Chapter 9 – Last Chapter

Where did Ruka go, Mikan was terribly worried about him


Huh? That sounds like Ruka…

She ran to the direction of the voice and saw Ruka chasing after Hotaru.


Ruka stopped when he heard the Mikan's voice.


"Ruka… I… I'm sorry.", Mikan said in a soft voice. "I… w-we didn't mean to hurt you. It's just that… It's just that…"

"It's okay, Mikan. I understand.", Ruka said. "I won't deny that I was hurt when you chose Natsume over me, but I can't control your feelings."

"We can't control it either. It just happened."

Ruka and Mikan turned at the sound of the voice.


"Natsume you idiot, what do you think you're doing? You're not yet healed!", Mikan rushed to his side to aid him.

"Stop treating me like an invalid, Polkadots!"

"Stop calling me that, Pervert! And you should not have left your room!"

"Are you blind? I can already walk, idiot!"

Ruka couldn't help but be amused. What a way to display their affections!

"Ahem… Stop that you two.", he said to them.

Natsume turned and looked at him. Ruka also returned his gaze.

Then he smiled at Natsume.

Natsume nodded back.

No words were spoken, but both had made a silent truce.

They both gambled on love, but only one won.

Despite everything, their friendship will not change.

Mikan took hold of Natsume's hand in her right, and offered her left hand to Ruka.

Ruka accepted it and heard Mikan said something.

"Thanks, Ruka."

"You're welcome, Mikan."

Ruka and Hotaru were walking together when they heard a group of students gossiping, looking at the direction of Mikan and Natsume.

"Are they really a couple?" one of the female students asked her companion in a soft voice.

"I've heard that they are but they don't look like it" the other girl whispered.

Ruka chuckled and said to Hotaru, "Yeah, that's their unique way of showing their love to each other."

Hotaru just rolled her eyes and said, "Told you they become idiots when they're together."

Ruka laughed.

On the other hand…

Mikan groaned. That stupid Natsume really doesn't know how to show his feelings in public. He said he loves her but he seems to be showing the opposite to other people.

"What?" Natsume asked in his annoyed voice.

"Am I your girlfriend or what? You're supposed to be sweet towards me but you still call me those annoying names and tease me mercilessly", Mikan snapped.

Natsume pulled her to somewhere private, then gave her a long kiss on the lips.

"There. That proves you're my girlfriend", he said smugly.

"You moron! That's just a kiss. That doesn't prove anything!" she fired back.

"Really, little girl. I'm not in the habit of kissing girls I don't like. And I kiss only my girlfriend. Got it?" He leaned forward so that his forehead touches hers. "Besides, you already know how I feel about you.", he whispered.

He took hold of her hand then stared at the silver and golden charm bracelet on her wrist. He rubbed with his fingers the heart charms that bear their names.

A slow smile formed on his face, the rare smile that he only shows to his loved ones. He let go of her hand and walked ahead, then stopped.

"Move faster Polkadots."

Mikan just sighed as she tried to catch up to him. Damn him! He'll never change that arrogant attitude of his.

Suddenly, she felt his hands reaching to hers. She looked at their linked hands, then at his face. No emotion, the same old Natsume. But she felt his hold tighten, then he turned his head and winked at her.

She just shook her head and smiled. But he did change. He learned to love and trust other people. And he had fallen in love with me, right? Satisfied with the thought, she returned the grip. They walked together holding each other's hands.

Let people talk of what they see. They could care less. What's important is that they are assured of their love for each other. And that's that.

Mikan x Natsume forever:-)

- END -

Yehey! (jumps up and down) Wheww! I finally finished my first fan fiction! I was actually able to finish a story! Hahaha! Was the ending okay? Too mushy or what? Please review so I can get some tips on how to end my other fan fic.:-) Hope you all enjoyed reading my fan fiction. :-)

Special thanks to all those who had reviewed this fic! Mwaahhhh to you all:-)