revolted against the deep rooted fear of the creatures. Although the town she now stood in was made by older settlers and not the newer ones, the ones made by men after the Cleansing Wars, she always thought back on the earlier times with bitterness.

But here was a new town, with a new life blooming before her. Briefly, Nivita wondered how long she could make it last here. In the last village, she had only lasted a few weeks before she was found out. Here, in the town of Malhan, she was a smith, working with all kinds of materials. She was exceptionally adept as a goldsmith since her last master was a jeweler.

"Excuse me ma'am." A voice startled Nivita out of her daydream. She stood from her workbench and began to take of her thick leather gloves. A boy of ten stood next to the cold anvil, Nivita's hammer resting against it. The boy had soft, creamy skin that was supple and flawless. Under thick, brown bangs, two watery blue eyes stared up at Nivita. The youth was used to the taller than average woman but still treated her as a newcomer.

"What is it Yuki?" Nivita asked, walking over to the boy. The youth looked up at the woman and studied her green eyes. Those eyes seemed too perfect to him, like they weren't real.

"Is there something on my face?" Nivita questioned playfully and swiped at her own face. Yuki's face broke into a smile and his relaxed.

"Mother wants to know if her necklace has been fixed." Yuki replied. Nivita nodded and reached into the front pocket of her worn apron. She fished out the thinly wrought chain and let the medallion dangle in front of Yuki. The boy cupped the heavy piece of gold and Nivita let the chain drop into his hand.

"Now get this straight to your mum. Don't let your Da get it or I'll have to make her a new one okay?" Nivita instructed. The boy, wondering how much she knew, nodded before turning to exit. Since the whole side wall of Nivita's shop was gone, with the small wooden awning supported by a few posts, she watched the boy eye the throng of people. It also let in the smells and noise of the street but also the dust and rain; still, it was worth it if Nivita could watch.

"Goodbye Ms. Smith." Yuki said as he rushed off into the dusty road. Clouds of red rose up in his footprints but they quickly settled. Nivita shook her head and sat back down at her workbench. Smith was a common name given to all poor smithies that didn't have a surname. There had been a time when Nivita had had a real name and surname, one that brought more honor than the local lord here. But that was before the revolutions, before she had been bought and sold. Nivita looked down at the silver wrist bands she wore. They had been treated so she could wear them without damaging her skin, but they were still bond symbols and told all of the townspeople that she was a slave. However, against tradition, Nivita still had her fangs and kept her brown hair long.

For awhile, Nivita tinkered with a few silver pieces, making sure to keep her gloves on. She worked delicately as her fingers were thick and stiff in the leather and the chain was dainty. Finally getting fed up, Nivita ripped off her gloves and hunched over the piece. She felt the silver burn her flesh but she worked deftly with her tools. Finally, she laid down the finished piece and put her finger over the diamond drop. A pinprick of blood dripped onto it and Nivita pulled back her hands in horror. She licked her fingers hurriedly before pulling out a soft rag. She wiped the diamond and clutched the rag in her hands. Her fingers burned and Nivita's skin prickled at the sensation. Still, she was more worried about the result of her blood on the diamond drop. She watched the red smear seep into the diamond and gave it a pinkish hue.

"Of for the love of…" Nitvia sighed and rubbed her face. The lady who wanted the necklace was one who would go into conniptions if something was wrong with her jewelry. Nitvia peeked through her fingers, down at the diamond, and sighed heavily.

Standing, Nitvia felt a stiffness in her fingers and knees. She stretched lightly and looked around her shop. She had had only a trickle of patrons during the early morning, and now that it was coming to the hottest part of the day, her customers would take a severe cut in numbers. With one last look to the pathway outside, Nitvia walked to the door that lead to her home. The wood was old and scarred but Nitvia liked the fact that it was hers. She had pieced the wood together and put it on the house that she had built with the other villagers.

Pushing past the door, Nitvia was greeted by a rush of cold air. Sweat gelled on her body, making her clothes stick and salt collect in the corner of her eyes. She closed the door quickly as she felt the air swirl around her ankles in a mad rush to try and escape the house. Nitvia relaxed as she continued to walk down the little hallway to her kitchen. She paused in the doorway and felt another rush as a black form spread out from her feet. She collected her energy and pulled the edges of the stain into a shape.

"What do you want." Nitvia demanded sternly. Her voice strained as she turned around. Her shadow crept up her body and perched on her shoulder, one claw digging into her shirt.

"Are you the one they call Spider?" A man asked as he walked around the corner. The shadow took on a rounder shape, with a small head like appendage on top. The head turned and eyed the man with void eyes.

"Who wants to know?" Nitvia questioned, crossing her arms over her chest. The man didn't waver but Nitvia knew he was cracking.

"My boss wants to hire you to kill a Vampire Hunter named D." The man said quickly. Nitvia nodded and her shadow fluttered bony, black wings.

"I know of this man." Nitvia murmured. She had heard of the dhampir, she had learned everything she could with all considering.

"Five million up front for the job. Five more when you bring back his pendant." The man heaved out in one breath. Nitvia smiled coldly and glanced over at her shadow.

"I'm going to tell you how this goes." Nitvia started and her shadow melted onto her shoulder, pouring down her arm to make a second skin. "You come at night since I have another job. Also, I don't meet with minions, I meet with the boss. Finally, I am bigger than you, you will address me with respect." While she was speaking, her shadow spread to cover her entire body. Now Nitvia grew in size and her jaws jutted out in sharp angels. Her hands became large claws and she snatched the man, cutting into his arms.

"How am I to get him?" Nitvia asked. Her voice tore through a red slice in her face and came out in a guttural roar. The man flinched but he came back with a smile.

"A half shadow demon." He muttered. "My boss has called for his assistance. The Hunter will be here in four days." Nitvia released the man and he stumbled backward.

"Get out." She hissed. The man bowed and backed out quickly, using the back door he had entered through. Nitvia sighed and felt her shadow recede.

"A new job. New blood." A great maw in the shadow opened and faced Nitvia. The woman shrugged and pushed the shadow down.

"Shut it Luci." Nitvia huffed and walked into the kitchen. "I was just trying to get a simple glass of water.